Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media. The NCSH does not endorse specific content or research included in these articles. 
This Week
While the overall number of HIV diagnoses continues to fall in the United States, African-American and Latino gay and bisexual males are seeing a sharp increase.

Fewer than half of US high schools and only 20 percent of middle schools teach all the sex education topics the CDC recommends. This means that many adolescents are making sexual decisions without the information they deserve.

You may have questions about emergency contraception beyond just how effective it is at preventing pregnancy. This article examines five facts about how emergency contraception actually works.

Imbalanced Gender Ratios Could Affect Views about Casual Sex and Hook-Up Culture - Medical Xpress
The greater proportion of women than men on college campuses may contribute to a hook-up culture where women are more willing to engage in casual sex and are more aggressive toward other desirable women who are perceived as rivals.

Researchers found that most young gay and bisexual men with HIV don't have the virus suppressed by medication, making them more likely to infect others, and more than half reported recent unprotected sex.

No matter your status--single, dating, engaged, or married--relationships take work. Your own actions, words, and thoughts undoubtedly play a role.

Condoms are one of the most effective tools we have to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS. Thanks to the work of a Texas A&M professor, the world might soon get a new condom that features a unique disease-fighting component. 

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For more information contact us at [email protected].    

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.