American Board of Certified Haircolorists 


April  2013

In This Issue
Summit Registration
Mary Petillo
Tom Dispenza
Dwayne Ross
Roy Peters
Summt Forum with Tony
ABCH Exam Dates
Organic Bleach?
ISSE Chicago future
Water Works Haircolor Test
Lowlights from the Editor

13th Annual Energizing Summit
June 9-10, 2013 
LAX Marriott Hotel   
Don't put off registering the
classes are filling fast! 
Space available in hands-on classes!

Less than 8 weeks! 
Register for Summit, book your airline tickets, and reserve your hotel room NOW for best rates
2013 ABCH Energizing Summit in Los Angeles 
June 9-10 at the Marriott Hotel LAX 


ABCH Members $250 

Non ABCH Members $300


If you book your room by 
May 16th, receive a discounted room rate of $115
Call 310-641-5700 to make room reservations and be sure to mention you are attending the Energizing Summit or you can book online at Marriott Hotel LAX .
Register for classes now!
2013 Energizing Summit Educator introductions continue:

Mary Petillo
How Haircolor Reacts to Porosity

This is a class that will explore all aspects of porosity and how it affects haircolor. Special emphasis will be placed on the American Board of Certified Haircolorists "porosity grading system." This unique system of grading porosity will give you a thorough understanding of the construction of hair, how it becomes porous, the danger zone, how to recognize and prevent it. Learn the difference between perm porosity, relaxer porosity and color porosity. This is a fascinating class that will enlighten you on how to adjust your haircolor for the best result possible. There are many visuals provided that give the subject clarity. This class is good for those who want to become Board Certified or anyone looking to have a better comprehension of porosity.

Tom Dispenza
Forget the Hype! Let's Get Real

Whats really important when coloring hair? Ingredients, Formulation and Effect. Tom will explain why the better the ingredients, the healthier the hair. The better the formula, the longer lasting the color.

How does the product really effect the hair?

Learn more in one hour and a half class than ever before.

Do Reds, Blondes, Brunettes and Gray coverage better than ever before!

Dwayne Ross

Celebrity Haircoloring

Ever wonder what formulas and techniques a celebrity haircolorist uses? Dwayne Ross will share with you his personal formulas and techniques he uses on his celebrity clients such as Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba, Ashlee Simpson, Rod Stewart, Lara Flynn Boyle, Kathy Ireland and Nancy O'Dell to name a few. He works on television shows, award shows (Oscars, Emmy Awards) and editorial photo shoots. 

"Haircoloring is an art that should be grounded in science," says Dwayne. His class will motivate and help you become more creative and successful as a haircolorist. Come and enjoy his class as he shares with you how he went from sleeping in his car to becoming one of Beverly Hills most successful haircolorists and a Board Certified Haircolorist.

Roy Peters
Framing the Face with Haircolor 

Roy helps you to understand lights and shadows and how this simple concept will lay the groundwork for successful haircoloring. This is just one of many concepts Roy will cover in his astounding classes. Becoming a topnotch haircolorist requires you to know the colors you are working with and how they will affect the face shape when applied strategically. Haircolor is much more than mixing and applying a haircolor to your client, we are basically problem solvers, and the interaction with clients relies heavily on your communication skills. Roy is a master of conveying information to his audience. His classes are always fabulous. Don't miss Roy Peters! 

Summit Haircolor Forum led by Tony Fanelli
Sunday 4-6:30 in the main auditorium
Two panels to answer your questions and provide insight.
Change into comfy shoes or grab a beverage but hurry so you get a seat in this standing room only event.
Come and express your views! 
2013 ABCH Examination Dates

  DENVER........APRIL 21                         SEATTLE...................SEPTEMBER 8

 L.A. ..............JUNE 23                          WASHINGTON DC.....OCTOBER 13

  DALLAS ........JULY 14                           ATLANTA .................NOVEMBER 3 

        BOSTON.......AUGUST 18

Links for more info: 



Farouk got his start by telling his audience that his bleach was not bleach. The reason Farouk is so opposed to ammonia is that he is highly sensitive to ammonia. ( If Farouk is 

sensitive to it, it can't be any good.!) He was going to have to give up his salon and his occupation because of the ammonia. He collaborated with a chemist and came up with non-ammonia bleach. Creative intuition and marketing genius lead Farouk to produce SUN GLITZ , a non-bleach bleach. He taught that it was so mild you could apply it repeatedly on the same hair and not get any breakage; which is false, of course, and hair was breaking all over the place.

 It is a funny thing how our business works; all you need do is come up with a story and some fancy ingredient names and hairdressers will by it. We are all the same, purchasing so many products and tools that don't work. Just be careful about bleaches approved by PETA. 

Ask yourself why PETA would approve bleach? Once you understand how bleach works, you know you cannot lighten hair without doing damage to the hair. You cannot remove melanin from the hair without weakening the hair. There is no such thing as a conditioning bleach, there are only damaging bleaches. Be careful.

For more information about working with bleaches, check out Craig Miller's Know and Understanding Bleaches. Another point of view of working with this chemical is Tom Maricich's Summit class about the Hazards of Bleaches.

Andre comments...



In spite of the lack of success of the Midwest show the past two years, the ISSE will be back again in the first week of November this year. In their sales brochure, they referred to the smashing success of the recent ISSE Long Beach Show, but does that translate into Midwest show ticket sales?

There are any numbers of show companies whose trade shows have died upon expansion, in spite of having success in one area. For example, the Long Beach Hairdressers Guild Show, of which I was a member. The membership figured if we can do it here we can do it anywhere, referring to the show in Long Beach. As it played out, there was a tragic series of failures. First it was San Francisco, then Oakland, next came San Antonio, then San Diego. San Diego had a good run; it almost made it. In the end, we were down to just one show-the original Long Beach Show, the grand daddy of them all.  

ISSE Chicago has a lot of vendors selling tickets to the show, which will help. Having people on the street selling tickets helps a lot. I wish them luck.  
Water Works 

Looking to color your hair without using any harsh chemicals? 

Water Works may be the answer since it uses water as a processing solution. Here are the pros and cons of Water Works to help evaluate the strategy of using this product.


First off, the price of the product is outrageous, $5.99 for less than a quarter ounce of small granules, which are mixed with 2 ounces of water.

The directions indicate that the mixture would gel but we hoped that it would expand into something that resembles the customary four ounces needed for a retouch application. Our mixture never thickened or gelled at all. Applying a watery solution is ridiculously messy. By holding the bowl under the hair and applying the mixture to the hair, we managed to get one side of a small mannequin applied with color using the lightest 

Water Works color, light brown. For comparison, we applied Wella Color Charm 611 with an applicator bottle to the other side of the mannequin. Each processed for 35 minutes. We shampooed the hair 5 times and allowed the hair to dry in the sun all day. 


The good news is the watery mixture of Water Works covered the gray hair on the mannequin as well, if not better, than the 611 Color Charm. If your goal is to create haircolors without warmth then Water Works is your color.

  * Water Works colored the gray hair with a tone similar to the pencil lead. Water Works made the pigmented hair slightly darker and drabber but did not adjust the base.

  * Color Charm covered the gray hair and left the gray hair with a beige tone. Color Charm lifted the pigmented hair to a warm tone.

In conclusion, Water Works had more durability and had better gray coverage (based on opacity for measuring coverage.) It comes down to a personal choice on wanting warm or cool results. 
The Water Works/Wella Color Charm comparison results will be on display at the Energizing Summit in June.
Lowlights from the Editor 

Using Facebook or other social media to promote your business is vital to keeping your salon current and connected. Keep it fun and change it up often. Check out this candid shot of two of our Summit educators, Dennis Gebhart (Captain Color) and Roy Peters. This was the Facebook caption:

The Boys Are Back In Town !! All prepped for Masters Of The Craft.....It all begins in 15 hours....Can't wait to take these Salon Professionals into the Hair Color Stratosphere! Keep your arm and legs inside the car........Booyah !!!

Posts like this generate excitement about your work and displays your passion for haircolor. We are fortunate to have both of these talented colorists and experienced educators at the Energizing Summit. While Roy Peters' class is described above, Captain Color/Dennis Gebhart, will share his strategies and Blueprint for haircolor. They will share their super powers with you at the Summit! 


Problem? Question? Complaint? Suggestion?   

Write to me... I love getting email and talking to other stylists about haircolor! USE subject line: ABCH

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Mary Petillo, ABCH