Notes to Self
news and ideas from
The Learning Space



As we move into the holiday season, we are celebrating the contributions of Kathy Wiseman & Hartley Goldstone in their newly released book Trustworthy: New Angles on Trusts from Beneficiaries and Trustees.

Their objective is to transform the most complex, conflicted and difficult relationship under the law - the 'arranged marriage' between beneficiary and trustee - and answer the question: Can the widespread dissatisfaction in this arrangement give way to more creative and productive relationships?

To find out, Kathy & Hartley went to the sources - beneficiaries, trustees, and their advisors - and asked them for positive stories about moments is time when their relationships have worked well.
Those stories constitute the heart of Trustworthy.

Navigating Systems 2013 is planned for March through July. Our last two sessions have been a successful learning curve as we learn of what it takes to integrate Bowen theory, the brain (through neurofeedback) and online learning in the personal and professional environment of Family Enterprise.

In the wake of the recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, Andrea Schara's latest blog contributes her thinking to a broader understanding of the family processes that promote / constrain resiliency in individuals.


Theory and the Emergence of Self will resume it's meetings on the fourth Thursday of the month, beginning January 31.   


Wishing you the best of holidays and a healthy & productive new year.



 Glennon, Priscilla, Donna, Kathy & Regina 

TLS rooms
Issue 5
No. 10   
In This Issue
Thinking On the Page
Resiliency in the Family & the Brain

Beyond Protocols: Dialogues on the Lifecycle 

Notes to Self
is a bi-monthly publication of

The Learning Space.

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