Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media. The NCSH does not endorse specific content or research included in these articles. 

This Week
In 1965, a Supreme Court decision paved the way for contraception access and ultimately helped transform the workplace for women. In an interview, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards discussed the impact.


5 Ways Birth Control Has Changed America - Rolling Stone

Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of Griswold v. Connecticut, the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized birth control for married couples. Here are five ways the embrace of birth control has shaped our country for the better.


A new study suggests that just one dose of the HPV vaccine may protect girls from cervical cancer.


Seniors Find Easier Access to Sexual Health Information Online

According to new research, older adults are increasingly turning online for sexual health information, finding sources, services and discussion forums that fill a need caused by an apparent lack of acceptance of sexuality among seniors.


With New Study, New Mothers Seeking IUDs Are No Longer Urged to Wait - New York Times

Normally new mothers are told to return for contraception six weeks after giving birth, but a new study suggests that this practice should change. Women who received IUDs during cesarean sections were far more likely to be using them six months later than women who were told to return to the doctor's office to receive one.


Over-the-counter birth control gets boost in Congress - USA Today

There is growing agreement among senators that women should have over-the-counter access to birth control pills, but that is where the consensus stops and familiar political battle lines over women's health care emerge.

Partners Who Still Have Sex When Libido Is Low Have Better Relationships: Study - Medical Daily

A new study published in The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin suggests that having sex with your partner, even when you may not be in the mood, may have serious benefits for a relationship.

Apple Finally Adds Reproductive Health to Healthkit- Wired

Apple unveiled its new upcoming iOS 9, which will feature Apple's new HealthKit app. The app will allow iOS 9 users to track their reproductive health and sexual activity.

Sexual Assault Prevention Program Cuts Risk of Rape Nearly 50%, Study Says - LA Times  

An intensive program showing female college students how to recognize and resist sexual aggression reduced their chances of being raped over a year period by nearly half, according to new research.


How Exactly Does The So-Called 'Female Viagra' Pill Work? - HuffPost Healthy Living  

Flibanserin, the so-called "female Viagra" which aims to treat a lack of sexual desire among women, is on its way to getting FDA approval. But some say the Viagra comparison is all wrong. Dr. Sharon Parish, a professor of medicine with Weill Cornell Medical College, explained on HuffPost Live that while Viagra targets a man's sexual organs, flibanserin works with the chemistry of a woman's brain.


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**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.