Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media. The NCSH does not endorse specific content or research included in these articles. 
This Week
Nearly 300,000 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth every year in the US, and a third of them won't earn a diploma or a GED by age 22. But states and districts that once had robust support programs for teen parents now have no dedicated funding for these vulnerable youth.


New York Teens Finally Get Schooled on Condom Use - Refinery 29
New York City public high schools can show students how to use condoms in high school health classes, a change from a previous policy that did not allow such demonstrations in classrooms.


After a lobbying campaign by Even the Score and a variety of other women's health advocacy groups, an FDA advisory panel recommended approval of what would become the first drug to treat a lack of sexual desire in women.

Oregon Legislature Votes to Expand Access to Birth Control - FOX News   

A law requiring private insurers to allow women to collect a 12-month supply of birth control in a single visit, rather than the one-month dose often supplied, is headed to the governor's desk in Oregon. A separate bill, which would allow pharmacists to dispense contraceptives directly without physician oversight, was passed by the House and is heading to the Senate. 


New HPV Vaccine May Offer Greater Cancer Protection - Chicago Tribune  

According to a CDC study, the latest generation of HPV vaccines, 9-valent, offers "potential" 11.1% greater protection against HPV-related cancers than does its predecessor.


New Report Underlines Savage Inequalities Faced by LGBT Americans - Advocate

A new report, Mapping LGBT Equality in America, ranks US states by their LGBT rights policies, rating them as high, low, medium, or negative in regard to equality. The report notes that, even if marriage equality becomes a nationwide reality, LGBT Americans will still be subject to many inequities.


Study Finds a New Path to HIV Vaccines - The San Diego Union Tribune

A newly discovered response that alerts the immune system to HIV infection has been reported. HIV vaccines could be improved by incorporating this previously unknown molecular trigger.


Transgender Employees Bathroom Access Guidance Issued by OSHA Amid LGBT Pride Month, Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair Cover Story - International Business Times 

According to new guidance issued by OSHA, transgender employees should have access to bathrooms that match the gender with which they identify.   


Hate Condoms? 5 Ways to Have Safe Sex Using Advancements in Condom Tech, Because Latex Roll-Downs are So Last Century - Bustle

There are a few companies and groups that are working to make the condom more enjoyable for everyone involved. Here are some of the new developments.

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**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.