Bridge School news published by PTA volunteers                                     
March 2015Like us on Facebook
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Principal's Corner
Principal Colella
Dear Bridge Community,


At a recent Site Based Council Meeting we discussed what students do during WIN (What I Need) time at Bridge.  Parents seemed eager to learn more about this 30 minute period where students are provided targeted instruction based on need.  Here is an update from each grade and as well as the literacy specialists:



The literacy specialists support students during WIN time in a variety of ways. In some cases, this is a time when the literacy specialists push into the classroom to take a group from that particular classroom for intervention. In other cases, the literacy specialists will pull students from multiple classes into one classroom or office space to provide additional support. Having the block schedule allows for this to happen seamlessly because students aren't missing any whole group instruction from their teachers.  Support is also provided to the classroom teachers by observing students and consulting with teachers to ensure that students are getting "what they need."


Grade K

During WIN time, kindergarten students could be seen doing a few activities. They are either working with a teacher to receive extra instruction and practice on literacy based skills or participating in quiet activities. Students who are working independently are either writing in their rest notebooks (free writing and drawing), independently reading, listening to books on tape, completing unfinished work, or playing literacy based games on the iPad. Students who are working independently choose their activity for WIN block based on choices presented by the teacher.  Mathematics WIN time is done during the mathematics period and at other portions of the day.  During this time, students are engaged in approrpatie math activities, games, or small group instruction based on need.


Grade 1

The first graders have been working very hard at W.I.N. time. Students work in small groups to focus on topics such as handwriting, reading high frequency words, working on fact fluency, segmenting sounds,  playing mathematics games, and editing their writing. Many students enjoy reading independently during this block, or catching up on work that they need to finish.


Grade 2

During WIN time Grade 2 students are engaged in a variety of activities. Some students work in a small group with a teacher.  Other students work independently in their classrooms. Some examples of independent activities your child may take part in are working on a Writer's Workshop piece, reading an independent reading book or rereading a book from Reader's Workshop, playing a math game, practicing high frequency word wall words or completing any unfinished work from the morning or prior days. Depending on individual student needs on any given day, teachers may select the activity for students working independently in the classroom or allow students to self select. WIN is a very busy time for everyone!


Grade 3

During WIN time, third graders are given work that reflects their individual needs. Some children are grouped together with peers from across the grade level to work on targeted skills with a teacher. Others are given independent work to complete. This may incorporate games, written work, and independent reading.


Grade 4

Each of the fourth grade teachers takes a small group that targets specific areas (comprehension, writing, math fluency, math problem solving, etc.). In addition, there are independent groups of students who may play a math or literacy game.  During WIN time, students who are not in a specified group decide what they need: this ranges from unfinished math/literacy work, completing morning work, vocabulary, FasttMath, social studies mapping, studying states and capitals and independent reading.  The students enjoy the fluidity of the groups and the variations in activities. 


Grade 5

Students in grade five work on a variety of activities during WIN time.  Teachers take small groups of students based on need.  The children enjoy switching classes and working with various teachers.  The students are engaged in a multidue of activities including:  Raz Kids Reading, Fasttmath or Fraction Nation on the computer, Word Study, reading articles from Tween Tribune and responding in writing on, engaging in reader's theater scripst related to a social studies unit and performing the play for the class, preparing "book talks" for the class, as well as Do The Math challenge problems.


How do we prepare for MCAS?

As you are aware MCAS testing is around the corner.  Grades 3-5 will be engaged in this assessment in March, April, and May.  Many parents have asked if we "teach to the test" or how we prepare students.  Our philosophy regarding the MCAS testing is that the students should be well prepared for this assessments as the Lexington Public Schools provides a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum K-12.  We do not "teach to the test" as we believe that the students, through their daily instruction, are well prepared.  We do however, provide them with various means to help them feel comfortable with the test taking procedures as they are prescribed by the state and we reassure them that if they do their best, that is all that matters.  The third-fifth grade teachers provided me with insight into how they work with students regarding this specific test: 


In regards to MCAS preparation, we have been working to support the students to become "college and career ready".  However, we do provide the students with specific MCAS preparation for students to feel more comfortable and familiar with the format of the test and the manner in which it is visually presented in both the student test and answer booklets.  The organization of the testing material can be confusing to our students as it is not a routine assessment we provide.  We thoughtfully select and use previously released test material from prior years' tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and science (grade five only).  Students are explicitly taught test-taking strategies, which can be effective and applied to any performance task in school.  For example, in grade four, students are taught how to read directions carefully using our "Signals for Success" model.  This strategy requires students to read the question first, then reread the question to circle the action or command words (such as explain, draw, show, etc.) and underline key words.  Understanding the question is the most important step of the problem solving process, and students need to be taught to slow down and reread the directions to ensure they fully understand the task.  We request that the children read and reread the directions several times as they complete each task.  The circled words should be counted and numbered to ensure students do not miss a required step.  If they do this, they can avoid rereading the entire set of directions, instead focusing on the most important elements stated in the directions.  To complete open response questions in both English Language Arts and Mathematics, there are several parts to a question, labeled a, b, c, etc.  In order to perform well and do their best, all parts must be complete and clearly labeled.  In addition to the grade 4 signals for success strategies, other test taking strategies occur throughout the year.  These may include highlighting lines/paragraphs that are mentioned within a question.  For example, if the question asks about something in paragraph 4, teachers have the students write the question number next to paragraph 4 to remind them to look to that paragraph for the answer.


Sharing student examples is another part of the preparation process.  However, teachers do this throughout the year in all content areas, because we understand that sharing models and mentor texts with students builds their understanding of the task and expectations.  For example, after completing a written response to reading or an open response math problem, students can see and analyze a student example, compare their response to the model, and identify their own areas of strength as well as areas for growth and improvement.  Often times our students' answers are stronger than the exemplars, which gives the children a boost of confidence. 


In addition, we share the rubrics or scoring guides used to assess student performance with the children.  Again, this enhances student understanding of the expectations and what is required for them to do their best.  These rubrics have been used throughout the year, and students are very familiar with them.  Students often use rubrics as a checklist, to compare their work and check to see if they have done all that is required for a specific type of task, which allows students to self-assess and take charge of their learning.


In math it is a similar focus on taking what we've worked on all year long and using it on those two days.  Students regularly are expected to and are taught how to  "show your work", using specific math vocabulary, visual models and diagrams as well as explaining an answer with words. They are also taught throughout the year that expressing knowledge about math is more important and deeper than just completiting  simple computation.  For example, many can do 1/2 x1/2= 1/4, but a 5th grade student who has mastered multiplication of fractions can explain (or show) WHY the product of two fractions is smaller.  The goal all year long, and carried over to MCAS, is to show how "much" you know about math.


Finally, one of the benefits of MCAS testing is the reward of "no homework" given on the eve of a testing day as a well-deserved treat for students.  Their "homework" is to relax and get a good night's rest, eat a hearty and healthy breakfast, and arrive to school on time.




Meg Colella
Bridge School Principal


Literacy Night for Grade 3-5

The Bridge PTA welcomes families to join us for part two of our two Literacy Nights designed for grades 3-5 on Thursday, March 5th from 6-7:30 p.m. Come live, laugh, learn, and love literacy during these special evenings designed to bring joy and adoration into your family's interaction with letters, words, and books. Share in this unique opportunity to partner up with your child as you visit our cafeteria transformed into spaces for readers, writers, creators, and dreamers! Children are welcome to come dressed in their pajamas and to bring along their most favorite books to read and share.

Family Math Night = 1 More + Thank You

1st Grade Families: You have not missed your chance! The rescheduled 1st Grade Family Math Night is coming this Tuesday, March 3 from 6:30-7:45PM in the Bridge cafeteria. Sign up here so that we will have enough materials for all. If you have already registered previously, you do not need to register again. 


For the rest of the Bridge community, we hope you had a great time doing math together this year! There was great turnout and great fun this year at all 5 different Math Nights! We hope you continue to play those math games at home and keep your eyes and ears open for math in your everyday life!


Finally, a huge thanks to all the volunteers who made Bridge Family Math Night possible, from parents to students to Bridge alumni! Thanks for being a part of a wonderful Bridge tradition!



Alice Choi, Peter Corbett, Cindy Darcy, Karen Fu, Anu Gaggar, Mary-Alice Haddad, Charlotte Lai, Ching Lai, Pearl Riney, Alex Risso, Rahim Semy, Brigitte Steines



Reja Haddad, Tammer Haddad, Radhika Heda, Vrinda Heda



Tobey Chang (6th grade), Kevin Lee (9th grade), Liam Somers (6th grade)


Get Ready for Bridge's International Festival! March 6th

Bridge's International Festival is quickly approaching, and we are excited to once again celebrate the cultural diversity within our school.  Mark your calendars for our event and sign up to help if you can! 

International Night When: Friday, March 6th, 5:30-8:00 pm
Where: At Clarke Middle School

Admission:  This year admission will be $2 per person for all. 

Please note: This is not a drop-off event.

Special Note to the Parents of Children with Food Allergies:  Country tables may offer food samples that contain food allergens.  Please read the posted list of ingredients carefully before allowing your child to eat the samples.


Pizza & water will be sold at the event by the 5th grade committee.


You can save time in line by PRE-ORDERING TICKETS. Download THIS FORM and submit with your payment to the box in the foyer of Bridge by Wed, March 4th.

Help is still needed with:

  • HS Volunteers:  If you have or know any high school kids who would like to help (decoration, staging, craft helper etc.), please contact Monica Gauba, the serving hours will be counted to their community service time.
  • Night of Event:  Volunteer for two 45 minute shifts at the admissions table, or as a hall monitor keeping little wanderers in our designated areas. Photographer through the whole event or two 60 minute shifts for country table and performance respectively. This is a great way to get involved with a relatively modest time commitment.  Please contact Sharon Liu
For any other information on this evening, or if you would like to join the committee, please contact Sharon Liu.  Please see our webpage for updates!
Last Call to get your Brick! Deadline extended to 3/15

The Bridge PTA is offering Bridge families & alums a second chance to order their own personalized Legacy Brick as part of the permanent Commemorative Gathering Place.  These new bricks will be added to the existing brick patio located near the Kindergarten wing.  We will also be installing a lovely new bench around the flowering pear tree as soon as weather permits.

This is a great way to honor a favorite Bridge teacher or staff member, to commemorate your child's elementary school years at Bridge, or just make your mark!

For more information, contact Rebecca Moore or Justine Wirtanen.
To order your brick online today, click here.

Volunteers Needed: Safe Morning Drop-Off

Would you like to help Bridge community? Join as a volunteer during the Morning drop-off!! Your help is very important for the whole Bridge Community to make the school a safe place for everyone.

The Commitment: Once per week for a month (feel free to sign up for more than 1 slot)

Time: from 8:20 to 8:45 am

Where: At the sidewalk outside the Fifth Grade Door

What: To encourage drivers to follow the morning drop-off procedures


If you are already volunteering, it is great to be even more involved in the Bridge community. If you have not volunteered this year yet, this is a great and rewarding opportunity to start doing it.

If you have any question please, do not hesitate to contact,  Roxana Spitaleri-Risso, Naomi PriverDeb Sabin or Angela Chang.


Check out our online sign up sheet.


News from Eco Bridge

Keep Calm and Compost On 

Neither snow nor more snow nor even more snow can stop the intrepid composters at Bridge. Thanks to Paul O'Connell and his trusty tractor for digging a path for the volunteers and thanks to all the Bridge students who are doing a fantastic job of separating food waste, plastic recycling, Terra cycle items and trash. Three cheers!

News from the Library

Bookmark Contest

We had excellent participation in the Bookmark Contest again this year. Choosing the winners is always difficult, but this year we had particularly tough choices to make. Theme is especially important in the upper grades, and so many of the entries illustrated the theme (Look what I discovered at my SCHOOL LIBRARY) beautifully.  We have to limit the winners to 3 per division, and the  bookmarks that have been submitted to the Massachusetts Statewide contest are:

  • Kindergarten and Grade 1
    • Sua Kim
    • Ethan Xu
    • Anaya Joshi
  • Grades 2 and 3
    • Claire Park
    • Read Roy
    • Vivian Wang
  • Grades 4 and 5
    • Ella Posey
    • Till Steines
    • Carolin Nothaft

You may view the winning entries on the library webpage.


Book Fair

Please mark your calendars for our annual book Fair, April 13-17. 


Mrs. Allen, Library Teacher

Library web page                                                                                   

From the Artroom....

Thanks to all the Bridge Parents who are volunteering in the Art Program.  If you wish to sign up to volunteer in your child's classroom for a month, the calendar is posted just inside the ARTROOM door on the red cabinet.


Work going on this month includes:

K-Self Portait Paintings

1-Clay Guppies

2-Warm and Cool Color Fish

3-Weavings and Below The Knee Portraits

4-Stick and Fiber Sculptures

5-Figurative Sculptures, Preparation for MFA Field Trip


On March 9th, Grade 5 students will be visiting the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please email Ms. Murray this week.


There are still a few ceramic pieces in the ARTROOM from the "Clay is the Way" fundraiser.  Please pick them up ASAP.


Needed in the ARTROOM, Yarn, especially with unusual textures.



Ms. Murray and Ms. O'Connor


Update on A.C.T.

Dear Bridge Families,


We hope you fared well during this frosty February break. We wanted to let you know that Arts Created Together acts have been scheduled for this year!  This year we were able to bring two performances/events for each grade! 


February: Second Grade enjoyed a visit from Norah Dooley last month. Norah brought a Storytelling program focusing on Ghana and India.


March 13th: Fifth Grade will enjoy Theatre Espresso's performance. 


March: ACT will also be funding the 5th Grade trip to the MFA.


March 23rd: Kindergarten and First Grade will enjoy The Billy Goats Gruff performed by the Pumpernickel Puppets. 


April 9th: Third and Fourth Grades will enjoy a brand new program called Prismatic Magic. It is an exciting laser light performance that will combine science, math and drama with an anti-bullying message. 


April 27th-29th: Marit Menzin, author and illustrator of Song for Papa Crow (a winner of the Mom's Choice Awards Gold Honor) will be coming to Bridge to do age appropriate shows for Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade. 

  • Kindergarten will enjoy a reading of her book and listen to her song while engaging in a dance.  
  • First Grade will do a collage project led by Marit. 
  • Second Grade will be given a special "Tell It Your Way" writing workshop.  

June 1st & 8th: Third grade will also have a special Origami program given by Linda Perry, a former Math teacher. Linda has also presented at Hastings through their ACT program. 


Thanks again for your patience while we scheduled this programming.



Ula Higgins & Cathy Smith

Calling All 5th Grade Parents
We Need your Photos!

We are relying on parents to supply pictures for the memory book. We appreciate your help in advance for all your fantastic pictures! 

Please send us your pictures from any school events and activities you have from this school year. If you have great pictures from previous years, send them along, but please be sure to make a notation in the download. 


Follow these easy steps to download your pictures to the yearbook site.

1. Go to this site 
2. Register for a new login.
3. Enter your Name, Email and create a password. Then Submit.
4. Your name will appear on the left side of the homepage in place of the word "Register"
5. Type "Bridge Elementary School (2015) in the search bar and choose from the drop down list that appears after you start typing.
6. After your have chosen Bridge, it will bring you to our homepage.
7. Click on the "Upload Photos" button.
8. Choose your childs classroom to upload pictures, browse your computer, then upload. 
9.  Please tag students so we can quickly identify them and make sure all students are represented in the yearbook. Captions are optional but VERY helpful!
10. Click the button at the top to upload more photos. 

Once your Link profile is setup, go the extra step and download the Entourage App on your Smartphone using the same username and password you used to login to Link.Then any school pics taken on your phone can easily be added to the Entourage website..

If you have any questions or would like to assist with the Memorybook, please contact Heather Tashjian

Save the Date! Science Night May 1st

Science Night


This year's Bridge School Science Night will be held on Friday, May 1st at Bridge.


Science Night 2015 will feature Parent-led Presentations as well as a Student Science Fair.


Details on the upcoming Science Night on May 1st, including Science Fair Sign-up and Guidelines can be obtained on the Science Night web-site.

Parents who wish to prepare experiments/presentations or help us plan Science Night are welcome to contact the organizers, Tanja, Niru or Nimisha


Looking forward to seeing you at Science Night!


The Science Night Organizing Committee

Tanja Petnicki-Ocwieja, Niru Chennagiri and Nimisha Asthagiri



Bridge Patriot



Our new PBIS initiatives are off to a great start.  Classes have been working hard each week to be recognized for good behavior in the halls, coming in from recess, in the cafeteria and during specialists.  Each class can earn tickets for when they are caught demonstrating the ABCs of Bridge School.  The class with the most tickets at the end of the week, earns a reward.  We could not be more impressed with how well the students and staff are responding to these new intiatives!  Make sure to check out our winner's board, outside the main office.


In addition to classes earning tickets, students are being recognized as Bridge Patriots much more frequently.  Bridge Patriot stickers have been created with our new logo.  Handing out stickers to recognize Bridge patriots has allowed staff to give immediate feedback for demonstrating good behavior and to acknowledge more students.  Make sure to comment on a job well done when your child comes home sporting a Bridge Patriot sticker.





Deadline for Next Bridge to Home Issue
NEXT MONTHLY DEADLINE: Wednesday March 25th, 5 PM

Please submit by email to Lisa Dinsmore. Articles must be reviewed and approved by Bridge PTA Co-Presidents and/or Bridge Principal Meg Colella before publication.  Please note that submissions to the weekly will be from the PTA Executive Committee or with EC approval only.  All others should submit items to the monthly version in a timely manner.

Please see the B2H webpage for submission guidelines and future deadlines.
Quick Links

2014-15 PTA Executive Committee Members
Bridge School Office Staff
Cathy Smith
Erin Maguire
Tricia Weisberg
Kerry Daley
Christie King
Heather O'Rourke 
Lisa Dinsmore
Lilliam Gomez-Martinez
Diane Celi
Heather Tashjian

Nancy Tentindo

Lindsay Wedell