Speaking is Sexy
Volume III, No. 24                                                                     November 2012

"You can't wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club."

                                    ~ Jack London               

You have received this email because you have a relationship with Marion Claire, have exchanged business cards, or it was forwarded by someone you know.  Enjoy!
Be sure to add marion@marionclaire.com to your "white list" to continue receiving these emails.
Included In This Issue
What's Marion Up To Now?
Your Unique and Sexy Speaker at your next Event!
Have you downloaded your FREE report yet?
Speaking Is Sexy Tip #24, Vol. 3 ~ Who Are You in 60 Seconds?
There's Still Time!!!
What Do My Readers Say?
How Can I Help You?
Food for Thought
More about Marion Claire ~ My Embarrassing Secret
Why is it called Speaking is Sexy? 
When what someone says and how they say it sends chills up and down your spine, that's sexy! 
Whether you're giving a speech, having a conversation, saying your wedding vows, teaching your kids, exhorting your sales team, or talking in your sleep, if someone is listening, you are inspiring them.  It's important to remember that whenever you speak, someone is influenced by each word you say. 
Be a positive influence.  Be an inspiration.  That's very sexy.

Did you miss a previous Speaking Tip?

You can find them here!
If you are...
  • Currently speaking in public,
  • Thinking of speaking in public, but procrastinating like crazy,
  • Afraid to speak in public,
  • Envious of people who speak confidently in public, or
  • Would just like a few tips on how you can speak better than they do...
This newsletter will give you tips and techniques to become the accomplished speaker you've always longed to be.

MARION CLAIRE coaches solopreneurs, business owners, middle managers and executives who want to become calm, confident, unique and sexy speakers who influence and inspire others with the power of their voice. www.marionclaire.com

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What's Marion Up To Now?
End of the Year Special on Speeches for Special Occasions

            Do you need to speak at your company's holiday party, son's wedding, your daughter's engagement party, your mother's milestone birthday or your father's retirement celebration? Not sure what to say or how to say it? Need someone to help you become a unique and sexy speaker for this very special occasion? Let me make it easier for you. We'll work together over the phone, fast but thorough, and you'll have your speech in record time.

            Why struggle all by yourself when you can get it done the easy way? Email me at  marion@marionclaire.com Subject: I need a speech!, or call 310/659-8956 and tell me what you need. Take advantage of my End of the Year Discount.  Be smart. Get help. You'll be delighted you did!  





      Have you heard about my upcoming book, SECRETS OF A UNIQUE & SEXY SPEAKER?  It's a Handbook of Speaking Tips used by experts that you can keep in your pocket or desk for a bit of quick help to make you look and sound like a sexy professional speaker.

      If you'd like to be on my special Advance List to be the first to have the opportunity to purchase a copy, please send your request to me at:  Marion@marionclaire.com

      This is a book for speakers of all levels, from beginners to experienced. You're sure to find in it helpful Speaking Tips for any type of speech or speaking occasion that will save you time and uncertainty and make creating your next presentation a joy instead of a struggle!


      "Marion Claire brings light into the room as she sets everyone at ease so they are ready to learn.  Our team mostly had no experience in public speaking, and so were shy and stumbling at first, but gained confidence quickly under Marion's effective guidance.  They were left with solid information that they could use as they practiced putting speeches together and then giving them.  And as a seasoned speaker myself, I nonetheless learned a thing or two to make my speaking more effective."

~Pauline Field, Chair, www.5050Leadership.org 


      Looking for a speaker for your next event? Want to know what it means to "Be a Unique and Sexy Speaker!"? Let me show you ASAP!  

      You need a speaker who walks her talk. I'll be delighted to speak to your group in your neighborhood. Just let me know what you need. I'll customize a program for you and show your group time-tested techniques that'll make them the speakers they've always wanted to be.

      Send me an email at: Marion@marionclaire.com or call me at 310/659-8956.

      All you need to do is ask!



Go to www.marionclaire.com  and on the Home page, you will find a link to download this valuable speaking tool:




Knowing the answers to these Five Questions will enable you to create a fabulous speech for almost any occasion.  Download your Free Report now and make creating your next speech so much easier!  


Already a subscriber?  Click here.  

   Speaking Is Sexy Tip #24, Vol. 3    


   Who Are You in 60 Seconds?    


      "I hate networking!" a business associate, call her Paula, admitted to me the other day.  "I know it's a required skill in running my business, but I dread every breakfast, lunch or evening mixer where I know I'm going to have to introduce myself in 60 seconds or less."

      "What's so fearful about talking about yourself and your business?" I asked.

      "I just hate it," she said.  "I get really nervous, always forget something important, and I feel so inadequate listening to all the other people in the room who are better at it than I am.  I plan ahead what to say, but I'm so worried about keeping within the time limit that either I forget half of it or speak too fast trying to get it all in.  And then afterward, I kick myself for being so incompetent."  She looked at me miserably.  "I'm really good at my profession," she added, "but, you'd never know it from those darn 60 seconds.  What's the secret? How do I get over this? It's really getting me down."

      Paula's lament is heard a lot, especially from people whose business depends as much on word of mouth as it does on other forms of publicity and advertising.  Many entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals of all persuasions find that the more personally they interact with prospective clients, the more successful their businesses become.  And that means saying something so appealing in 60 seconds or less that everyone they meet will want to hear more.  

      There are several different formulas for creating a 60-second intro.  All of them are supposed to hook your listener's interest and make you sound like someone they want to know more about.  They include saying your name, your title and type of business, what your specialization is, who your ideal client is and why your listener should prefer working with you rather than others in your field.  Everyone in business knows these formulas, and everyone uses them, with varying degrees of individual success.

      What Paula was looking for was the magic key that would make her feel confident as well as competent in networking situations.  More importantly, she wanted her listeners to feel confident that she was competent in her business and that it was well worth their time to find out more about using her services.

      The quickest way to attract attention when promoting yourself and your business to total strangers is to remember five little words: What's In It For Them, or WIIFT.

      After you say your name, even before your title, offer a description of what you do that will make your listener think, "That's interesting.  I want to know more about that."  My 60-second intro usually begins, "Hi, I'm Marion Claire, the Speaking Is Sexy Coach."  In those few words my listeners know what I do and how it will benefit them, assuming the idea that speaking can be sexy is something they'd like to know more about.  I then go on to explain why speaking is sexy and why it's important to achieving their goals.  I can then spend the remaining seconds talking about their particular needs, showing how I can specifically help them, how I've helped others, what my credentials are, etc.

      Whether it's a networking event, a social event, an interview, or a casual encounter standing in line at the movies, what remains constant is those few opening words   that say who I am and what's in it for them.  I deliver them with confidence and a sincere interest in offering something helpful to my listener.  The result is almost always an exchange of contact information, which I can then follow up on later.  The personal contact has been made and interest has been piqued.  I know that they're interested in what I can do for them, and it only took 60 seconds to find out.

      Remember the magic acronym: WIIFT.  Try your 60-second intro out on friends or colleagues; ask them for their honest reaction.  Get help if you need it to hone and polish your approach to make it irresistible.  Keep refining your opening until you feel so comfortable that you can say it almost without thinking whenever a networking opportunity arises.  Memorize the key phrases you want to say the same way every time, so you won't have to worry about forgetting them on the spot.  You'll never have to fear introducing yourself and your business again, and your listeners will be glad they met you in 60-seconds or less! 

DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS OR COLLEAGUES who would benefit from seeing this Speaking Is Sexy eZine?  Please forward it to them or send me their email address and I'll send them a copy and tell them it's from you!  www.marionclaire.com 
Want to use this Speaking Is Sexy Tip in your Newsletter or Blog?  
You can, as long as you include this entire blurb:  For fourteen years, Marion Claire has coached entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals of all kinds to become the unique and sexy speakers they longed to be.  She'll also help you write your speeches for almost any occasion.  For more information about Marion and her programs, check out her website at www.marionclaire.com 
 There's Still Time!... In 2012 to become the Unique and Sexy Public Speaker you've always wanted to be!

"After working with Marion Claire, my fear of speaking in front of a group of people is practically gone.  I still get a few pre-speech butterflies, which Marion assures me are totally normal, but my former severe anxiety has disappeared.  Marion taught me simple techniques to release my pre-speech tension and build up my confidence.  Her knowledge and easy-going manner make her very easy to work with.  She's the real deal and I'm happy to recommend her."

                    --David Feldman, CPA  



Give yourself a break! It's easier than you think to overcome your nervousness and increase your confidence
You don't need to be reluctant to get up to speak ever again. Amaze yourself at how quickly you can get rid of whatever is holding you back! Let me show you how to become the speaker you'd really like to be!

If the thought of giving a speech absolutely paralyzes you, it's time to change your thinking! You can overcome those debilitating fears. Let me show you a special process that focuses specifically on getting rid of the limiting beliefs that keep you from speaking with confidence and joy. At the same time, acquire tips and techniques that will make you a calm, confident, unique and sexy speaker every time!  


Smooth and Polish your present speaking skills! You can easily learn useful techniques that will increase your confidence and make you sound like a pro.


Need to give a major speech for an important occasion? Can you use some guidance on writing and delivering it? In a very short time, you can learn how to organize your thoughts, create a winning presentation, and speak from your heart with authority and enthusiasm.


Give yourself a gift that will last a lifetime.
Talk to me confidentially about your special speaking needs. I'm always available for a *free* half-hour consultation at 310/659-8956 or email me at Marion@marionclaire.com

What Do My Readers Say? 



When Candidates Debate 

I agree with the grades you gave the candidates.  I watched most of the debates and think you summed up their styles nicely. 

~ Brendan McMahon, Financial Advisor,

Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management


Ж Ж Ж Ж    

I look forward to reading your 'Speaking is Sexy' newsletter, which always has some unique, thoughtful and important information that will help me in both my business and personal life.  You have great insight, wisdom and practical tips to help guide me in my many speaking opportunities and coaching experiences.  Thank you, Marion!
~Mary Berney, MSW, Executive Coach, DISC Trainer  

Ж Ж Ж Ж 
Each month I read the tips in Speaking is Sexy and it helps me refresh my skills.  As a lawyer, I need to be able to feel comfortable in giving speeches and the tips in the newsltter have continued to help me.  Thank you Speaking is Sexy! 
                                  ~Sharon Kopman, Attorney at Law



Would you like to comment on what you've seen here? Your feedback means a great deal to me. Contact me at Marion@marionclaire.com


Did you miss previous Speaking Tips? You can find them at www.marionclaire.com/newsletter


conftableFood for Thought



In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.   
             ~ Nikos Kazantzakis 

           More about Marion Claire


Revealing An Embarrassing Secret   

      We all have an embarrassing secret that we don't want to reveal because we're afraid people will think less of us if we do so. For many, many years I hid mine. I was sure that people would look at me strangely or not want to be around me if they knew I was less than perfect. Boy, was I wrong!

      The thing about hiding the truth about yourself is that you are depriving yourself and the folks you come in contact with of the opportunity to have an honest relationship with you. True, you don't want to just blurt out your deepest feelings or most painful memories at inappropriate moments. You want to be sure your revelations will be received with kindness, consideration and sympathy, and not with distaste, anger or ridicule.

      But it is far better to be open about the things you cannot change that have shaped who you are. Facing the secrets of the past helps you understand yourself and it helps others understand you. And with understanding come the gifts of appreciation, sympathy, empathy, and love.


      So here's the embarrassing secret I used to be afraid to reveal.

      For over 20 years, I suffered from agoraphobia, the fear of crossing open spaces. Sometimes I couldn't leave my house for more than five minutes, without scurrying back inside. My enemy was not the great outdoors. It was simply fear.

      Everyone experiences fear on occasion. And everyone's fear is a little bit different, personal to the individual. Mine was fear of being alone out in the world. I didn't feel safe by myself. Although I was perfectly content to live on my own, I needed the comfort and companionship of someone I knew well whenever I ventured out of the safety of my home. No way could I dream of getting up to speak in front of a room full of strangers!

      I'm so proud to say that I overcame my fear. It took, first of all, the courage to admit there was something wrong. Then came the desire to fix it and to seek out the help I needed to overcome it.

      And wow! Look at me now!

      Today I speak in front of groups of all sizes, shapes and interests.  If I can do it, so can you!  Let me help you.  contact me at Marion@marionclaire.com.  

Speak Your Mind with Marion Claire

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