League City United Methodist Church
June, 2015

Kid's Day Camp - August 17-21 -  7:30-4:30 pm


Children entering K-5th grade in August are invited.

Cost $125.00 for entire week or $35.00 day.

Open Gym* Crafts* Movie* Games.

Kids will bring a packed lunch.

Snacks will be provided throughout the day.


Contact:  Andrea Pritchard



Help Make VBS a Success

Large boxes of goldfish, Capri Sun Roaring Waters drinks
Sharpie Markers(colored and black),  Elmer's Glue (bottles). 

 Please bring donations to Andrea's office. Thank you! 
 Contact:  Andrea Pritchard


Electronic giving doesn't take vacations

This summer, if you can't make it to church due to travel or other commitments, we encourage you to automate your regular donations. 


The church relies on the consistent financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Please visit the church website and locate the giving page. We thank you for your continued support!


All students entering 4th/5th grade in fall 2015
Games, snacks, fun and friends!



June 17,  7:00- 8:30pm 

(combined with Jr. High age students) 



June 24, 6:00-7:00pm

July 1,  6:00-7:00pm

July 15,  6:00-7:00pm


July 29, 7:00-830pm

(Combined with Jr. High age students)



Andrea Pritchard


Pay It Forward

Several weeks ago, the Evangelism Committee passed out "Pay It Forward" cards to the congregation.  These are to be given out when you do a random act of kindness for someone (friend or stranger).  If you did not receive yours, there are extras on the usher counter in the Narthex.  


If you have used your cards and have had any interesting experiences, please notify Dana in the church office.  We would love to hear your stories!


Mission Opportunities

Summer Missions Commissioning, Sunday, June 7

We will be recognizing all of our summer mission leaders/volunteers and students during our June 7th Sunday services. These include VBS Volunteers, UM ARMY and SUMMIT participants and our Sager- Brown team.




Food Truck Ministry Schedule for 2015

June 5 & 19; July 17 &  31 (no July 3), August 14 & 28; September 11 & 25; October 9 & 23; November 6 & 20; December 4 & 18 

To volunteer contact:  Terry Worthy  


LCUMC will be teaming up with Ross Elementary to provide one on one mentoring to kids in need for the 2015-2016 school year. Being a mentor will mean spending one hour a week during school hours with the same child doing various activities, reading, playing games, helping with homework, etc. Training will be provided prior to mentoring relationship.


If you are interested please email Jennie Urban at jvurban@gmail.com.


Do you know we have 38 SR HI youth and 12 adults heading to Livingston, TX for UM ARMY?!!!! This is a record breaking mission team for us!


We would love to put a care package together for each of our LCUMC UM ARMY mission folks!  Also, our adult workers usually take their teams out for Sonic drinks after a hard days work! It would be great to help them cover those costs, too!


Candy, bandanas, protein bars, trail mix packets, Gatorade or Crystal Light drink powder individual packets, beef jerky sticks, gifts cards for Sonic are needed.


Please place these in Andrea's office by June 7th. Our VBS kids will be putting together these packs as one of their VBS  mission activites!  $$$ donations are always welcome, as well.