
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

November 29, 2012

In this Issue
:: Upcoming Events
:: Wear Purple for Frau Zachmeier-Ruh
:: Strudel Sale
:: After School Instructors Needed
:: 1A Coat Collection Drive
:: Host Families for Interns
:: String Classes available soon
:: Maskenball Update
:: Performing Arts Update
:: Chinook Books
:: Kaffeeklatsch
Upcoming Events

30- Kaffeeklatsch 8:00am


02- GAI Holiday Open Haus & Nikolaustag Celebration
04- PTO Meeting 6:30-8:00pm
12- Registration opens for Session 2 After-school Activities
14- Session 1 After-school Activities end
14- Kaffeeklatsch 8:00am
19- Early Release 12:45 pm
20- School Board Meeting 6:30-9:00 pm
12/24-1/4 No school, Winter Break
TCGIS Families,
As many of you know, Marcy Zachmeier-Ruh, the co-founder of the Twin Cities German Immersion School, has been ill with cancer for some time now. Recently, her health has taken a severe turn for the worse. Messages of support can be sent via Marcy's CaringBridge website:  

The TCGIS is a living and growing tribute to the enormous energy, care and vision that Marcy brought to making her dream of a German immersion school a reality. As co-founder and Director of Curriculum, she was the lifeblood of the school in its crucial formative years. All of us who entered into this marvelous and nail-biting adventure from the beginning in 2005 with less than 40 students remember Marcy's boundless enthusiasm and ambitious vision. It is no exaggeration to say that without Marcy there would be no TCGIS.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Marcy and her family.

Wear Purple for Frau Zachmeier-Ruh
Friday, November 30th

TCGIS has been greatly impacted by our friend and co-founder Marcy Zachmeier-Ruh. Tomorrow,  in appreciation and recognition of Frau Zachmeier-Ruh, we are asking students and faculty to wear purple.
The middle school students will be having an assembly tomorrow morning to share their thoughts about Frau Zachmeier-Ruh and her impact on the school, which will be video recorded and delivered to Frau Zachmeier-Ruh and her family.
Facilities Update

The facilities committee would like to inform everyone that we will soon have a solid decision on what our location will be for next year. We look forward to sending out a formal notice to all families soon. Again please see these attachments for more information on the sites we are reviewing. Thank you.
It's Strudel Time Again!

Order your strudel by December 5th


The TCGIS PTO will offer Ruhland's Strudel for the holidays. Order forms are available at the front desk and here. Choose from six sweet strudels and six savory strudels. Place your order by Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 5. Strudel will be available for pick-up at TCGIS on Thursday, Dec. 20, between 3:00 and 5:30 pm. Please contact Marilee Tuite at [email protected] with any questions. 
After School Instructors Needed!
Session Two Begins January 14th!

The second session of after school activities will be starting soon. If you are interested in teaching a class, please fill out the attached form and hand it into the office. If you have any questions or would like ideas for classes, contact Molly at [email protected].
Lost and Found Notice

Please check your children's lockers for items that may have been misplaced there. Anything you have accidentally acquired so far this year should be turned in to the lost and found.The lost and found items that have been circulating for the past few weeks will be donated tomorrow, November 30th. Please check one last time for your lost items.

St.Martin's Day Coat Collection


Inspired by the story of St.Martin the students of 1A had a conversation about giving. We started collecting gently used children's jackets, snow pants, hats and gloves. Before delivering  them to Joseph's Coat we invite the wider TCGIS community to join us in this coat drive. Drop off is at 1A classroom. We will deliver our donations by December 11.  

Thank you for your generosity,


Regina Brenner  

Teacher 1A

Host families for Interns 

The Amity Intern Committee is (always) looking for new host families for our still growing population of interns. We are hosting 16 interns per Semester this year! 
There might be a need for more host families for the interns that will arrive mid-January. Also we need to know how many interns we will be able to accommodate in the next school year. Therefore it would be very helpful to hear from any family that is thinking of hosting in the Fall of 2013 and in the future!
For more information please contact Darcy Rindelaub ([email protected]) or Nicole Grenz ([email protected]).

String Classes
Introductory Concert Friday, Dec. 14

The Saint Paul Conservatory of Music will be initiating a string instruction program at TCGIS in January 2013! To introduce themselves to our community, conservatory students and faculty will present concerts at the school on Friday, December 14th at 8:30am and 9:30am. Please feel free to visit the SPCM website for more information about conservatory programs.


More details to follow!

Not all the fun must end with the Holidays! Just think Maskenball 2013 on February 23rd, and our totally awesome '80s theme! Dig out the scrunchies and the shoulder pads, rock the casbah, do the Safety Dance, or just hang out with your school friends, with or without costumes. Enjoy high school party snacks, drinks, and live music from the real-deal, Ol' Yeller, all night long! Thinking about volunteering? Maskenball is our biggest community gathering and fundraiser of the year, and we need your help to make this event as fun and successful as it can be. There are many different tasks, big and small, before or at the time of the event-we've got something for everybody! If you're interested in helping or have any other questions, call or email: 
Kami Blackwell-Kinney (651) 494-2086
Performing Arts Update
Puppet shows, Carnival of Cultures and More!

Please click here for more information about what's going on in your child's Performing Arts classroom.
Get Your Chinook Book and Save While Supporting TCGIS

Don't forget to pick up your 2013 Chinook Book or the new Chinook Mobile Pack for your smart phone. You'll save on all kinds of essentials, activities and entertainment around town -- perfect for making the upcoming holiday shopping season a little more cost-effective.

Best of all, we keep 50% of the proceeds to support our school. Available at the TCGIS front office, books are $20 and the easy-to-use mobile packs are just $14. Questions? Contact Kate Olson  at [email protected].
Kaffeeklatsch this Friday! 
Our next Kaffeeklatsch is this Friday, November 29th! We usually start serving coffee by 8:05am in the Front Lobby entrance. A suggested donation for a cup of coffee is $1.00 if you bring your own cup, or $1.25 if we provide you with a cup. We are also serving tea! Now also selling Coffee Cards for your convenience: $8 (with cup), $10 (w/o cup)!! No more searching for dollar bills necessary!

Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as-needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.