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October 2015
Temple Beth Tikvah News

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October Celebrations
TBT Board Members
Board Officers:

   Mark Schindel

 Vice President:
   Fred Rafilson
   Naomi Chudowsky

   Lester Dober

   Marti Fields Johnson
   Joe Jezukewicz
   Marijane Krohn

TBT Commitee Chairs
 Adult Education
   Burt Litman

 Bikkur Holim
   Suzanne Schlosberg
   Evie Lerner

   Ralph Uri

   Jeanne Freeman

   Mark Schindel
   Ralph Uri
   Jerry Greenbach

   Lauren Olander

   Terry Reynolds
 Religious Education
   Kathy Schindel

 Social Action
   Jeanne Freeman

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Temple Beth Tikvah is pleased to welcome our newest members:

                    Rose and Joe Jackman, 
                    and their daughter Katie
October Calendar of Events

   Oct.  3   7:00 p.m. - Havdallah in the Sukkah
   Oct.  4   3:00 p.m. - Jewish Community School Family
                                & Friends Simchat Torah Event
   Oct.  5  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study
   Oct.  6    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School
   Oct. 11  10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
                6:30 p.m. - TBT Board Meeting
   Oct. 12  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study
   Oct. 13    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School
   Oct. 14    5:30 p.m. - 6th Annual Men's Group
                                 Celebration at Joolz
   Oct. 16    6:00 p.m. - Special Kabbalat Shabbat
   Oct. 19  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study
   Oct. 20    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School
   Oct. 21    5:30 p.m. - Annual Poker Tournament
   Oct. 24    9:00 a.m. - Shabbat Torah Study
               10:45 a.m. - Shabbat Torah Service
   Oct. 26  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study
   Oct. 27    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School
   Oct. 30    7:00 p.m. - Erev Shabbat Service

   November 13-15 - C.O. Jewish Women's Retreat
   November 28th - B'nai Mitzvah - Kyle & Kahlan Snyder
   December 6th - Chanukah First Night at the Old Mill
   December 11th - Shabbat Latkapalooza!

OCTOBER School Activities
All activities at Shalom Bayit unless otherwise noted.
Sunday School: - 10/4 @3:00 p.m., 10/11 @10:00 a.m.
Hebrew School 4:00 p.m: - 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27

OCTOBER Torah Study
Weekly-Mondays noon at Evie's:
                      10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26
Monthly-Saturday 9:00 a.m. at Wesley Room: 10/24

For more details about any TBT events, see our complete schedule of Services, School activities, and Events online:

TBT Highlights
sukkahHavdallah in the Sukkah 
Saturday, October 3rd
7:00 p.m.
at The Fishkins

Bring dessert and wine to share. 
RSVP to Laurel: laurel.ballard@yahoo.com.
Poker Tournament
Poker Tournament



(rooters, groupies, and hangers-on welcome)
P.O. BOX 7472 
BEND, OR 97708

For questions about the poker tournament, contact Jerry Greenbach at g.greenbach@gmail.com.
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6th Annual Men's Group Celebration!

Join us with your spouses for our annual celebration this year for great food and friends at a great venue.

When:        Wednesday October 14th, 5:30 p.m. - ?
Where:       Joolz Restaurant, 916 NW Wall St. Bend
Cost:          $25/person - can be paid by check (made out to Ralph Uri) or cash.  Ok to pay later - RSVP now.
RSVP:         NOW PLEASE!  We need to get a count ASAP for our reservations.  OK to pay later - please reserve NOW by emailing either Mark Hershenson, Ralph Uri, or Fred Rafilson.
Cost covers great hors d'oeurves and friends.  Beverages as well as full menu (if you are still hungry) will be available for purchase. Seating is limited so click to RSVP now.

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Divrei Tikvah  RJohannaHeadShot
From Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

Rabbi Hershenson is away 
attending to recent deaths 
in her family.  Her column will return next month. 

~~ Rabbi Hershenson's office hours are by appointment. If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact her by email at: johannahershenson@gmail.com, or by phone at 541-213-9880.

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Mark Schindel photo President's Message
From TBT President Mark Schindel

Members & Friends ~
As we bask in the afterglow of our beautiful and inspiring High Holy Days services, we must seize this initiative to follow-up on our promises to continually improve ourselves and all that TBT has to offer.
But first, a reflection on what made our High Holy Days so wonderful and successful.  We had a record turnout for our services this year.  Rabbi Johanna Hershenson made the High Holy Days worship so meaningful, Cantor Adelle Nicholson's powerful voice and melodies guided our prayers, and our Music Coordinator Lauren Olander with such talented musicians in Julie Geveshausen and Jo Booser stirred our souls with their beautiful sounds.  HHD Committee Chair Kathy Schindel was assisted by a dedicated group of members that pulled all the logistics together for a most enjoyable experience for everyone.  We owe a great deal of Thanks for the dedication and leadership these people and others provided for this most important Jewish holiday celebration.  However, the reality is that almost every member helped in some way - participating in the services, assisting in set-up or clean-up, baking, providing rides, whatever it took to make it happen.  The overall involvement by our congregation was simply amazing and inspiring.  We should ALL be proud.
With the High Holy Days behind us, now we need to focus on our regular monthly activities and other special holiday events - such as planning and coordinating the new Shabbat@Home dinner gatherings, Erev Shabbat onegs, adult education presentations, social gatherings, new interest groups, and new projects for Social Action.
On Erev Rosh Hashanah, Jeanne Freeman made a personal appeal for volunteers to join her Social Action Committee to assist with the ideas, planning, and coordinating for future projects.  She was most pleasantly surprised to get a very strong response, and was able to fill-out her committee within just a few days.
We have clearly shown we can do it.  We have the capability to step up when help is needed.  With everyone pitching in, even the big tasks, like putting on the High Holy Days services and events, are doable.
So, with everyone giving even just a little of their talents, time, and effort, we can tackle the other remaining key areas still struggling to get going.  Our member engagement area needs assistance with new ideas, coordinating and hosting social events, interest groups, and welcoming new members.  If you can provide some help in any of these efforts, please contact Board members Fred Rafilson or Naomi Chudowsky and let them know.
Our rituals area needs assistance with new ideas for holidays, hosting a small Shabbat dinner gathering on occasion, Friday evening onegs, general set-up and clean-up, and making sure we have enough supplies.  If you can provide some help in any of these efforts, please contact Board members Marti Fields Johnson or Marijane (MJ) Krohn and let them know.
Our planning and development area needs assistance with new ideas for training and mentoring, developing short and long-term goals, and creating evaluation criteria.  If you can provide some help in any of these efforts, please contact Board members Lester Dober or Joe Jezukewicz and let them know.
Our adult education area needs assistance with new ideas for topics, presenters, hosting an event or securing a venue, and developing materials.  If you can provide some help in any of these efforts, please contact the Committee Chair, Burt Litman, and let him know.
Our children's religious education area needs assistance from parents with new ideas for activities, general set-up and clean-up at Sunday School, classroom support, and a Parent-Teacher group to provide oversight of the program.  If you can provide some help in any of these efforts, please contact the Religious Education Director, Kathy Schindel, and let her know.
A quote from my Torah portion on Yom Kippur seems apropos here: "this instruction is not too difficult for you, nor is it beyond reach."  In this New Year of 5776, let's all pitch in to make our TBT programming even better than it has been - something we ALL can benefit from and enjoy.

 Mark Schindel
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TBT Board Notes
Next Board Meeting:  Sun. October 11th, 6:30 p.m.
Location:  Stonebriar Apartments Clubhouse

Your TBT Board meets monthly and everyone is invited to attend. Dates and times of Board meetings are on the TBT calendar at:  bethtikvahbend.org/calendar

If you would like to read minutes of previous board meetings, you can request a copy from Board Secretary Naomi Chudowsky: naomic@bendbroadband.com
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Committee News
High Holy Days Wrap-Up 
Kathy Schindel, Committee Chair  shofar apples and honey photo

I have heard so many positive comments about our recent High Holy Day Services and events.  We of course all owe our thanks to Rabbi Hershenson, Cantor Nicholson, and Lauren Olander for creating and leading such beautiful services which give such deep meaning to the High Holy Day season. We are grateful that Julie and Jo make themselves available each year to add their talents as musicians, and of course Jo is a pro at blowing the Shofar.  Thank you to all of you!
There are a number of other folks who work a little more behind the scenes to add to the success and quality of our services and events.  You surely noticed all of the people participating in our services.  Thank you to Lester and Diane Dober for contacting and inviting so many members to participate.  People greatly appreciated being included.  
If you noticed and enjoyed the beautiful floral arrangements on the Bima, we can thank Leslie Conley for taking care of those.  The Rosh Hashanah Oneg was organized by Martha and Neil Pyne.  Thank you to them and all of those who baked the delicious desserts for that evening. Also, thanks to all who helped with set-up and clean-up.
The Tashlich picnic is always a well-attended and enjoyable event.  Thank you to Phyllis and Jerry Greenbach for again sponsoring the picnic and taking care of all the set-up and clean-up details, as well as procuring all of the food and drink.  We all had a great time.
Beverly Adler and Liz Levinson were in charge of our Break-the-Fast buffet dinner. Thank you Bev and Liz and all of your dessert bakers and kugel makers! 
Thank you to Terry Reynolds for taking charge of the sign-in table and the greeters for our services.  Welcoming our members and guests is such an important part of who we are as a TBT community.
Jeanne Freeman, your High Holy Day appeal for contributions to our Rabbi Caring Fund and our Tzedakah Fund was a good reminder to us all about our obligation as Jews for Tikkun Olam.  Thank you.
During this High Holy Day Season, there were many of you who just pitched in with set-up, clean-up, or providing rides to services and events for those who did not have transportation.  We all thank you.
As we have begun a new year, think about ways in which you might contribute to our TBT community.  There are lots of opportunities to help and we welcome whatever time you have to give.
Again, thank you all for making our High Holy Days so meaningful.
Kathy Schindel
High Holy Days Chair

Social Action Updatetikkun olam earth
Jeanne Freeman, Social Action Chair

The Social Action committee met with its new members and new ideas. Returning from last year's committee are Linda Brant, Leslie Conley, Burt Litman, and Bonnie Ruby. New members include Jeff Adler, Florence Beier, Alyson Belcher, Kim Rafilson, JoAnne Ray, Ann Rosenfield, Marilyn Shattuck and Marcia Uri.
While feeding those in need through the Back Door Caf� and Bethlehem Inn will continue, we agree that we can expand our efforts in other areas in the community. Committee members are currently exploring options for participating in programs that directly impact children, projects to help veterans, building with Habitat for Humanity, and we are exploring additional programs that provide food for the hungry.
As part of our efforts, Kim Rafilson and Naomi Chudowsky are working with our post b'nei mitzvah kids on social action projects. On November 3rd, they'll be cooking and serving dinner at the Bethlehem Inn. Ideas for future projects include working with Family Access Network (FAN) in the schools. And we're hoping to have programs that our adult and student groups can work on together.
At the High Holy Days services we asked for your ideas on programs to participate in - the Cancer Research Center and Camp Courage are groups you'll be hearing more about. If you have an organization that you'd like to present to our members, contact committee chair, Jeanne Freeman at jgfree925@gmail.com, or speak with any of our members.

Education Report Aleph Bet blocks
Kathy Schindel, Education Chair

Hebrew School classes begin on Tuesday, October 6th. 

Space is still available for both the Hebrew School and Community Religious (Sunday) School programs. Visit our website for additional information and registration forms, or contact Kathy Schindel at schindelke@aol.com.

NOVEMBER Newsletter Deadline:  October 24th

This newsletter is emailed to both members and non-members each month.  If you have something you want to include in the newsletter, please e-mail it to Sara: sarrava@gmail.com by the 24th of each month for the following month's publication.  As always, you will continue to receive "e-minders" before important events take place.

Sara Charney Cohen
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Community News
S.M.A.R.T. Needs YOU
Mitzvah Opportunity

S.M.A.R.T., Start Making a Reader Today needs Volunteers in the current school year!

For 24 years SMART has brought volunteers and children together to read. In the next few weeks, SMART volunteers will complete a 1 hour training and meet their SMART students. YOUR SUPPORT will make the difference for children who need the undivided attention and care. 

SMART recruits volunteers to read one-to-one with K-3 children in need of literacy support. Most CO schools serve kindergarten only.  It is a one or two hour commitment weekly, October through early May. Substitute readers take your shift when you can't be there. Each SMART student gets to take home two brand new books per month during this program. Please consider this opportunity to make a difference in our community.

See getsmartoregon.org.  TBT contact and SMART volunteer: Jan Freeman-Bauer 503-750-4926  or janetlynnfreemanbauer@gmail.com.

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New Book Club Forming

Are You Ready for a Book Club?   A new book club is forming NOW if enough people are interested.  You do not have to be a TBT member to join.  

Contact Beverly Adler (facilitator) for information at fiberartist@bendcable.com.

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Spring Into Cuba - Jewish Mission
March 20th - 27th, 2016

7 days  6 nights in Cuba, includes stops in Miami, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Havana.

Itinerary outline: 

3/20  Overnight Miami airport  Sheraton.
3/21  Flight Miami-Santa Clara, meet synagogue President, travel to Cienfuegos.
3/22  Walking tour, meet with Jewish Leaders, chorale performance.
3/23  Motor coach to Havana, stop enroute at Varadero beach resort, lunch at Dupont Mansion, visit Sephardic Synagogue, meet President.
3/24  Meet with historian discussing Cuban Jewish influx, cigar factory tour, walking tour of Old Havana, visit El Patronata, main synagogue.
3/25  Visit Jewish Cemetery, private tour fine arts museum, El Morro Fortress, Shabbat services and dinner with Jewish Community.
3/26  Visit Fuster studio, craft market, Farewell dinner.
3/27  Check out of hotel and depart for Miami.

Jagua Hotel Cienfuegos, Melia Hotel Havana

Inclusions: International air, Visa, US airport departure tax, Cuban departure tax,  first checked bag, bottled water on tour, most meals, Restaurant and Bell staff gratuities.
$3590/person double occupancy, single supplement $850 if paid by check.
$4295/person double occupancy, single supplement $850 if paid by  Visa/MC/AX.
Registration and deposit due by Nov. 11th to reserve a spot.
For more details, call or email Diane Dober 541-550-7020 dobersbend@gmail.com.

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TBT Tributes
You may honor the lives and achievements of friends and relatives via a tribute with a donation to TBT. You can do this online, or by sending a check and the name and address of the person being honored to TBT at P.O. Box 7472, Bend, OR, 97708.

Donations may be designated to a specific fund, including:
   - the Youth Education Fund,  
   - the Music Fund - including Adopt-a-Musician, 
   - the Library Fund, 
   - the Rabbi Fund, 
   - the Rabbi's Caring Fund, 
   - the Social Action Fund, 
   - the Corrie Grudin Memorial Fund,
   - or to the General Fund. 

Donations listed below were made to the Temple's general purpose fund unless otherwise specified.

Temple Beth Tikvah gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:
  • From Marcia and Ralph Uri, to the Music Fund.
  • From Allen Magid, in memory of Joseph Magid.
  • From Shelley Grudin, in memory of Corrie.
  • From  Phyllis & Jerry Greenbach, to the Corrie Grudin Memorial Fund, in honor of Marcia Uri and Pati Boyd's Birthday.
  • From Stephen and Eileen Katz, in memory of Walter Kollman.
  • From Vivian Freeman, to the Music Fund, in memory of Rabbi Hershenson's grandmother, Sunnie.
  • From Gary and Terry Reynolds, with sympathy to Drew Cogen on the loss of his father Peter Cogen.
  • From Gary and Terry Reynolds, with sympathy to Rabbi Johanna Hershenson on the loss of her grandmother, Sunnie.
  • From Gary and Terry Reynolds, in sympathy to Rabbi Johanna Hershenson & family on the loss of her mother, Eileen Rodgers.
  • From Phyllis and Gerald Greenbach, to the Music Fund, in gratitude for the lovely music during the High Holidays.
  • From Phyllis and Gerald Greenbach, in memory of the Rabbi's grandmother, Sonja Schwartzman.
  • From Ralph and Marcia Uri, to the Rabbi's Caring Fund, in memory of the Rabbi's grandmother, Sonja Schwartzman.
  • From Ralph and Marcia Uri, to the Rabbi's Caring Fund, in loving memory of Johanna's mother, Eileen Rodgers. 
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About Temple Beth Tikvah

Temple Beth Tikvah is a growing Jewish congregation based in Bend, Oregon. We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and are excited to be the first Reform synagogue in Central Oregon.

Our members come from a range of Jewish backgrounds including Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Renewal. Temple Beth Tikvah welcomes interfaith families and Jews by choice. We are committed to providing a Jewish education for our children as well as stimulating educational activities for adults. We value social action and strive to provide a Jewish cultural, social, and religious experience in Central Oregon.

Temple Beth Tikvah is a warm and enthusiastic community that includes families, singles, and "empty nesters." We are a mix of long-time Bend residents and newcomers from around the country who moved here to enjoy Central Oregon's beauty, active lifestyle, and quality of life.

Please contact us at 541-388-8826 or info@bethtikvahbend.org for more information.
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