The African Counsel

Sub-Saharan Africa Newsletter

November 2012                                                       Volume 3, Issue 4

In This Issue
The Rule of Law, Judicial Corruption, and the Need for Drastic Judicial Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa's Nation States
Nigeria: Jonathan, FEC Say Obama's Re-Election Significant to Africa
Is China Good or Bad for Africa?
Tanzania: Effective Approach Needed to Fight Bribery
Youth unemployment: The big question and South Africa
Kenya: Eliminate Conflict, Kibaki Urges Kenyans
Ghana, AfDB Sign $135 Million Financing Agreements
Bulging in the middle:...A boom in sub-Saharan Africa is attracting business talent
Zambia Targets Over 7 P.C. GDP Growth


The Rule of Law, Judicial Corruption, and the Need for Drastic Judicial Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa's Nation States



By: Herbert A. Igbanugo,  Esq.





Creating a viable judiciary and strengthening its democratic functions have been main concerns of both national governments and donors over the last two decades. A common purpose of these various efforts has been to make national legal systems function in a more efficient and fair manner. As the colonial powers began pulling out from Africa in the 1950s and 1960s, they made efforts toward developing and strengthening local capacity to operate each country's legal system. The efforts were mainly orchestrated by each country's former colonial power; i.e. the UK in Southern and East Africa, France in Central and West Africa, and Belgium in Central Africa. 


Judicial reform is a very complex area, involving a multitude of institutions and actors. Judicial reform (also called legal sector reform) refers to efforts to improve the functioning of a country's legal system, both in terms of fairness and efficiency. The legal system encompasses the entire legal framework, including the constitution, statutes, regulations, customary law and international legal obligations, as well as other institutions that interact to form the judicial process. Judicial reform is currently a priority in societies seeking to democratize their political system, and among donors seeking to favorably impact democratic reforms. Reform efforts have been made through various types of interventions including, (1) Law reform, (2) Court reform, (3) Judicial administration reform, (4) Legal community support, (5) Reform of legal education and training.





Nigeria: Jonathan, FEC Say Obama's Re-Election Significant to Africa, Nigeria, 11/7/2012


The re-election of United States President, Barack Obama for a second term in office has been hailed by the Federal Executive Council (FEC), which described it as significant to Africa and Nigeria.


Rising from its weekly meeting chaired by President Goodluck Jonathan Wednesday, the FEC, according to the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mr Labaran Maku, felicitated with Jonathan noting that the situation in the US bears similarity to the coming to power of Jonathan in Nigeria.


Is China Good or Bad for Africa?, 10/29/12



China's growing presence in Africa is one of the region's biggest stories, but even seasoned analysts cannot decide whether this booming relationship is good or bad for Africa.


Critics say Chinese strategy is entirely self-promotional, aimed at maintaining access to Africa's precious mineral resources even when that means propping up odious governments. China's supporters say the Asian superpower is strictly neutral and business-oriented, preferring to generate economic growth not a dangerous dependency on aid. Read more...



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Tanzania: Effective Approach Needed to Fight Bribery, 11/8/2012


President Jakaya Kikwete has made corruption his administration's public enemy number one, and has convinced the electorate that high on his priority of reforming the government is tackling corruption head on.


While talking to the ruling party youth wing (UVCCM) in Dodoma recently ahead of the election of their leaders, President Kikwete admonished his party followers to take concrete action to weed out corrupt practices and officials, stressing his displeasure at what he called the dangerous phenomenon which could slum our reputation as a nation. Read more....

Youth unemployment: The big question and South Africa


BBC News, 10/31/2012


South Africa may be the largest and most developed economy on the African continent, but the unemployment rate for younger people has been running as high as 50%, prompting a nationwide debate about schemes where companies get paid for taking on young workers.


The extent of youth joblessness, and its associated poverty, is acknowledged to be a major contributor to South Africa's high crime rate. And in some urban centres it is fuelling drug-related gang culture. Read more...

Kenya: Eliminate Conflict, Kibaki Urges Kenyans, 11/7/2012



President Mwai Kibaki has called on Kenyans to live in harmony in order to realise meaningful development in the country.


He noted that frequent conflicts had impacted negatively on development and called on the public to collaborate with the security agencies in ensuring the peaceful coexistence of all communities. Read more...




Bulging in the middle: 
A boom in sub-Saharan Africa is attracting business talent from the rich world


The Economist, 10/20/2012



After giving a speech at a business conference in London a young analyst chatted with investment executives in the audience, then followed two of them to a nearby hotel lobby. Over glasses of Chablis the executives raved about their company's worldwide network of extravagantly decorated offices and their fat annual bonuses. Then they offered the analyst a job. What surprised him was not their interest, nor the chunky salary, but the place where they wanted him to help invest their millions: west Africa, the most backward part of a poor continent. Read more...


Zambia Targets Over 7 P.C. GDP Growth, 10/31/2012


The Zambian Government aims at achieving a real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of above seven per cent as one of the macro-economic and fiscal policy targets under the recently announced 2013 national Budget.


This is achievable considering that, on average, the country has been recording GDP growth of about 6.5 per cent in the past few years.  Read more...