Caduceus Courier

                            February 2015
Join Us at Our Upcoming Medicare 101 
If you are turning 65 and newly enrolling in Medicare, dissatisfied with your existing Medicare Advantage plan, or just have general questions regarding your coverage... we are here to help! We will be facilitating an educational seminar with an on-site Medicare specialist at TLC (The Life Center).  Our first "Medicare 101" will be held Thursday, March 5th 2-3 pm at our center in Yorba Linda. 

Below is a summary of what Caduceus offers our seniors at NO COST and details will be discussed at the event:
  • We sit down with you and show you how Medicare works
  • We educate you on ALL of your plan options
  • We teach you how each plan benefit will work
  • We input all of your drugs into the system to see which plans will cover your prescriptions at the lowest cost
  • We make sure that you choose a plan that your physicians accept
  • We make sure you are placed with a network that will allow you to use the hospitals of their choice
  • We answer any questions that you have
  • We will help you apply for extra help if needed (low income subsidy)
  • We give each senior an annual benefit review to ensure you are always on a plan that fits all of your needs.
Seating is limited so RSVP today to reserve your spot!  
Here's to Your Heart
February is American Heart Month.  Statistics on heart disease throughout the nation are staggering. Each year, 700,000 Americans or roughly two percent of the country's population suffer heart attacks. More than $300 billion is spent each year as a result of cardiovascular issues. One fourth of all deaths on any given year are the result of issues related to the human heart.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a healthy lifestyle may not be as difficult to achieve as some might think.  To accomplish a greater quality of life, the AHA offers several tips that, if followed, should result in an improved quality of life.

Exercise and a healthy diet are, perhaps, the two most important ingredients to reduce the onset of heart disease.  An AHA study states that as little as 30 minutes of daily exercise can significantly lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Additionally, the AHA offers comments on the benefits of aspirin intake. It is suggested that individuals who have reached a 55th birthday should consult with their physician about taking aspirin in an effort to reduce the onset of strokes and heart attacks.  Those dealing with a weight gain following the holiday season can reduce or maintain their weight with an exercise program and recommends that those who wish to maintain their weight may want to consider a moderate exercise program of two and one half to five hours weekly. On the other hand, those who wish to get serious about weight loss of five or more percent of their body weight should plan to exercise more than five hours each week.

When it comes to smoking, the AHA echoes a warning that smokers, along with those exposed to secondhand smoke, may be destined to the same medical issues. As the old expression goes, it is never too late to quit smoking.

No AHA tips are complete without a few comments on salt.

Salt, according to the AHA, is a necessity to the well being of the human body, but like alcohol, an excessive intake of this mineral may produce less than desirable results. Most restaurants add salt to their menu items during preparation, so diners might be wise to avoid adding more.

Again, it is never too late to start, so let's all pledge to make a new start for a healthier lifestyle during American Heart Month!

Have a medical question for your physician about this article?  Use a complimentary "MouseCalls!"
On-Site pharmacy and medical supply for your convenience
Keep your cash... we pay the tax! For your convenience and to save you valuable time, we have pharmacy, medical supplies, and physician recommended health related merchandise on-site at TLC(The Life Center) in Yorba Linda.  Caduceus covers your sales tax so we can offer the most affordable pricing for you and your family! (Available on all items but prescription medications.)

Any suggestions for items you wish us to carry that are not currently stocked?  Email us at
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Caduceus at Your Fingertips

We have recently added some cool new features to our app, including a video tutorial on our patient portal... follow us on Facebook for future info on contests, promotions, and other upcoming events!  
Book Your Own Appointment
Book Your Own Appointment:

Yorba Linda- (Primary Care, Caduceus for Women, Caduceus 4 Kids) 
Yorba Linda- (Specialty and all other services)


Book Your Own Appointment:

Irvine- (Primary Care)
Irvine- (Specialty Care and all other services)

19742 MacArthur Blvd. Ste 100 Irvine 92612                                                 

Book Your Own Appointment:
Thalia map

Laguna Beach-(Primary Care) 
Laguna Beach-(Specialty Care and all other services)


Online Concierge Services:

How Are We Doing?
A Message From Our Medical Director
February is Amercian Heart Health month!  Caring for your heart through a healthy diet and regular physical activity is the secret weapon to preventing heart disease.  The real preventative power lies with real changes to your lifestyle - which can reduce the risk for heart disease by as much as 80 percent.

We also hope for those of you transitioning to Medicare coverage later this year you will find the upcoming Medicare 101 event a useful tool.  A consultant will be presenting all of the pertinent information that should prepare you and also will be available for questions after the presentation.  Hope to see you there and be sure to tell your co-workers, friends, or family members as the event is open to the public.  

Gregg DeNicola MD
Medical DIrector
Caduceus Medical Group