Annapolis Green Newsletter
          November 5, 2013                                                                       Vol. 4  No. 34
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In This Issue
Check Out Our Email Sponsors
Support Annapolis Green
Events Coming Up
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Maryland Crossroads 2013 Tour
MRE Tug of War Saturday Supports Annapolis Green
"Pandora's Promise"
Support Annapolis Green
Be a Founding One Hundred Member or a "Bay Backer

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Want to join in and make your mark on sustainability in the Annapolis area?

Want to be one of the first to be a part of Annapolis Green? Then consider becoming one of our Founding One Hundred. Join the list below.  
  1. Charlie Birney
  2. Infrared Tools Energy Services
  3. Gene Singleton & Maureen McEnerney
  4. Keith & Helen Drewett
  5. Doug Lashley / GreenVest
  6. Elvia Thompson
  7. Lynne & Mark Forsman
  8. Ralph Gleason
  9. Shelley & Eric Rubin
  10. Boatyard Bar & Grill
  11. John Nicklin   
  12. Cohen Community Fund
  13. Towne Park
  14. Eastport Civic Association
  15. Galway Bay Irish Pub
  16. The Brick Companies
  17. Delegate Steve Schuh
  18. Severn Savings Bank
  19. Paul Murphy
  20. Hannah Studios, Inc.
  21. Joe Budge & Sharon Kennedy
  22. PNC Wealth Management
  23. K&B True Value
  24. Betty & Jim Davis
  25. Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company
Please read more. Thank you! 
See our calendar for a full list!

Today, Tuesday, Nov. 5 
Gubernatorial Forum
2 - 5 p.m.
Westin Annapolis Hotel
100 Westgate Circle



Friday, Nov. 8
Scenic Rivers Land Trust 25th Anniversary
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 
Bistro at South River Golf Club 
3451 Solomons Island Road 


Celebration of past achievements and 2016 Goals; Recognition of Bay Land Trust and Bay Ridge Community; Announcement of our Special Spring Event - May 3, 2014. For every $50 donated you will receive one ticket to the event, featuring hors d' oeuvres, soft drinks and birthday cake and a cash bar.   



Saturday, Nov. 9  

Fall Marsh Hike

10:30 a.m. - noon
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
647 Contees Wharf Road

Walk through the fall marsh landscape on this beautiful walk through SERC's trails.  

Our Facebook group page has become quite the site for news and commentary.
Top of the Line


green drinks annapolis

Tuesday, Dec. 10
The Metropolitan
169 West Street, Annapolis

Sponsoring Organization

details to come

In the spirit of "Giving Thanks" Annapolis Green is thankful for time to re-group, and gear up for the holidays!  We're Fast Forwarding.... to the Holidays!


Enjoy YOUR time in November and save the date for the next Green Drinks: Tuesday, Dec. 10.


The last two years we've been fortunate to kick off Midnight Madness at Historic Inns. But, in keeping with our change-it-up mentality, we felt it time to do something different, to include a bit of "recycling" at the same time. So, save the date... and your old, energy-gulping holiday lights. We've got an idea about what to do with them. Stay tuned! 


Maryland Crossroads 2013 Tour:
Clean Energy, Not Cove Point!

Tonight, Nov. 5
7:30-9 p.m.
Broadneck High School, 1265 Green Holly Drive

Come join the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and learn about a plan to build a plant to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) out of Cove Point, on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in southern Maryland. That's right - the fuel would be pulled out of this region - potentially Maryland too - piped across the Mid-Atlantic region and likely increase fracking because it would create an easy way to export the gas. Read more.
We'll be there too, and we're slated to receive an award from the Chesapeake Climate Action Network during the event. 
We Greened the MRE Tug of War!

Thanks to sponsors Dream Yacht Charter and K&B True Value we supplied eco-stations to both sides of the Maritime Republic of Eastport's Tug of War last Saturday.
We more than filled up a whole dumpster full of recycling and the MRE encouraged reuse by taking $1 off each beer when people brought the cup back for a refill instead of asking for a new cup. And Annapolis Green is one of the benefiting charities in this year's tug! 

By the way, the MRE won over Annapolis, 4 tugs to 2. Now in it's 16th year, the Tug  was a blast!

General information about the event is at and information on festivities on the Annapolis side is at the MainStreets Annapolis Partnership website.

Thursday, Nov. 7
CNN Presents "Pandora's Promise"

The atomic bomb and meltdowns like Fukushima have made nuclear power synonymous with global disaster. But what if we've got nuclear power wrong? An audience favorite at the Sundance Film Festival, Pandora's Promise asks whether the one technology we fear most could save our planet from a climate catastrophe, while providing the energy needed to lift billions of people in the developing world out of poverty.    


Our radio program, Living Green in Annapolis, will address a new type of nuclear power tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 6. Tune in at 6 p.m. on WNAV, 1430AM or 99.9FM or streaming at Information
spOur Email Sponsors
Introducing Zerodraft Maryland


Zerodraft Maryland is a full-service energy efficiency company based in Towson with operations throughout the state. Whether you're a seasoned commercial facility manager orfirst-time homeowner, we can help you save money while boosting your building's comfort and helping protect the environment.


Contact Zerodraft at 410-321-5936 to find out how we can help you save energy at home and work.

K&B True Value



K&B True Value is your hardware store and more. There are literally thousands of Green Options products in stock to help you live your life in a more Earth friendly manner. And now, K&B delivers!


Visit K&B True Value online, on Facebook, and in person at 912 Forest Drive, Annapolis. Phone: (410) 268-3939.  


Silipada Designs


During this time of giving thanks for all the blessings we enjoy, it's important to remember those who need a helping hand. Shop Silpada Jewelry and support The Bernie House, a transitional housing program for families fleeing domestic violence.  



For info contact Patricia Slaughter, Independent Silpada Representative at Or, shop and support now at  




Want to sponsor our email blasts? Just $30/month to reach 2900 email addresses.
Contact us for information.
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The Line