Bridge Mural

  Bridge to Home Monthly
Bridge School news published by PTA volunteersJune 2013
Principal's Corner
It's hard to believe the year is coming to a close.  As we finish off this school year, we are beginning to prepare for the 2013/2014 school year.  June, at Bridge, is a fun and busy time.   

The students will be engaged in many year-end activities that help to bring closure to the school year and prepare them for the next year. Here are a few of the many activities the students look forward to at the end of each year:
  • As a culminating activity, and a way for students to get ready for the transition to their new grade, we will have "Move-Up Day" on Friday, June 21st.  The students "Move Up" to the next grade by visiting a classroom to hear about what they can expect for the following year.  The 5th graders "Move Down" to kindergarten and enjoy spending time "playing" and reminiscing about their experiences at Bridge.  
  • Another fun activity the students look forward to is "Field Day".  This year, the theme is "sea animals."  Each classroom chooses a sea animal as their mascot.  Classrooms participate and get excited in many ways.  All classrooms create flags to march with in the "Opening Ceremonies." Some classrooms make t-shirts, wear hats, and more.  Field Day this year is scheduled for June 13th with the 14th as a rain date.  More information will come but we always invite parents to join in this event and watch as their child(ren) participate in the day's activities.  
  • The fifth graders spend up to 6 years waiting for their turn to play the staff in a game of kickball!  This year, the Bridge School Kickball Game will be held on June 21st at 1:30pm with a rain date of Monday the 24th at 9:00am.  The younger grades come out to cheer on the staff and 5th graders.  Feel free to come join us and watch!
  • The Moving On Ceremony (aka graduation) from fifth grade will be held on June 19th.  We are hoping for good weather so that it can be held at Bridge. The rain location is the Fiske School Gym and will be held at the same time.  I will make the call the night before and will send a Global Connect message, and will post it on our website, if the ceremony has been moved to Fiske. If the weather permits, Graduation will begin promptly at 10:00am (parents/families/friends can begin to arrive at 9:15am) on the center lawn in front of the school.   Following the ceremony, the students will participate in the annual "Clap Out" where the children in grades K-4 line the halls and clap as the 5th graders parade around.  Next, the students (and families) are invited to view the 5th grade slideshow that will be held in the gym portion of the gym (the students traditionally sit on the floor and the parents stand in the back).  Finally, the students and families are invited to a small reception (hosted by the fourth grade parents).  Many have asked if students can be dismissed at this point.  As always, it the decision of the parents.  If your child is going to be dismissed early, you will need to sign him/her out in the main office.  The students who do stay at school for the remainder of the day will have a pizza lunch followed by a movie.

As you may have noticed, Bridge has continued to make progress with the renovation project.  The main hallway looks bright and welcoming with the new glass offices and small instructional spaces.  The students have enjoyed "guessing" what these spaces may be used for.  I even saw an art class sketching their predictions while sitting outside these new areas!  In the Phase 2 area (the 3rd -5th grade wing) new windows are being installed in the classrooms (after school hours).  The students and staff are amazed at the transformation that takes place overnight and are thrilled with the light and look of the new windows.  Excavation of the boiler has begun and wiring and pipe work is taking place to prepare for the summer work.         

The staff are preparing for the move and are anticipating the delivery of thousands of crates to help with this process.  In June, large storage trailers will be moved onsite (similar to last year) for storage for the summer.  These will be placed in the back parking lot.  Staff will be parking on the front lawn area as needed due to the lack of spaces in the back parking lot.    Please visit the Bridge/Bowman blog to see updated pictures of the progress. 

Throughout the summer, I will be posting pictures and will post renovation updates on the website and on the blog.  In addition, if need be, I will send Global Connects to parents and staff in regards to the progress.  We are hopeful that this summer will go smoothly and the staff and students will be able to occupy the entire school for the first day of the 2013/2014 school year.  However, we have been mindful of last summer and have already been preparing for various contingency plans, if needed.  During the summer, I will keep you abreast of the work and will be sure to communicate with you through the Bridge website, via snail mail, and through Global Connects.        

The Main Office will be moved, once again, for a portion of the summer.  The building will not be open to visitors except for the Main Office.  The office will be located in Kristen Baranofsky's Kindergarten Classroom (located at the playground side of the building).  There will be signage alerting people to this change and directing them to the proper door.  Both Ms. Daley and I will be located in this area.  



I would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing PTA Presidents Rebecca Moore and Justine Wirtanen for their three years of service to Bridge School.  Over the past three years, Rebecca and Justine not only led the Bridge PTA but also were very instrumental in helping to pass the Bridge Renovation Project.  They spent countless hours at Town Meeting and School Committee Meetings advocating for the needs of Bridge.  The time and energy these amazing women have devoted to Bridge is priceless.  It has been a pleasure and honor to work with them.

Meg Colella

From the PTA Presidents
It is fun to see our children's excitement building this last month of school.  We were thrilled to see such school spirit at this year's Spring Fling, thank you one and all for showing your true colors, participating in the Grand Prizes & Teacher Raffles, and dancing up a storm with DJ Ari!

Thank You's
First, we would like to thank Aimee Burstein for her dedication, attention to detail, and hard work as Editor of the the Bridge to Home monthly newsletter again this year, and to Jane Chang for coordinating and managing the Bridge Weekly Community Bulletin and Directory.  Thank you to all who organized and volunteered for Spring Fling especially Sue Kingsbury, Stephanie Mitzenmacher, Cathy Smith, and Laura Schroeder.  Our thanks also to all the parents who contributed food, coffee, and flowers to the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on May 9 and to Leigh-Ann Durant and Shivani Mehra for organizing the event.  We also thank Amy Stix and Anne Munchmeyer for coordinating and leading the Family Zumba Night on Friday May 10.  Finally, thank you to Muge Erkan and Lisa Boehm, Co-Chairs of the 5th Grade Activities Committee and the entire 5GC Committee for all their hard work raising funds throughout the year to support 5th Grade Activities and for making Fifth Graders' last year at Bridge such a special and memorable milestone.

Final Membership Meeting & Celebration 6/10
We invite all Bridge parents to attend our final membership meeting and reception on June 10 at 7:30 pm at the Aloft Hotel in Lexington.  This is our time to honor all the PTA Committee Chairs, parent volunteers, and officers who have offered so much time and resources supporting Bridge School. 

Next Year
Although the last day of school is on June 24th, we are already beginning to plan for next year.   It would be impossible to offer the many exceptional programs and grants to the Bridge community without your help and funding.  Please remember to visit the Bridge PTA website this summer, sign up to be a member (July 1 begins our new fiscal year), and consider volunteering in a new capacity this year.

It has been a privilege being your Co-Presidents these past 3 years!.  Have a terrific summer!


Co-Presidents, Bridge PTA
Help Wanted for 2013-14 PTA Committees 
If Volunteeryou are interested in Chairing a Committee for the 2013-2014 school year, or just looking for more ways to get involved at Bridge, please contact Stephanie Mitzenmacher or Sue Kingsbury.  A list of PTA committees and descriptions can be found here.  As of this writing, current openings include Fundraising Chair, Square 1 Arts Chair, Spring Fling Chair, Family Word Night Chair, 5th Grade Activities Chair, Monster/Halloween Carnival Chair, Math Team Chair, Map Night Chair, Morning Car Greeters Chair, Safe Routes to School Chair, and School Pictures Chair.

New faces are very welcome.  Please consider joining our team!
Bridge to Home News
This is our last B2H Monthly of the year.  There will be two more weekly issues to remind you of the end of year activities, but starting next fall, B2H will only be published monthly.  There will be occasional Special Announcements involving events that week or calls for volunteers, but the weekly issue is being phased out.  New guidelines for submitting to B2H and the 2013-14 deadlines will be posted on the B2H webpage over the summer. 

A huge thank you to Jane Chang, who has been compiling the weekly all year.  She did a beautiful job handling an ever evolving task.  Thanks, too, to Rebecca Moore, for coordinating the Special Announcements; to Nimisha Asthagiri, who assisted with the initial calendar formatting; and to Cathy Smith, for keeping the Google calendar up to date.  Bridge is a busy place, and it takes a village to keep up with it.

Have a GREAT summer! 

Aimee Burstein, B2H Editor

Deadline for Next Bridge to Home Issues
NEXT WEEKLY DEADLINE: Friday, June 7th, Noon

Please submit by email to Aimee Burstein. Articles must be reviewed and approved by Bridge PTA Co-Presidents and/or Bridge Principal Meg Colella.  Please see the B2H webpage  for submission guidelines and future deadlines.
In This Issue
PTA News
Fifth Grade End of Year Events
Field Day Help Needed 6/13
RSVP for the Moving On Luncheon
Personal Message
Town to Honor Bridge Crossing Guard on 6/14
LPS Bus Registration Still Open
Summer Reading 2013
Clarke Orientation Information
Bridge Math Team Has a Sensational Year
Three Cheers for Eco-Bridge Volunteers!
Eco-Bridge Donates Food to Bristol Lodge
Thank You from BBY Coordinators!
Personal Message
Thank You for Your Community Service
Zumba ACT Fundraiser a Hit
Join Cub Scouts Pack 160 for a SUPER SOAKER BLAST!
Personal Message
This Month's Calendar
Cafeteria Info

Lunch: $3.25
Milk only: $0.50

Click here for Whitsons School Nutrition and current menus.

Absence Line

call (781) 861-2510 
press 6, then press 1

Parents should call Bridge School by 8:30 am if their child is going to be absent or late.

Renovation News

Bridge and Bowman created a renovations blog with pictures of the project's progress. The blog will be updated throughout the entire project. For the latest updates, check out the  Bridge/Bowman Blog.

Important Links
Last School Day of School 6/24 

Please note that the last day of school has been pushed back to Monday, 6/24.  It will be a half day for the students.  Please check the LPS calendar webpage for the most up to date information.



Enjoy Your Summer!

See You
Next Fall!

PTA News PTA logo
As Justine Wirtanen and Rebecca Moore enter into their last weeks as PTA Co-Presidents, the entire Executive Board would like to thank them for all they have done for Bridge over the past three years.  From the renovation campaign to bringing wonderful programs to the community, their tireless efforts and devotion to Bridge is second to none.

We are now preparing to welcome back some old faces to the PTA Executive Board as well as introduce new ones for next year.  At the May 24th PTA coffee the Bridge PTA nominating committee announced Sue Kingsbury and Cathy Smith as candidates for Co-Presidents.  Kara Libby was introduced as a VP candidate for the Executive Board.  Returning Executive Committee Member
sfor 2013-2014 are Nimisha Asthagiri, Lisa Dinsmore, Christie King, Laura Schroeder, Guorong Zhu, Tricia Weisberg (Treasurer), and Stephanie Mitzenmacher (Secretary).

The election will be held on June 10th at 7:30 pm at Aloft.  Hors d'oeuvres will be served, and there will be a cash bar.
Please Help with 5th Grade End of Year Events
5th Grade Families, please make sure the following events are in your calendars.
  • 5th Grade Environmental Education Trip to Nature's Classroom, Charlton, MA, Monday 6/10 - Wednesday 6/12
  • 5th Grade Graduation, Wednesday 6/19, 10 am, with a reception immediately following
  • 5th Grade Graduation Party!  All 5th Grade Students Invited! Wednesday 6/19, 7-9 pm, Clarke Middle School 

Now the next phase of planning begins.  Graduation is June 19th, and we are looking for volunteers to help plan the post ceremony celebration, the kids' party that night, and the graduation package. Sign up to help create a memorable end to the 5th grade year!  Please contact Muge Erkan or Lisa Boehm for more information or to volunteer.  You can also check for updates on the 5th Grade Activity Committee webpage.


Field Day Help Needed 6/13
Field Day This year's Field Day will be held on June 13 (with a rain date of June 14) in the Bridge playing fields from 9 am-12 noon.  Principal Colella is inviting interested parents to participate in this year's events by helping 5th graders and teachers with the various "stations".  This is a great opportunity to see your children in action and have some fun!  Please sign up for an hour slot by clicking here.
Grade 5 Announcement:  RSVP for the Moving On Luncheon RSVP
5th Graders:  Don't forget to RSVP to your Teacher if you would like to participate in 5th Grade "Moving On" luncheon held at 1:15 pm in the Bridge Cafeteria after the Moving On ceremony.   Those families that are taking their 5th Graders out to lunch will need to sign out their child after the ceremony.
Scratch Club Open House at Clarke 6/7
The Clarke Scratch Club is holding an open house on June 7th from 3-4:30 pm. At the Open House Clarke students will be showing Scratch projects they have worked on this year. The open house will be at Clarke in room 346 and the IMC (library). Anyone interested in finding out more about Scratch is welcome to attend.

About Scratch:
With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations - and share your creations with others in the online community. The Scratch Club at Clarke is a free, parent-run, after school club where students learn Scratch and create their own projects.

Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge. If you're curious you can find out more about Scratch by clicking here or join us at the open house. If you have questions about the open house, or have a rising 6th grader and might be interested in helping next year, please get in touch.

Chris Garrity,
Town to Honor Dolores Lebert on 6/14 
On Friday, June 14th the Town of Lexington and many beloved friends and family want to honor Dolores LeBert.  Dolores was a loving dedicated crossing guard for over 40 years, mostly for Bridge Elementary School students, in the town of Lexington.  Her kind and loving demeanor always put a smile on the kids and parents faces alike.  Whether it was an ear to listen to the kid's stories, or a strong presence stepping into the traffic to allow the kids and parents to cross, everyone loved seeing her morning and afternoon.  Neighbors, friends and many generous donations came together and wanted to honor her memory where she put her life on the line every day.   Many caring friends have dug up and cleaned out the island and added new beautiful plantings where she worked up until the day she died on the corner of Marrett Road, Middle Street, and Cary Ave.   There will be a dedication ceremony in her honor at 4pm on June 14th at this site.  All are welcome to come and honor this amazing woman who put her life on the line everyday to keep our children safe.

Volunteers can help tend to the island by clicking here.
LPS School Bus Registration Still OpenSchool Bus
Register NOW and pay by Aug 1.

The time is now to register for the 2013-14 Bus.  There are different prices depending on when you register:
  • From May 12-June 30th: seat-available basis for a higher cost ($500/student with a $1,250 Family Cap)
  • Beginning July 1: cost is no longer subsidized, seating is on a seat-available basis, and no bus routes will be changed.($722/student with a $1,805 Family Cap).

The after-school options have been designed to better meet the needs of today's students:

  • Elementary Ride After program ($60/student)  
  • Middle and High School Flexpass program ($50/student)
Each program requires the purchase of bus pass and can be purchased at anytime during the school year.

For more information, visit the LPS Transportation website
Summer Reading 2013 
Summer Reading The summer season is here and with it comes the dreaded Summer Slide - the loss of knowledge and skills gained during the school year.  In a 2009 government web cast, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan described summer learning loss as "devastating."  This is what researchers have often referred to as the "summer slide."  It is estimated that school summer breaks will cause the average student to lose up to one month of instruction, with disadvantaged students being disproportionately affected (Cooper, 1996, cited here). 

Studies have repeatedly shown that reading during the summer can counter that loss. How can you help your children avoid the Summer Slide? Encourage them to read and to participate in a summer reading program.

Cary Memorial Library, with the Lexington Public Schools and Boston Public Library, are again sponsoring the MA Summer Reading Program. This year's theme is 'Dig Into Reading.'  Summer Reading lists, compiled by Lexington Elementary School librarians and Cary Children's librarians, were distributed at the Summer Reading kick-off at Bridge. The lists are linked below and are also available at Cary Memorial Library.  See below also for the Cary Memorial Library Summer Program, BPL Summer Program, and LPS Summer Enrichment links.
Mrs. Allen, Bridge Librarian
Clarke Orientation Information
For those who were not able to attend last month's Parent Orientation at Clarke, the presentation materials are online on the Clarke Middle School webpage.  Hit the link under "announcements" to download the Powerpoint presentation.  The Clarke Insider's Guide is also online.  Everything you need to know about day to day information, after school activities, communication etc., is ALL in this document.

Joining the Clarke PTA (known as the JCSA) list serve is VERY useful since our kids will NOT come home with flyers anymore next year!  The list serve gives you great updates on all events and "need to know" parent information at school.  To sign up, click here or visit the JCSA Membership and Forms webpage and click to download the JCSA membership form. This form also allows you to submit Clarke Directory information.
Clarke Logo
Bridge Math Team Has a Sensational Year Math Olympiad Logo
Congratulations to the Math team for a successful Math Olympiads (MOEMS) Division E (4th to 6th Grade) contest year 2012 to 2013!

The Math Team, ran by parent volunteers John Zhu (coach), Angela Chang, and Guorong Zhu, comprised of 24 Bridge 4th and 5th Grade students.  The team attended five Math Olympiads contests from last November and March and achieved great scores.

The team will get a Plaque (top team award) as one of the top 10% teams from over 3,000 school teams in US and other 25 countries, and a Meritorious Achievement award as one of the top 20% of teams with only 4th and 5th graders.

Except 6 students who missed one or more contests, 28% of team members will get Gold award (top 2% tier among 60,000 students) , 39%, Silver award (next 8% tier), including both 4th and 5th graders.  And the average score for the team members are 18.8 (out of 25), with both median and mode as 20.

Thanks to Principal Colella and Bridge PTA for the great support, to parents for volunteering, and to students in the team for working hard during the contests.
Three Cheers for Eco-Bridge Volunteers! 
Eco-Bridge logo Thank you to our amazing students, volunteers, and staff who recycle every day at lunch-reducing trash at Bridge and making a difference for the earth. We'd like to extend appreciation to our:

Custodians:  Paul O'Connell and Elinor MacLennan, who go above and beyond to provide essential support setting up and closing the recycling stations, keeping an eye on things, and assisting students and parents when needed.
School Liaisons & Advisors: Erin Maguire and Lucia Gates, who offer invaluable guidance for the program and school assemblies.
Aides: For reminding students when it's time to recycle.
Student Volunteers: Over 165 students in grades 2-5 who help their classmates sort trash, recyclables, and compostable food scraps.
Parent Volunteers: Our dedicated, enthusiastic, and reliable parents who come in each week to supervise the recycling stations: Nirai Arunachalam, Gal Bason, Julia Carpenter-Conlin, Angela Chang, Archana Dubey, Suni George, Soojung Kim, Maggie McGeachie, Shree Panchapakesan, Naomi Priver, Kirthika Ramakrishnan, Beth Randall, Subha Sainathan, Heather Tashjian, Chetna Vankayalapati, and Sree Venkatesh.
Food Delivery Volunteers: Maggie McGeachie, Kris Maeda, and Julia Carpenter-Conlin who brought uneaten lunch food (milk, juice, water, cheese sticks, yogurt, carrot bags, and fruit) to the Bristol Lodge soup kitchen in Waltham. And special thanks to custodian Elinor MacLennan who organized the food and ensured it stayed fresh.
Compost Supervisor: Kris Maeda, who faithfully turns the compost throughout the year, helping break down food scraps into soil for the garden.

Thank you!

Jenny Lisle & Nimisha Asthagiri, Eco-Bridge Co-Chairs
Eco-Bridge Donates Food to Bristol Lodge 
Bristol Lodge Lunch Donation Each week, Eco-Bridge volunteers bring uneaten lunch food to the Bristol Lodge soup kitchen in Waltham. Wrapped, unopened items (milk, juice, water, cheese sticks, yogurt, carrot bags, and fruit) are served as snacks to guests before dinner. As students recycle and throw away lunch items, they are first asked to save any uneaten food to eat later. If they don't want the food, it's stored for Bristol Lodge. Thank you to the Eco-Bridge parent volunteers who collect and deliver the food. And special thanks to custodian Elinor MacLennan who organizes the food and ensures it stays fresh.

For more information on Eco-Bridge activities, please contact Nimisha Asthagiri or Jenny Lisle.  You can also find information on this and other EcoBridge activities at the EcoBridge webpage.
Thank You from BBY Coordinators! Thank you
We would like to thank all of the Big Backyard (BBY) volunteers who generously donated their time and effort to the program this year.  The BBY program is an integral part of the science curriculum at Bridge and, it is a lot of fun for the kids!  The program could not be carried out every year without the help of our wonderful volunteers in coordination with the teachers.  So, thank you!!!  We would especially like to thank our room coordinators as we know it takes a concerted effort to organize walks - especially those winter walks!

We hope everyone has a great summer and we hope to see you in the fall.

Many thanks,
Dianna Queheillalt, Cindy Darcy, and Andrew McKee

P.S. If you do not see your name below please accept our apologies.  Let us know and we will add your name to our list.

Kalpana Balachundhar, Malka Berndt, Nick Bliamptis, Stephen  Bouwens, Kimberly Brennan, Jon Burstein, Laura    Cassenti, Tom    Chang, Dafne    Cimino, Rebecca Courduvelis, Becky DesRoches, Gali Diamant, Lisa    Dinsmore, Jim    Durant, Jennifer Eaglesham, Andy Engelward, Xiaoying Fan, Carrie Fu, Rosa Galvao, Feng Gao, Monica Gauba, Ling Gong, Philip Graeter, Erin Graeter, Yoko Graham-Masuda, Jenny Gruskin, Hitomi    Ito, Tamara Jessiman, John Jiang, Kristina Jolley, Hetal Joshi, Nevin Katz, Thea Keith-Lucas, Chetana Keltcher, Jenny Kim, Teresa Kim, Christie King, Amy Kvaal, Maureen Lagarde, Betsy Lawson, Liz Lemont, Paul    Levenson, Kara Libby, Constanza Lisdero, Bertine Lyppens-Brouwer, Mark Maguire, Amy McGaraghan, Susan McNamara, Sarah    McSweeney, Sathish    Palayam, Minjung Park, Allison Posey,Naomi Priver, Pearl Riney, Kristen    Robson, Laura    Schroeder, Sam Scott, Almina Semy, Jill Simon, Peg Smith, Cathy Smith, Sacha Soparkar, Suraj Srinivasan, Wendy Stead, Brigitte Steines, Farhana Stevenson, Heather Tashjian, Chetna    Vankayalapati, Jing Wang, Vicky Wang, Trish Weisberg, Huimeng Wu, Guorong Zhu
Molte Grazie to 5th Grade Families and Supper Committee
Thank you The 5th Grade Activities Committee would like to thank all the 5th grade families who attended the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser.  199 guests feasted on a delicious, catered Italian meal and a choice of amazing, homemade desserts.  Thank you to the wonderful, hardworking Spaghetti Supper committee - Anna Minks, Lea Minghella, Una Gillis, Mary Jayne Fay Barbour, Laura Schroeder, Lisa Boehm, and Neil McGaraghan - who spent countless hours planning and orchestrating the event - what a team!!
Thank you to the many 5th grade parents and students who helped set up, serve food, clean up, and bake scrumptious desserts.  A special thank you to our event sponsors: Jason Michael's Catering (Woburn);  Antoine's Pastry Shop (Newton); Peet's Coffee & Tea (Lexington); Cambridge Trust (Lexington); Wagon Wheel Nursery & Farmstand (Lexington); Fruitt�e Yogurt (Lexington); Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt (Lexington); and Rancatore's Ice Cream and Yogurt (Lexington).  We hope you will consider supporting these businesses as they have supported us.
Lastly, thank you to our very talented 5th grade student performers:  Pascal Cheung, Emily Ma, Seray Kauffman, Arun Asthasiri, Joey Mostika, Malte Steines, Cathryn Barbour, Madeleine Minks, Tiffany Leung, and Molly Zeytoonian. You made the evening extra special.

And the winner is?  Congratulations to (drum roll, please...) Mrs. Arena, for correctly guessing the number of jelly beans in the jelly bean raffle jar and Derek Schirripa, who won the 50/50 raffle.  In an act of supreme generosity, Derek donated a portion of his winnings back to the 5th grade class.  Well done!
Thank You for Your Community Service Thank you
Thank you to those who volunteered for April Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen dinner, either in person or through the fruit drive.  Your generous donations of time and food provided a delicious dinner to over 75 hungry adults and folks were very thankful for the great meal (many came back for seconds too).  The kids did a terrific job helping out -- prepping, serving and cleaning up.  Thanks to the many contributions, we were also able to offer fruit to all and even have a bunch left for tomorrow's meal.

MHSA Shelters for the Homeless serve over 350,000 meals to the hungry each year.  They have also provided over 300,000 shelter beds since their opening in 1983.  Their shelters include Bristol Lodge Men's Shelter, Women's Shelter, Sandra's Lodge Family Shelter, Mary's House Family Shelter, and Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen.

For more information on other Community Service projects, please go to our webpage or contact Julia Carpenter-Conlin or Guorong Zhu, Community Service Committee Co-Chairs
Zumba ACT Fundraiser a Hit  
ACT LogoACT (Arts Created Together) hosted a fun and successful Zumba Family Night on Friday, May 10, which supported ACT programming efforts.  ACT would like to thank Zumba instructors Ann Munchmeyer and Ami Stix for their extraordinary energy, enthusiasm, and teaching skills, which gave way to a truly enjoyable evening.  Also, thank you to all participants! 

For further questions regarding ACT please contact Jill Demirjian or Annie Roy.
Join Cub Scouts Pack 160 on 6/5 for a SUPER SOAKER BLAST!Pack 160 Logo
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 7pm at Hastings Park
(across the street from the Hayden Ice Rink) 
Rain date: June 6, 2013

This is an opportunity for kindergarten through fourth grade boys and their families in the Fiske and Bridge Elementary School districts to meet members of the Pack and to learn more about scouting.

Bring your favorite water toy, extra water for refueling and a towel.

The Cub Scouting program encourages group and family involvement in activities that help boys to learn to respect their home, country and other people, as well as:
  • Develop personal independence
  • Learn new physical skills through sports, crafts and games
  • Learn how to get along with others through group activities
  • Expand mental skills learning about their community and the world around them
  • Learn to make values-based decisions that assist them through their adult lives.
Pack 160 and its families help Cubs Scouts develop these skills and have a great time through a variety of activities, such as: camping, Pinewood Derby Race, rocket launches, hiking, Cub Scout Olympics, popcorn fundraiser, fishing, service projects, battleship sleepover, earning badges, campfires, and a Museum of Science Sleepover

For more information, please contact Kevin Colburn at or 617-872-9761.  To learn more about Cub Scouts for 2013-2014 go to: their website.

[The Cub Scouts are not affiliated with the Town of Lexington or Lexington Public Schools.]
Summer Girl Scout Troop for Grades K-1 Starts 6/13
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts invites girls in grades Kindergarten and 1 who are not currently involved in Girl Scouting to join a special Summer Daisy Troop.  This troop will meet on Thursday afternoons from June 13th - July 25th (except for July 4th) at the Lexington United Methodist Church.  Two sessions are available, either 4:00 - 5:00 pm or 6:00 - 7:00 pm. (Girls must choose only one time to attend.)  I

f you are interested, please RSVP Nancy Pollock at 978-701-6332 by June 10th.  Parents must attend the June 13th meeting, where membership fee and dues (32.00) will be collected. 
This Month's Calendar
June 2013 Calendar
The Bridge PTA online calendar can give you a monthly, weekly, or agenda view.  Click the calendar above to see what's happening at Bridge! 
To subscribe to this calendar, enter the following URL into your personal calendar application:  Make sure to request updates, as events are added and edited frequently.

Need subscribing help?

For iCal, click here for iCal directions.       
For Outlook, click here for Outlook directions.

2012-2013 PTA Executive Committee Members

Bridge School Office Staff





Justine Wirtanen

Margaret Colella

Rebecca Reynolds Moore




Erin Maguire

Tricia Weisberg





Kristen Baranofsky

Stephanie Mitzenmacher




Kerry Daley

Nimisha Asthagiri

Lisa Dinsmore


Christie King    

Lucia Gates

Susan Kingsbury

Laura Schroeder


Cathy Smith 

Guorong Zhu  

Diane Celi