Dear TCGIS community-
Today TCGIS held the lottery for next year's incoming students. We had more students than ever before apply to TCGIS. Welcome to the new parents and guardians that are receiving their very first Elternbrief!
Article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Monday, February 11, 2012
Mila Koumpilova wrote a wonderful article about the school with pictures from our Carnival of Cultures event. Please read more here.
POSTPONED, TCGIS Como site meeting NOW Wednesday, March 13, 6:30-8:30
The design committee has been meeting weekly to work with the architect on updated plans to present to the TCGIS community based on member feedback. To allow complete consideration of various stakeholders, the meeting for Feb. 20 is cancelled. The new date is Wednesday, March 13, 2012 from 6:30-8:30pm. Not only will TCGIS be updated on the new site plans, but TCGIS will also present the "State of the School". Please mark your calendars!
Visit from Harald Leibrecht, the German Coordinator for Transatlantic Relations
TCGIS administration, teachers and stakeholders met with Herr Leibrecht to discuss the development of our school and potential future support the German state might offer the school. We look forward to expanding our relationships with Germany to promote German language and culture throughout Minnesota and the United States.
Immersion Day at the Capitol, February 19, 2013
Mitch Gale (5b), William Blackwell-Kinney (5b), Eva Riautschnig (8) and Emily Schoonover (8) will present Tuesday at the State Capitol as part of MAIN's Immersion Day. Legislators will see presentations in German (and English) on German culture, song and religion.
The school is changing the MCA reading, math and science exams to later in the spring. The change is happening due to the many field trips and spring break scheduled in March. TCGIS wants to make the most of school days prior to the MCA tests so students have the greatest chance for success.
Reading tests grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be the week of April 22-26
Math tests grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be the week of April 29-May 3
Science tests grades 5 and 8 ONLY will be the week of May 6-10
Wednesday, February 20-EARLY RELEASE! (Pick up at 12:45)***
Wednesday, March 13, 6:30-8:30pm-TCGIS facility update and "State of the School"
Thursday, March 14, 400-7:00pm-Spring Conference
Friday, March 15, 8:10-3:20pm-Spring Conferences
***Please remember, late pick up results in a $50 late fee.
Vielen Dank!
Ann Jurewicz