Welcome to NCSH Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media.
From Our Members

Dana Van Gorder from Project Inform wanted to share two pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) related studies that were recently released at CROI2015:


Daily PrEP reduces HIV infections by 86% in U.K. PROUD Study
A study of immediate versus deferred daily PrEP with Truvada in the United Kingdom has found that PrEP may reduce the risk of HIV infection by 86% among men who have sex with men.


CROI2015: Sex-based PrEP Cuts Infections by 86%
A French and Canadian study looking at the use of PrEP that is tied to when people actually have sex (rather than daily) found that it reduced new HIV infections among men who have sex with men by 86% compared with a placebo. 
This Week

Poor women are five times as likely as affluent women to have an unintended birth, and that drives inequality.


Several condom companies and sexual health campaigns last year said Twitter had blocked them from advertising about condoms and safer sex. The reason for the blocks appeared to be Twitter's confusing, inconsistent rules about "sexual content" in ads. But now those rules have been changed.


The World's Problem with Sex Ed - New York Times

The story of sex ed suggests that globalization has served to curtail rather than expand school-based sexual instruction. The more the world has become interconnected, the more sex ed has come under attack.


WHO Urges Stepped-Up Battle Against Hepatitis B - MedicalXpress

WHO's new treatment guidelines aim to help countries, especially in the harder-hit developing world, care for people living with chronic hepatitis B and prevent them from developing cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Would a Pill to Protect Teens from HIV Make Them Feel Invincible? - NPR

Truvada can dramatically reduce the risk of HIV infection when taken as a preventative medicine. Studies are underway to determine if young people are likely to take the pill consistently.


Startup 'Simply Aware' Aims to Improve Public Health with At-Home STD Testing - Huffington Post

Unlike standard testing services that can be inconvenient and intrusive, Simply Aware is a testing service that provides access to certified lab testing in the comfort and privacy of the customers' own home.


Colleges Would Have to Appoint Advocates for Sexual Assault Victims Under a New Bill - Bloomberg Business

Three US senators introduced a new bill on Wednesday, March 11, that would require all colleges receiving federal funding to appoint an independent advocate to help sexual assault victims.


Addressing Sexual Assault on America's Campuses: A Much Needed New Approach - Huffington Post

The abundance of sexual harassment and sexual assault on college campuses is baffling. There is a need to shift the lens through which we address male behavior, where perhaps a greater emphasis on homosocial dynamics might be beneficial.

Hepatitis C Pills Drive Surge in US Drug Costs: Report - Reuters

Highly effective but expensive new pills to treat hepatitis C drove a 13.1% increase US prescription drug spending in 2014, the fastest rate of increase in more than a decade.

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For more information contact us at [email protected].    

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.