Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media.
This Week

The Truth About Sexual Assault Amongst Millennials - ELLE

According to the Public Religion Research Institute's 2015 Survey of Millennials, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health, more than half of over 2000 millennials surveyed say "incidents of sexual assault are somewhat or very common in high schools."


Millennials Support Sex Ed But Don't Find It Helpful in Real Life - Washington Post

Roughly three out of every four millennials report that they had some exposure to sex education in middle or high school, but 37% said their education was "not helpful" in navigating decisions about sex and relationships.


The US Healthcare System Isn't Doing Enough for Vulnerable LGBT Communities - Quartz

For decades, denial of services, hostile responses and downright rude comments were fairly common among many LGBT people who sought medical care. There are many places where LGBT patients, particularly transgender patients, are still treated poorly.  


Domestic Violence Deters Contraception - Science Daily

Women who are abused by their partner or ex-partner are much less likely to use contraception; this exposes them to sexually transmitted diseases and leads to more frequent unintended pregnancies and abortions.


For Millennials, Homosexuality is More Acceptable Than Casual Sex - Washington Post

The poll shows more millennials think that sex between two people of the same gender is more acceptable than casual sex between two people with no intention of forming a relationship.


3 Reasons Why Your Doctor May Ask Your Sexual Orientation - Huffington Post

Are you sexually active with men, women, or both? This is a question that is asked of every new patient who comes to my office for a physical exam. Here are three reasons why it is important for me, as a physician, to know your sexual orientation.


What Every Parent Should Know About Teen Pregnancy - Huffington Post

Teens in the United States are having sex at younger ages and with more partners than ever before, and teens are also less likely to practice safe sex than adults. Kids In The House interviewed experts to reveal, in three stages, the number one thing parents should do when raising a potentially sexually active teen.


Should You Get an IUD? Here are 3 Reasons The Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive is So Popular - Bustle

Cleo Stiller of Fusion has set out to answer all of your IUD-related questions and give you the scoop on why IUD's are one of the trendiest forms of contraception around today.


Ways to Deal with Painful Sex - ABC News

When you've always enjoyed sex and suddenly it hurts, it can be confusing and worrisome - here's what can help.


Young Republicans Support Birth Control - US News & World Report

Nearly half of young republicans believe all FDA-approved methods of birth control should be fully covered by health insurance.


The Secret to Shame-Free Sex - SALON

Decades after the sexual revolution, America is anything but sex-positive. The solution is personal and political.


This Experimental Vaccine Could Mean the End of Herpes - Refinery 29

Researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have developed a vaccine that prevents both active and latent HSV-2 infections - the first-ever vaccine to do so. 

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To learn more about the Coalition's activities, action groups, and membership policies, check out the NCSH website.


For more information contact us at ncsh@prevent.org.    

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.