Welcome to the NCSH's Sexual Health in the News. This weekly online digest was created to keep you up-to-date on sexual health topics currently trending in the media.
This Week

The father of the birth control pill - who died Jan. 30 - was part of the extensive history of people trying to prevent pregnancy. From ancient times to modern day, this story describes the history of contraceptive development and the birth control movement, including some of its controversies. 

Studies Show Little Benefit from Too-Frequent Pap Tests: Women Should Discuss New Guidelines with Their Physicians
 - Huffington Post
While annual Pap test screenings in the past 30 years have reduced the cervical cancer rate by 50 percent, it isn't the only way to detect cervical cancer. As it turns out, we only need to have one every three years. 


Fifteen Million Unwanted Pregnancies a Year Caused by Underuse of Modern Contraception - Medical Xpress

Fifteen million out of 16.7 million unwanted pregnancies a year could be avoided in 35 low- and middle-income countries if women had the opportunity to use modern methods of contraception, according to a study that applies to about one-third of the world's population.


Access to Contraception for Women Serving in the Armed Forces - American Progress

Lawmakers reintroduced the Access to Contraception for Women Servicemembers and Dependents Act in the House and Senate, which strives to reduce barriers to affordable contraception for military women. 


When Craigslist Comes to Town, HIV Infections Go Up, Study Says - Washington Post

Finding sex partners, which is facilitated thousands of times each day via Craigslist's personal ads, has been linked to a 15.9 percent increase in HIV infections after the site moves into a new U.S. market.   


What Sex After Sexual Assault is Really Like - Refinery29

One in three women is sexually abused in her lifetime - and yet we never talk about what that means for their sex lives. 


Study Finds HIV Drugs Priced Out of Reach - New York Times

Drugs to treat HIV and AIDS are being priced out of reach for many patients enrolled in insurance plans through the new health care exchanges, despite warnings that such practices are illegal under the Obama administration's health care law, according to a new analysis by Harvard researchers.


People Over 70 Still Have A Lot of Sex, According to Study -

Huffington Post

People are continuing to enjoy active sex lives well into their 70s and 80s, according to new research from The University of Manchester and NatCen Social Research.


The Return of the IUD: Why a Once Controversial Form of Birth Control is Worth Considering - Vogue

The future of contraception is shaping up to be a long-standing and somewhat overlooked option, the intrauterine device.


People Who Use Emojis Have More Sex - TIME 

Match.com's annual dating survey found that people who use more emojis in text messages have more active sex lives.
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For more information contact us at ncsh@prevent.org   

**The National Coalition for Sexual Health does not endorse specific content in these articles.