
Weekly Newsletter for TCGIS Families

September 6, 2012

In this Issue
:: Upcoming Events
:: PTO Info Night
:: Pay for Lunch and Supply Fees Online
:: Flu Clinic for Parents and Teachers
:: Chinook Books
:: New Class at GAI
:: September Art Update
:: ZfA Immersion Conference
:: New Early Release Policy
:: Volunteers Needed
:: Book Fair!
:: Polish Pottery Open House
:: Blumenkranz at the Renaissance Festival
:: GAI Household Memberships 40% Off
:: New Books at GAI Library
:: Transportation for Amity Intern

A Letter from Dr. Greener


Dear TCGIS Community,


We are almost through the second week of school and things seem to be settling down into routine a little more with each day. Hopefully the weather will cool down, which many times helps in settling the students down for the school day.


Efforts are being made to organize and schedule After School Activities. More information will be forthcoming as things begin to take shape.


In this age of technology and education, I would like to point out that as important as the internet is to furthering an educational program, there is a difference between technology in the classroom and access to the internet at other times. In the class, the teacher is responsible for the use of computers etc. but at other times when students might be working on a computer alone, he/she will be expected to make use of the computer in an acceptable and sensible manner. The use of technology in schools continues to be one of the most difficult areas to supervise. So, students who are found using a computer in an unacceptable manner, and are found on inappropriate websites at any time will lose their computer privileges until the matter can be addressed. Parents will be asked to authorize access to computers for their student. Students should not expect necessarily to use the same programs at school that they do at home, including Facebook, YouTube and games.


Since there was not a fundraiser held in June this year, I would like to urge parents now to consider donating to TCGIS through "Give to the Max" day which will be held in November. This is an opportunity to provide support for any organization you support online. You will be hearing more about that in the future, I'm sure.


The final two Amity Interns hopefully will arrive early next week. Thanks to the parents and friends who are hosting these very valuable assets to the program here at TCGIS. Providing first-hand exposure to German through the Amity program is a crucial part of the overall program. If you are interested in hosting an Intern sometime, please contact the Amity Committee. Most of them are here only for a semester, so there will be another group arriving after Christmas.


As we progress through the year, once again I would urge parents who have a question about how their child is doing or a concern they would like addressed to contact the child's teacher first. When I am contacted more than likely I will ask if that has been done. Many questions have been answered and issues addressed by direct contact with the teacher.


Parents have received a communication from Blaine Strobe, our Lunch Coordinator, regarding confusion at lunchtime with identical lunch boxes. Parents are asked once again to be sure and put the student's name prominently on lunches whether they are in a bag or other container and ensure that their children know how to identify which lunch box is theirs.


The Twin Cities German Immersion School is privileged to host a conference on immersion education from September 21-23. On Friday, the 21st TCGIS will be hosting some of those attending the Immersion Education Conference as they attend classes during the day. Several faculty members from TCGIS will be presenting seminars during the conference which is sponsored by the German government. For more information, parents should contact the school.


Tonight the PTO will holding their Open House which will present many opportunities for parents to get involved in the school. We were very grateful for those volunteers who were on campus on Wednesday and painted the play circle in front of the building. PTO contact information is available on the school calendar, which was prepared by the PTO. Virtually every part of the school is supported and helped by the dedication of the parent community. We hope you will take time and get involved in some way.


A reminder that the first early release day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19th. This means that school will be dismissed at 12:45 on this day.




Dr. Ken Greener

Interim Director TCGIS 

Upcoming Events
September 06-23 
TONIGHT!- PTO Info Night & New Parent Night 6:30-8pm
11- PTO Meeting 6:30-8pm
12-14 Fourth Grade Field Trip
14-Kaffeeklatsch 8:00 am
14- Flu Clinic for Parents and Teachers 8:00 am
17-19- Scholastic Book Fair
19- Early Release Day (12:45)
20-Middle School Curriculum Night 6:30-8 pm
21-23- ZFA Immersion Conference at TCGIS 

PTO Information Night/New Parent Night

Meet the Board

TONIGHT!  6:30pm-9pm


PTO Logo Color

Our goals for the evening include an explanation of all PTO and School Committees, opportunity to speak to committee chairs/members about current work, provide
a causal atmosphere to meet and talk with school board members, and an opportunity for new parents and returning parents to ask questions 
about volunteer opportunities and meet each other.


Meeting Agenda:

Sign In at  6:15pm

Introductions: 6:30pm-7:00pm

Meet the board and committees 7:00-9:00pm


Refreshments will be provided.

New Online Payment Option for Lunch and Supply Fees

For your convenience, TCGIS has contracted with RevTrak, a national credit card payment processor, to provide you the simple security and convenience of making online payments for the 2012-2013 school year's food service and supply fee payments. It only takes a few minutes to check your account balance and add money using a Discover, VISA or MasterCard (credit/debit) card. There are no additional fees charged for the convenience of using this service. Please see these instructions for more information. 
Flu Clinic
September 14th from 8-9 am

The Minnesota Visiting Nurse Agency will be administering Flu vaccines to parents and teachers at school on Sept. 14th from 8-9 am. They accept 17 health insurance providers including Health Partners and Blue Cross. There is a signup and further information about the vaccine and the clinic in the front office.

2012 Chinook Books Are Coming! 
Buy a Coupon Book and Support the School

The 2012 Chinook Books arrive at the TCGIS front office on Monday, September 10th. As always, the Chinook Book is full of coupons to help you save at local sustainable and community-oriented businesses. This year, Chinook Book is offering two options: A traditional book full of your favorite coupons, or a mobile coupon pack for your smartphone that has the same great coupons but is paperless.

The cost is $20 per book or $14 for a mobile pack and the TCGIS PTO keeps half of the cost to support our school community. Save money and support our school with Chinook Book!

Peruse this year's coupon book and pick up your copy of the book or the mobile pack in the front office at TCGIS. Checks are payable to the TCGIS PTO - please place cash or check payment in the TCGIS PTO box.

Questions? Contact Kate Olson at [email protected].

New Class for Teens at the Germanic-American Institute
German for Teens

The GAI is proud to announce a new Sams-
tagsschule class for the Fall 2012 semester! With many middle schools in the area no longer offering
German, the GAI has designed German for Teens for students ages 12-14. Targeted toward relative beginners, German for Teens will take a comprehensive approach to language learning by incorporating conversational skills, reading, and writing into an age-appropriate curriculum. We are very excited to expand our language offerings to a new set of students hope you can help make German for Teens a success!

Samstagsschule classes for ages 4-14 meet Saturdays beginning September 22. For more information, please visit www.gai-mn.org/classes/samstag.html or contact Language Services at 651 222-2979.
September Art News
by Amy Lenburg

I am so excited to be starting a new year of Art at the Twin Cities German Immersion School! The art room is already buzzing with creativity and enthusiasm. I plan to update families once a month in the Elternbrief, to let you know about the great things we are learning in the art classes. We are starting out slow, spending a class or two discussing and practicing the rules and procedures of the art room. But soon we will be needing paint shirts, so please send an old shirt (labeled with your student's name) to your child's homeroom teacher if you haven't already!

Also, because of this year's schedule and our additional Kindergarten class, I'm already thinking about collecting cereal and oatmeal boxes for our lanterns, which we'll make in October. Please start saving boxes and look for more information soon. In addition, be on the lookout for information about our exciting Artsonia online gallery!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected].

Amy Lenburg
Third Grade
Art this Month

The third graders will build upon their knowledge of the Elements of Art this fall. For studying line, they will make outline pictures using yarn.
Fourth Grade
Art this Month
In fourth grade we will further study the Art Element of line by learning about contour lines, starting next week. They will draw only the edges of an object, repeating and overlapping the object to fill the whole page.
Middle School
Art this Month
The theme of the middle school program this year is nations, so in art
class we will be exploring American art. We began this week by learning about the
Design Elements and how to use them to talk about art. We will be looking at andanalyzing a variety of American art using these Design Elements.


ZfA Immersion Conference
TCGIS Hosts!

We're proud to be hosting this year's ZfA Immersion Conference from September 21st- 23rd. The annual Immersion Conference is sponsored by the Zentrale f�r Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) and has been hosted by the German schools in Washingon D.C., Chicago and San Diego in the past few years. Our school has sent teachers to this conference every year for the past several years. The ZfA has supported our school in a multitude of ways and we are excited to be able to welcome the conference participants to TCGIS. There are a few logistical challenges over the weekend that I'm hoping a few of you can help us handle. These projects will assist us greatly and usually take 30 minutes to an hour of your time. The projects include setting up classrooms and preparing food for Friday afternoon, and preparing for our reception on Friday evening. We also need volunteers before lunch and in the afternoon on Saturday. If you can help at any of these times, please contact Sarah Bailey at [email protected]
New Early Release Policy

Our first early release of the semester will be Wednesday, September 19th. We will be releasing at 12:45 pm. All students will be served lunch on this day.

Seeking Volunteers for Book Fair

Volunteers are needed to help put on the Book Fair of Sept 17th -19th. If you are able to share your time to help conduct the Book Fair, please contact Michelle Wallace.

September 17 - 19th

7:30am to 8:15am

3:10pm - 4:10pm

Polish Pottery Open House
This Saturday and Sunday

Support businesses that support TCGIS! Evelyn's Bunzlau Polish Pottery is a Maskenball tradition. Didn't get a pancake lady last year? Check out the open house this weekend. Get complete details here.  
Saturday and Sunday, Sept 22-23

German Dancers The Blumenkranz will be a part of the German weekend celebration at the MN Renaissance Festival. For more details contact Valiantsin Solakhau at

GAI Household Memberships 40% off!
Through the end of September

Germanic-American Institute household memberships are 40% off through September thirtieth. Enjoy our selection of contemporary German films, books for children and teens, and language learning material. Get discounts on a variety of classes, like German cooking, early childhood arts enrichment in German, and adult German language classes. Members also get discounts of many GAI events, and enjoy discounts at German restaurants, business, and magazines. Join today at
Check Out the New Books for Teens at the GAI Library
Eleven New Titles!

With the help of a grant from the German-American Chamber of Commerce, 11 new titles for teens have been added to our collection, including Die Tribute von Panem 1-3 (The Hunger Games) by Suzanne Collins and Cornelia Funke's popular Tintenwelt books. If you have a young adult ready to tackle some novels auf Deutsch or would like to put your own reading skills to the test, stop by the library during your next visit and peruse the shelves!  Note: GAI membership is required for check out of library materials.
Ride Needed for Amity Intern
Highland Area

The Intern Committee is looking for help with transportation for an intern from the Highland area. This intern needs a ride into school in the mornings only. If you think you can be of help, please contact Ina Elliot.
Art This Month

In Kindergarten this month we will learn that artists use their "art eyes" to look at the world, and that we are all artists. The students will make masks to practice using their art eyes or "Kunstaugen."


First Grade
Art this Month

In first grade in September we will begin to study the Elements of Art.
These Art Elements are what artists use to make their art interesting, and they help
us to talk about art as well. We will begin by discussing how artists use different
kinds of lines.
Second Grade
Art this Month
The second graders will continue their studies of the Elements of Art. We begin this month by investigating the characteristics of horizontal, vertical and  diagonal lines and the feelings associated with the different types of lines.

Educating Children for Informed and Active World Citizenship


The Elternbrief is published electronically Thursdays throughout the school-year and on an as-needed basis at other times. Submissions are due by 3 PM on Tuesdays. Content printed at the discretion of the TCGIS administration.