Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media. The NCSH does not endorse specific content or research included in these articles. 
From Our Members

According to new research from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, an NCSH member, nearly seven out of ten teens say fears about what their parents might think or say are causing them to not use birth control. 

This Week
A West Texas high school is considering expanding its sex education program beyond teaching abstinence after 20 cases of chlamydia were confirmed among students this week.


30-Day Wait Before Tubal Sterilization is Unjust, Say Ob/GYN Experts - MedicalXpress

Current U.S. health policy requires Medicaid beneficiaries to wait 30 days before tubal sterilization. Ob/GYN experts argue that this violates health care justice as elective tubal sterilization is readily available to women with a private source of payment.


Millennials More Tolerant of Premarital Sex, But Have Fewer Partners - Science Daily 

According to new research, millennials are much more tolerant of premarital sex than earlier generations, but they tend to have slightly fewer partners than their parents did.

Sharp Decrease of Sexual Assault in Military, Study Finds - CNN

The percentage of military personnel who said they were victims of sexual assault dropped dramatically over the past two years, plunging by about 27%.


Campus Sexual Assault Reports Are Up. Don't Panic. - Slate

Sexual assault continues to be a dramatically underreported crime, but numbers suggest that raising awareness and demonstrating public support of victims can have a huge impact on victim's willingness to step forward.


The Ugly Truth Behind The Pull-Out Method And Why It Sucks For Women - Elite Daily

Using the pull out method as a form of contraception is a lot more common than you might think. However, it's not the best for women.


Here's Why You're Still Getting Charged For Birth Control - BuzzFeed  

Some insurance plans still aren't complying with the Affordable Care Act. Here's what to do if you're getting charged at the pharmacy.


Why Menopause Isn't the Sex Killer You Thought It Was - TIME

A new study suggests that menopause isn't as important a contributor to sexual problems as once thought.


HIV Prevention Messages for High-Risk Groups Should Target Bars, Street Corners - ScienceDaily

According to researchers, bars and street corners are ideal venues for broad dissemination of HIV prevention information among drug-using male sex workers and other at-risk populations.
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Learn More
To learn more about the Coalition's activities, action groups, and membership policies, check out the NCSH website.


For more information contact us at [email protected].    

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.