Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media. The NCSH does not endorse specific content or research included in these articles. 
From Our Members

In the Netherlands, the approach, known as "comprehensive sex education," starts as early as age 4, and studies show that starting sex ed in primary school helps avoid unintended pregnancies and STDs and improve overall sexual health. However, fewer than half of US states require schools to teach sex ed. NCSH members Deb Hauser from Advocates for Youth and Amy Schalet both comment on the issue.


Among teens ages 15 to 19, pregnancies and births are at their lowest rates ever. However, young women ages 20 to 29 cannot say the same thing. Seventy percent of pregnancies among these women are not planned. Larry Swiader from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy discusses why this is the case.

This Week
A study of birth control pills showed that those containing newer hormone formulations were associated with a higher risk of blood clotting than older types. 


HIV Treatment Should Start at Diagnosis, US Health Officials Say - NY Times
People with HIV should be put on antiretroviral drugs as soon as they learn they are infected. A new clinical trial showed that those who got treatment immediately were 53% less likely to die during the trial, or develop AIDS or a serious illness than those who waited.


Rhode Island Blames STD Spike On Hookup Apps Like Tinder - Huffington Post  

Sexually transmitted disease rates in Rhode Island rose sharply between 2013 and 2014, and the state's department of health is pointing to hookup apps like Tinder as one of the driving forces behind new outbreaks.

Renew the US Commitment to Sex Education - Washington Post   

In an editorial for the Washington Post, former Surgeons General Joycelyn Elders, David Satcher, and Richard Carmona said that the government should fund comprehensive sex ed, instead of pouring money into abstinence-only education.


Virginia Has a New Plan to Combat Campus Sexual Assault - Washington Post 

Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced a new state plan to combat campus sexual assault, an approach that includes proposals to improve prevention education, track the extent of sexual violence, minimize barriers to reporting incidents and coordinate the response from colleges and law enforcement.


Americans Now Slightly More Relaxed About Casual Sex Than They Were in the '90s - NY Magazine 

Between the 1990s and now, Americans have become more accepting of casual sex, and report more sexual partners. However, opinions on extramarital sex have stayed relatively consistent.


These Are the Revolutionary Condoms Our Sex Lives Have Been Waiting For - Connections.Mic

The latest in condom innovations is the VA w.o.w. Condom Feminine, a latex female condom that comes equipped with a miniaturized bullet vibrator in its frame base. The vibrating condom, created by IXu, would be the first-ever condom designed with both women's safety and pleasure in mind.

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For more information contact us at [email protected].    

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.