Friday, October 26!
Our next Kaffeeklatsch is Friday, October 26th! We usually start serving coffee by 8:05 am. A cup of coffee is $1.00 if you bring your own cup, or $1.25 if we provide you with a cup. We are also serving tea! Now also selling Coffee Cards for your convenience: $8 (with cup), $10 (w/o cup)!! No more searching for dollar bills necessary!
PTO Craft and Bake Sale
Just around the corner!
TCGIS PTO is looking for handmade craft donations for our 4th Annual Community Craft and Bake Sale. The salle will be on Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th at the school. We are excepting all types of crafts, canned goods, and kids crafts. Bakers are also needed.
Information on how to donate and/or volunteer will be coming soon! If you have questions, contact Heidi Zimmermann at hzimmermann22@yahoo.com. |
ZfA Sponsored Presentation Project
German Today
The Zentralstelle fuer Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA), one of the German governmental departments that sponsors TCGIS, is providing us with the opportunity for students to participate in a presentation contest created for German schools in America. The topic of the presentation is: Deutschland Heute (German Today).
Students in grades 5-8 will develop a topic and presentation, and present their findings first to their class, then to a formal jury.
This experience will prepare students for the official A2 and DSDI exams, which occur in the Spring, and indicate students' German language proficiency.
This is an exciting opportunity for our school community and our students. All interested members of the public are invited to attend the final contest on Friday, December 14.
2012 TCGIS Board Special Election
Friday, November 16th
We are happy to announce that we have six candidates running for the two openings we currently have on the TCGIS Board. As a reminder, we have two openings for terms that began June 2012 and will run through June 2015. We are holding a special election to fill these openings.
The candidates are:
Kevin O'Malley, Interested Community Member
Hunter Goetzman, TCGIS 4th Grade Teacher
Michelle Wallace, TCGIS English Teacher
Liane Gale, Parent Community Member
John Holmlund, Parent Community Member
Jennifer Buck, Parent Community Member
Please read through the candidates' statements on the TCGIS website. TCGIS voters will be able to cast their votes on the election day: Friday November 16th. All parents or legal guardians and staff members are eligible to vote in the election.
On November 16th, the ballot box will be open at the school during the following times:
At drop off - 7:45am to 9:00am
At pick up - 2:30pm - 5:30pm (coinciding with the PTO Craft and Bake Sale)
Won't be here on election day or can't make it to the school while the ballot box is open? No problem. You can go to the TCGIS website and print and fill out a proxy form. The proxy form allows you to authorize somebody else to cast your ballot for you. Your proxy must bring the completed form to the ballot box to be able to cast a ballot for you. Ballots will be available soon on the TCGIS website or at the school. Ballots will also be available on voting day.
If you are unsure whether you are an eligible voter or not, please check with the front office at the school where they have a list ( info@tcgis.org or 651-492-7106).
If you have questions about the use of the proxy form or the election in general, you can contact Governance Committee Chair Kimberly Koempel at kkompel@tcgis.org or 651-414-0304.
Elternkontakts Needed for Classrooms
 The Classroom Support Committee is setting up Elternkontakts for all classes. Elternkontakts are parent volunteers who help out with special classroom activities, field trips, and other events. Field trips are beginning, and it's important that each teacher have parents to count on for communication and organization of events; plus, it's a lot of fun! If you'd like to be an EK, please ask your child's teacher if there is a need or contact Cindy Miller at cynmillbea@hotmail.com |
Kinderclub Extended Care
November Scheduling
TCGIS Familes-
As November is approaching I am looking ahead at extended care dates. Kinderclub will be offering full-day care on the following November dates from 8am-6pm:
Friday, November 2nd - conferences - no school in session
Wednesday, November 21st - Thanksgiving break (Wednesday only, NO Kinderclub on Thu/Fri in observance of Thanksgiving holiday)
Monday, November 26th - Teacher Workshop - no school in session
Please follow the link in order to sign up your children. http://www.doodle.com/uqsyy5ud37phnpqq. The deadline for each date listed is a week prior to attendance. The cost per student is $37.00/day. Please finalize your family's plans prior to signing up as you are entering a valid payment agreement by reserving a spot for your child (as outlined in our KC family handbook). Payment is due prior to attendance and will be billed separately. Other families could potentially be turned away due to lack of space in order for Kinderclub to comply with our student teacher ratio. Last minute drop-in requests will be handled on a space-only basis. Thank you, and enjoy the gorgeous fall colors!!
-Babette Larimer
Five Course Wine Tasting Dinner
GAI fundraiser
Who: Germanic - American Institute
What: 5 Course Wine Tasting Dinner
Where: 301 Summit Avenue, St. Paul
When: October 27, 2012 at 6:00pm
Price: $65 for members, $75 for others
Join us October 27th for the Five-Course Winetasting Dinner, a gala-style fundraiser to support the GAI's mission of German language and Germanic culture education.
The GAI's very own Director of Event Services, Dr. Katrin Erdmann, returns to prepare an exquisite menu featuring a beef filet in red wine reduction butter and a plum trilogy dessert. Guests will learn about and taste five different wines accompanying each course.
Live piano music provided by Herbert Engelmayer will round off the entertainment of the evening.
Tables can be reserved for six or more guests. Prepaid reservations are required and can be made online at www.gai-mn.org or via check or credit card.
Second Grade Mother/Daughter
Book Club

A new mother/daughter book club for families of 2nd grade girls is starting up. We will meet once a month or once every other month, depending on the length of the book and time of the year. The book club will rotate homes each month and the the hosts (mother/daughter pair) pick the book and provide refreshments, or plan a field trip, around the theme of the book. At the end of each meeting the next host will present the next book. Books can be read aloud books, or as the kids get older, books that are read independently. Books could be chapter books, or even a favorite picture book that the kids would like to talk about.
Join us for the first book club meeting on Sunday Nov 18, 1-3pm at Katrina Holbrook's house. We will be discussing the book Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink. This is a longer book, in a short time, so read as much as you can before the 1st meeting.
Any Questions, Please contact Gretchen Barsch gbarsch934@yahoo.com
Tour Guides Needed Get to know new TCGIS families

TCGIS needs your help in providing tours to prospective new families interested in enrolling their children in TCGIS. Tour guides are needed on Friday mornings starting at 8:15am. Tours start at 8:30. For more info, please contact the school at info@tcgis.org. |
October Art News
Festivals, Galleries and more
I want to take a moment to introduce you to Artsonia. Artsonia is a free student online art gallery, an exciting way to see and share your child's artwork with friends and family all over the world. As parents, you either received last year or will receive this year an email inviting you to register with the website, after which you can be notified when your student has new work available to be viewed. You can leave comments encouraging your child and also purchase coffee mugs and other gift items with their artwork on it. In addition, 20% of every purchase is given back to the art program at TCGIS to buy more art supplies!
You can view the TCGIS gallery from last year by going to www.artsonia.com and search for Twin Cities German Immersion School. In the next few weeks I hope to start uploading some of the wonderful artwork that has already been completed this year. I hope that you enjoy the gallery- I think it is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see their work "published!"
Please click here for a detailed description of my class plans for October. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns about art class.
- Frau Lenburg
Performing Art News
St. Martin's Day and more!
We are very excited about the upcoming St. Martin's Day Celebrations both here at the school and at the Landmark Center! Please click here for more information about the history of this holiday and how we celebrate it at TCGIS.
Lost and Found
TCGIS parents: Please stop by the office to check and see whether your child has any unclaimed items in the lost and found. We have several overflowing bins. Items include coats, hats, gloves, sports equipment, lunch items including cooling packs and much much more! To prevent your child's items from winding up in the lost and found, please label items that your children take to school. |