Elternbrief |
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families October 4, 2012 | |
A Letter from the Director
Dear TCGIS parents-
It has been a real pleasure to officially join TCGIS this week and participate in some exciting developments happening at our school.
Facilities Committee
Monday evening, I met with the facilities committee for the first time and was highly impressed with the work the team and the architect have made to this point. We are working together to arrange a staff "field trip" to one of the prospective sites where teachers will give their professional feedback on the building and grounds, as well as give input on what the site needs for our unique educational programming. Consider it a Wandertag for staff with Kafe und Kuchen to boot!
Tuesday night, I had the chance to meet many parents at the PTO monthly meeting and get a better understanding of the tremendous contributions of this group. I encourage all parents to consider getting involved! I have already been recruited to be a judge at the Auflauf (potluck/cook off) Friday evening, October 12th from 6-8pm. It will be a great way to connect and fill your belly at the same time-lecker!
School Board
I will participate in my first School Board meeting tonight, reviewing the school vision, marketing strategy and school infrastructure. We have high expectations of ourselves to develop an ongoing school improvement plan for the future and I am eager to bring my talents and skills to this work.
Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
Herr Hunter Goetzmann brought to my attention that October is Bullying Prevention Awareness month. We will be addressing this issue in our school and I encourage all parents to discuss the topic of bullying with children at home so we can create a safer, more peaceful world. There are many great resources on the web if you search for "anti-bullying", such as http://www.stopbullying.gov/.
Morning Greeting and Classroom Visits
It has been truly wonderful getting to know so many of you as I stand to greet children coming into the building. Please forgive me if I ask you to tell me your name more than once! It is my goal to know all children and parents in the school by the end of the year. With that in mind, I hope to make extended visits to all classrooms to have a chance to talk with students. This week, I was interviewed by Frau Grimm's second grade class, sat in the circle with Frau Schulz's kindergarteners, and made a brief visit to Frau Groth's fifth grade class. We truly have fantastic students at TCGIS and I feel so lucky to be here.
Ann Jurewicz
Upcoming Events
12- Kaffeeklatsch 8:00 am
12- Auflauf Cook-Off 6:00 pm 17- Early Release Day 12:45 pm 18- Teacher Work Day (No School) 19- Teacher Work Day (No School)
25- Vision and Hearing Screening
25- School Board Meeting 6:30-9:00 pm
Plastic two liter bottles needed
For science classes!
 Susan Kocher needs clear plastic 2 liter bottles for science experiments with kids in all age ranges. Please donate only those bottles that have been emptied and cleaned. |
Food Server Needed
Starting ASAP
 TCGIS is in need of a part-time food server for the lunch program. Training will be provided. Duties include helping to receive and inventory catered lunch items, preparing and serving lunch trays and cleaning of the kitchen area after lunch service. This is a minimum-wage paying position. The workday is from 10:30 am-1:30 pm Monday-Friday, on days that school is in session. The end date for the position is June 6th. If anyone is interested, please contact Sarah Bailey at sbailey@tcgis.org or (651) 492-7106. |
Want to help shape the future of TCGIS?
We currently have two openings on the TCGIS Board and we are looking for people with passion for our school and the desire to help implement our strategic plan. Please consider filling out an application to join the Board. They are available at the front desk or on our website. We have extended the deadline to next Friday October 12th. If we get more than two applicants, we will hold an election. If we get less three applications, the Board will hold interviews and appoint qualified applicants. |
Elternkontakts Needed for Classrooms
 The Classroom Support Committee is setting up Elternkontakts for all classes. Elternkontakts are parent volunteers who help out with special classroom activities, field trips, and other events. Field trips are beginning, and it's important that each teacher have parents to count on for communication and organization of events; plus, it's a lot of fun! If you'd like to be an EK, please ask your child's teacher if there is a need or contact Committee Chair Cindy Miller at cynmillbea@hotmail.com.
TCGIS Auflauf Cook-off and Community
Dinner - Tickets on Sale Now! Friday, October 12th 6pm-8pm

Get out the casserole dishes! It's time to compete in the 4th Annual Auflauf Cook-Off. The dish to beat is Kordula Coleman's Gedeckte Koenigsberger Klopse, which won top honors by both our judges and attendees last year.
Our celebrity judges will choose winners in three categories: German Traditional, American Traditional, and the Rest of the World. Once the judging gets going, we will all join in a community dinner. Don't forget to take notes and vote for your favorite in the People's Choice.
There will also be a "Non-Judgmental" Dessert Buffet and a Kids' Buffet- for those who enjoy cooking but not the competition. Feed your kids right away at 6:00, if you'd like, and then send them off to play in the Adventure Zone play area while you eat and visit with other guests.
Wanted: Competitors!
It's not a cook-off without some healthy competition. (And, we can't feed 200 people without more Auflauf!) Cook-off participants receive a reduced ticket price.
Click here to learn everything you need to know about the Auflauf Cook-off.
To enter, select "competition entry fee" when you register for tickets. Provide what information you can about the Auflauf you will cook. The Cook-off will be at the Salvation Army Community Center at
2727 Central Avenue NE, Minneapolis.
Volunteers needed! There are many ways to get
involved with the Auflauf Cook-off, so please check-out VolunteerSpot to sign-up to volunteer!
Kinderclub Extended Care
For October Teacher Workdays
Kinderclub will be offering care on Thursday and Friday October 18th and 19th, from 8am-6pm (please inquire if you need early extended care starting at 6:30am - subject to minimum enrollment) during MEA Days. Sign up is required via electronic doodle link http://www.doodle.com/38pgtdkvru5snv97.
It is very important that parents sign up by the October 10th deadline, in order for Kinderclub to staff accordingly! The fee for school release days is $37.00/per child.
Please note: By signing up you are reserving a spot for your child and are therefore entering into a valid payment agreement as outlined in our Kinderclub Family Handbook. Other students could therefore potentially be turned away due to space and student /teacher ratios. Payment is due at the time of service.
Please contact Babett Larimer with any questions at blarimer@gai-mn.org.
Tour Guides Needed Get to know new TCGIS families

TCGIS needs your help in providing tours to prospective new families interested in enrolling their children in TCGIS. Tour guides are needed on Thursday mornings starting at 8:00am. Tours start at 8:15. For more info, please contact Sarah Bailey at sbailey@tcgis.org. |
October 12!
At Kaffeeklatsch, the PTO sells coffee to the community with proceeds going back to support our teachers in the classroom in form of supplies, special project requests etc. This event is also a good occasion to get to know other parents of the school community. If you don't have time to stay for a while, you can be on your way to work with a freshly brewed cup of coffee! We usually start serving coffee around 8:15 by the front entrance.
A cup of coffee is $1.00 if you bring your own cup, or $1.25 if we provide you with a cup. We are also serving tea (you can choose between three kinds of teas. Hope to see you there! |
Cereal Box Project Complete!
No More Boxes Required
Thanks to all those who brought in boxes for the Martinstag lanterns! Frau Lenburg has enough boxes for this year. See you at the Landmark Center on November 4th!
2012 Chinook Books Are HERE! Buy a Coupon Book and Support the School
The 2012 Chinook Books are here! As always, the Chinook Book is full of coupons to help you save at local sustainable and community-oriented businesses. This year, Chinook Book is offering two options: A traditional book full of your favorite coupons, or a mobile coupon pack for your smartphone that has the same great coupons but is paperless.
The cost is $20 per book or $14 for a mobile pack and the TCGIS PTO keeps half of the cost to support our school community. Save money and support our school with Chinook Book!
Peruse this year's coupon book and pick up your copy of the book or the mobile pack in the front office at TCGIS. Checks are payable to the TCGIS PTO - please place cash or check payment in the TCGIS PTO box.
Questions? Contact Kate Olson at kathryn.a.olson@gmail.com.
Typewriters Needed
Old Machines find New Purpose
 Do you have old word processing machines or typewriters gathering dust in your attic or basement? Frau Kocher will take them off your hands! Students enjoy the novelty of typing on these machines, and the added pressure needed to manipulate the keys helps students build their typing skills. Frau Kocher is accepting donations and loans of machines through the school year. |
October Art News Festivals, Galleries and more
I want to take a moment to introduce you to Artsonia. Artsonia is a free student online art gallery, an exciting way to see and share your child's artwork with friends and family all over the world. As parents, you either received last year or will receive this year an email inviting you to register with the website, after which you can be notified when your student has new work available to be viewed. You can leave comments encouraging your child and also purchase coffee mugs and other gift items with their artwork on it. In addition, 20% of every purchase is given back to the art program at TCGIS to buy more art supplies!
You can view the TCGIS gallery from last year by going to www.artsonia.com and search for Twin Cities German Immersion School. In the next few weeks I hope to start uploading some of the wonderful artwork that has already been completed this year. I hope that you enjoy the gallery- I think it is a wonderful opportunity for our students to see their work "published!"
Please click here for a detailed description of my class plans for October. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns about art class.
-Frau Lenburg
Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship
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The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as-needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.