2014 eNews Daily: Day 3: Tuesday, November 11
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2014 eNews Daily
Today's Key Events

Plenaries & Keynotes

10-10:50am, Hilton, Continental 5
Morse McCord Lecture: Statistics and Machine Learning via a Modern Optimization Lens
Dimitris Bertsimas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3:10-4pm, Hilton, Continental 5
IFORS Distinguished Lecture: Credit Where Credit is Due: Lessons for O.R. Modelling from the Global Financial Crisis
Lyn Thomas, University of Southampton

3:10-4pm, Hilton, Continental 6

The Google Driverless Car
Anthony Levandowski, Google

Registration will be open today from 7am-5pm in the Hilton, Yosemite, BR Level.

Additionally, there will be a lost and found at the registration desk.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tour
12:45-5pm, Sold Out.
Anyone with a ticket for this plant tour should exit the main entrance of the Hilton and pick up the bus on the corner of Ellis and Taylor Streets at 12:45 promptly.

Addendum to the Schedule
Track 3 should be listed as room Golden Gate 8 (not 7).

Due to space constraints in the originally assigned room, Track 79 of DAS sessions at the current INFORMS conference are being moved for the rest of the conference from the Parc-Powell I  room to the Embarcadero room, which is also in the Wyndham Parc55 on the third floor. DAS Track 80 will remain in the Parc-Powell II room.

Job Search Panels Are Today
Apologies for an error in the front of the printed program. The INFORMS Career Center Panels will take place today, not yesterday as indicated.

Academic Job Search
11am-12:30pm, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin 2, Level 4
The panel will discuss the academic interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search.

Industry Job Search
1:30-3pm, Parc 55, Cyril Magnin 2, Level 4
The panel will discuss the industry interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search.


Congratulations to Our Newly Inducted Fellows!
The INFORMS Fellows Class of 2014 was inducted Monday.

  • Michel L. Balinski
  • Jonathan Eckstein
  • Terry P. Harrison, CAP
  • Robert R. Inman
  • Radhika Kulkarni
  • Russel P. Labe, Jr., CAP
  • Steven Nahmias
  • Robert L. Phillips
  • Nikilaos V. Sahinidis
  • Toumas Sandholm
  • J. George Shanthikumar
  • Candace A. Yano

Read their short bios here.  


Blog Roundup
Visit the INFORMS Blog to read these blogs and more!

INFORMS Connect: Facebook for ORMS
: Yes, Facebook competitor is here, the INFORMS Connect. You can find your friends and colleagues, see their profile and activities, and share news and information via emails to specific groups. Read More.
JFIG Paper Competition Results
: The Junior Faculty Interest Group paper competition is one of the highlights of the INFORMS conference for me.  I was part of the (large) judging panel for this year, and there were many, many great papers submitted. Read More.

INFORMS early morning idea for Tuesday: Here's a thought for everyone who is looking for their early morning coffee prior to the 8 am technical session on Tuesday. Read More.

INFORMS: Perspectives - Peter Mayoros and Elizabeth Olin on Healthcare Scheduling: The first time I attended INFORMS was in Washington D.C. in 2008; perhaps the unusual part here is that I came as an undergrad, presenting some work that I did with my advisor, Susan Martonosi (spelled with an 'o'). It was definitely an intimidating experience to be at this enormous conference, and everyone was talking about things I didn't understand - but it was also exhilarating! Read More.

Intel's portfolio management: I just attended Intel's presentation on their approach to portfolio management.  Their portfolio is more complex than most to manage because 1) so many of their projects are interrelated (you can't do project A without first doing project B, project C enhances project D, etc.), 2) projects involve the commitment of significant resources, so once you start one, it's not trivial to stop, and 3) many of their products are only on the market for a couple of years (or less) before being replaced by something better. Read More.

Serendipity and INFORMS San Francisco: I love surprises and especially when they are wonderful! One of the great aspects of this INFORMS conference Is the people that you meet just due to pure serendipity. Read More.

WORMS Business Meeting: New Childcare Travel Fund and Mentorshop Network: Calling all supporters of women in OR/MS (WORMS)! The WORMS forum launched two new initiatives for its members this year: a childcare travel fund and a mentorship network. Read More.

Can't-Miss Social Events

Women in OR/MS Forum Luncheon
12:30-1:30pm, Hilton, Plaza A, Lobby
Lunch is currently SOLD OUT. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Sponsored by Arizona State University; Harvey Mudd College; Northwestern University; SAS; SIMUL8 Corporation; The Ohio State University; University of Massachusetts, Isenberg School of Business; University of Alabama; University of Arizona; University of California-Irvine; University of Florida; University of Michigan; University of Southern California; University of Tennessee; and University of Texas at Austin.

Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) Reception
6:15-7:15pm, Hilton, Franciscan C, BR Level
Current CAPs, future CAPs, and those interested in CAP certification are welcome. Members of INFORMS Analytics Certification Board will make a short presentation and answer questions.

General Reception
7:30-10pm, Hilton, Continental & Golden Gate
San Francisco is just as famous for its cuisine as it is for its cable cars and the Golden Gate Bridge. Join us as we serve up an eclectic menu showcasing the delectable fare the Bay Area has to offer. This year's general reception will also feature a jazz band for entertainment, so dust off those dancing shoes! There will be a variety of food stations, along with complimentary soft drinks and a cash bar. This reception provides the perfect atmosphere for fellowship and networking, while also having a bit of fun after a long day of sessions.
Sponsored by FICO, University of California-Berkeley, and Berkeley Engineering.

Tuesday Community Business, Reception, & Networking Meetings: All Welcome!

Choose the community that is right for you and attend. Members and nonmembers welcome.
H = Hilton and P = Parc 55

CPMS Council  H - Presidio, Lobby  7-9am
SpORtsH - Union Square 14,
Level 4
Service Science H - Union Square 13,
Level 4 
Tuesday's Interactive Sessions
12:30-2:30pm, Hilton, Grand Ballroom
Researchers, practitioners and students share their O.R. and analytics projects in these special sessions presented as poster displays, laptop demonstrations, and other creative formats. Abstracts and authors for posters are listed in the chronological program, under the day and time for each Interactive Session.
Chairs: Hari Balasubramanian & Ana Muriel, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Analytics Maturity Model Workshop
Technical Session
4:30-6pm, Parc 55, Market Street, floor 3

The INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model has its official launch at the Annual Meeting. Learn about the model designed for practitioners who are taking a look at how well their organizations perform - and how they can plan for improvement. Come with your questions and a readiness to use the model to better your organization. Make sure to stop by the INFORMS Analytics Maturity Model booth in the Exhibit Hall to take it for a spin and ask your question to INFORMS reps.

Subdivision Awards for Tuesday

Attend the corresponding Community meeting to join in the fun. Most begin at 6:15pm.

INFORMS Chapters/Fora Committee
Moving Spirit Award for Chapters
The Moving Spirit Award recognizes outstanding geographic chapter volunteers or student chapter faculty advisors who have been "moving spirits" and have made significant contributions to their local chapters.
Winner: Jennifer Leong, Maryland Chapter

Moving Spirit Award for Fora
The Forum Moving Spirit Award recognizes outstanding forum volunteers who have been "moving spirits" and have made significant contributions to their fora.
Winner: Laura McLay, Women in OR/MS Forum

Presented: 7am, Chapter/Fora Officers Breakfast, Hilton, Imperial A

Service Science Section
Best Paper Award
The Service Science Section of INFORMS announces the Best Paper Award to recognize excellence among its members. The awards program brings prestige to the Service Science Section as well as to the recipients honored.
Winners: Christoph F. Breidbach, Peter Smith, and Lisa J. Callagher

Presented: 6:15pm, Service Science Section Business Meeting, Hilton, Union Square 13, Level 4
Tuesday's TutORials
Designed for students, faculty, and practitioners, TutORials in Operations Research provides in-depth instruction on significant operations research specialties and practices.

All sessions are located in the Hilton, Continental 4, BR Level.

Service Science: Toward Systematic Service System Innovation
Paul Maglio, University of California, Merced

Cloud Computing and Decision Analytics
Stefan Voss & Leonard Heilig, University of Hamburg

Identification, Assessment and Correction of Ill-Conditioning and Numerical Instability in Linear and Integer Programs
Ed Klotz, IBM

INFORMS Career Center On-Site Interviews Open Today at 9am
9am-5pm, Hilton, Grand Ballroom
Explore opportunities in academia, industry, and government with on-site interviews.

In addition, the INFORMS Career Center offers:
  • Online access to job listings and applicant files
  • Expanded information about jobs and applicants
  • Weekly updates of the database
  • Improved database search capabilities
  • Online data entry for applicants and employers
  • Extended availability of the database
  • http://careercenter.informs.org
Honoring George B. Dantzig at 100: Remembering the Dantzig Century
By David Morton
text and photo.

Edelman Award Reprise: Polio Eradicators Use Integrated Analytical Models to Make Better Decisions
By Andrea Hupman
The 2014 Edelman Award winning submission is "Polio Eradicators Use Integrated Analytical Models to Make Better Decisions." This project represented a collaborative effort by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kid Risk, Inc. to tackle the endgame strategy for polio eradication. Four members of this collaboration were present to discuss the project: Kimberly M. Thompson, Radboud J. Duintjer Tebbens, Mark A. Pallansch, and Stephen L. Cochi. In addition, team member Steven G.F. Wassilak provided videotaped remarks.

Eradicating polio has been complicated by several factors. Tracking the virus is made difficult by the fact that most infections of the virus do not result in symptoms. Thus, tracking the virus by symptoms alone provides limited results. In addition, viruses do not respect international boundaries. Countries that have eradicated polio in the past have seen the importation of the disease from areas where it is endemic. Finally, strategy is complicated by the presence of several decision alternatives with different tradeoffs.

To inform policy decisions, the collaboration integrated different operations research and management science tools, including decision analysis, to frame the probability, probabilistic risk analysis modeling, and system dynamics modeling. The analytic results provided numerous insights and guided many strategic decisions. One of these insights was the critical importance of a rapid response to polio outbreaks. As a result, the World Health Assembly issued a resolution that created international guidelines for polio intervention and response.

Polio eradication efforts have resulted in measurable successes. India's last reported case of polio was in 2011, and India was declared polio-free in 2014. This project highlights how analytical methods are transformational to strategic planning and can make a real difference in peoples' lives. The tools developed in this project are currently being applied to other vaccine-treatable viruses and will continue to help improve the health of the world.
Operating the Grid
text and photo.

MOOCs: Just a Fad or Here to Stay?
By Andrea Hupman
MOOCs are a recent innovation in education that leave many wondering how they will affect the future of higher education. A panel addressed questions related to MOOCs. The following panelists addressed questions related to MOOCs: Dimitris Bertsimas, Kay Giesicke, Garud Iyengar, and Soulaymane Kachani, moderated by Martin Haugh.

The panel discussed their thoughts on several questions, from why offer a MOOC to how MOOCs are affecting education more broadly. MOOCs were discussed as a means to reach a broader audience and a way to create branding for a department and university. The usefulness of MOOCs in other areas such as creating a flipped classroom was also discussed. However, the panelists also cautioned that both MOOCs and flipped classrooms must be implemented very carefully. They change the dynamics of a course, and some things that work well in a traditional course do not work with a MOOC. One example of these differences is illustrated by an experience by one of the panelists who introduced a controversial idea in a MOOC, and the result was a disaster.

In the title question for the session on whether MOOCs are just a fad or here to stay, most of the panelists said, "Yes." Overall, there was wide agreement that MOOCs are affecting the educational landscape, but great uncertainty remains about precisely how.
Alvin Roth's Plenary Talk
By Chun Ye
It is 9:45am, I am navigating my way through the meeting rooms in Hilton, like a mouse in a maze. My destination: Alvin Roth's plenary talk. As a student who is interested in market design, I have been looking forward to hear the words of wisdom of this Nobel prize winning economist at this year's INFORMS Annual Meeting. I remember searching for the abstract of Al Roth's talk inside the giant directory given to me at registration. To my dismay, his talk has no abstract other than the intriguing title "Market Design & the Economist as Engineer." The lack of an abstract only adds more suspense to his impending talk, or so I thought. Read More.

Publication Trends - INFORMS Editors' Panel
By Kara Tucker
It is an exciting time for INFORMS publications and there are lots of changes ahead. VP of Publications Eric Johnson invited a special panel of INFORMS editors-in-chief (EIC) to discuss publishing hot topics and some problems, issues, and challenges journals are facing. Dave Woodruff, EIC of INFORMS Journal on Computing, thinks we are facing the most changes in publishing since the invention of the printing press! He is most excited about a new change for IJOC, one that competing journals have already been doing - continuous publication. This will allow papers to be published online faster and provide authors with volume/issue/page numbers for citation purposes. Since most readers read INFORMS articles online, this should be a welcomed change. Dave also mentioned that IJOC is vigorously encouraging data publishing, as he feels it is not valid science without this. IJOC is also seeking videos: a short two-minute video made for the general public and a five-minute video aimed at a technical audience.

Editors-in-chief Preyas Desai (Marketing Science), Ritu Agarwal (Information Systems Research), and Zur Shapira (Organization Science) all mention the trend of special issues for each of their journals. Although popular, special issues are time-consuming and Zur is working on creating a subcommittee for the sole purpose of generating special issue proposals and calls for papers. Preyas and Ritu are both behind the science-to-practice initiative that would transform nuggets of published research into teaching tools for the classroom or for sale to associate deans at universities.

INFORMS own Kate Luckey, senior managing editor, sat with the panelists as the 'jack-of-all-trades' expert in behind-the-scenes publishing. She spoke to one of the hottest topics at yesterday's meeting: plagiarism. Kate is well-versed in iThenticate - a CrossRef product used to detect plagiarism in research papers. INFORMS has been using this program for some time now, and it has helped detect several cases of plagiarism. However, what is harder to detect, and even define, is self-plagiarism. In some cases, authors are unaware that their actions regarding a research paper may be considered self-plagiarism (e.g., submitting the same paper to two journals, using large chunks of their own previously published paper in a new work without proper citation, overlapping research in two different but similar fields). Dave Woodruff suggests the best way to avoid self-plagiarism is to really label and cite what information is old versus new - cite in the literature review, cite again in the body of the paper, and cite again in the conclusion describing how the new research is different. Zur Shapira recommends instructing authors to write very specific cover letters to prove differences in research, that way the paper can be vetted before the rigorous review process, if necessary. Although difficult to monitor, INFORMS and their EICs have a good handle on plagiarism detection and should be able to reduce self-plagiarism with educating authors on how to handle submissions with journal-specific ethics policies and setting very clear vision statements to include the definition of plagiarism.

Other trends discussed by the panel include review-cycle time and how to reduce it; Open Access (the movement to make journal articles freely available to all); author submission fees; and journal content such as literature reviews, invited papers, and replies.

Journals are very important to the health of INFORMS and continue to grow and nurture the organization. INFORMS welcomes authors to submit their papers! Stay tuned for the video of the entire discussion on the INFORMS Video Learning Center website, and learn more about trends in research publications.

2014 TutORials Online Book
All attendees receive free access to the INFORMS 2014 TutORials in OperationsResearch: Bridging Data and Decisions online content concurrently with the meeting. Registrants of the 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting have online access to the 2014 chapters, written by select presenters, beginning on November 1, 2014. Access this content using the link provided to all attendees by email or, if you are a 2014 member, simply login to INFORMS PubsOnLine
Engage with Social Networking Tools

Guest Bloggers blogger
Be sure to check the Annual Meeting website frequently for insightful posts from our team of guest bloggers. Feel free to post your own comment.

All attendees are encouraged to tweet by adding hashtag #informs2014. Tweets will be displayed on the front page of the Annual Meeting website and on video monitors. Also, follow @INFORMS2014 for official conference updates. Pick up your tweeter ribbon at the INFORMS booth.

Join the Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group
Click here to join the Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group and connect with fellow attendees, discuss key topics of the day, and set up appointments.

Find Us on Facebook Join INFORMS on Facebook
"Like" INFORMS on Facebook, and let other INFORMS members know you are at the 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting by RSVP'ing.

Pinterest Follow INFORMS on Pinterest
Check out the INFORMS Annual Meeting Board on Pinterest for interesting places to visit, eat, and enjoy in San Francisco. Follow the board for updates.

Going Green?
Click here to print pdfs of all daily sessions and the entire front matter of the program. You can also view the itinerary in the Search the Program tool and plan your day. All registrants will receive a "Quick Reference" summary brochure in San Francisco, which includes the master track schedule, maps and floor plans, and other key information.

Program Book Kiosks
In an extended effort to go green, this year we are introducing kiosks to access a flip book of the full conference program. Two kiosks will be located in the Exhibit Hall and one kiosk will be located near the INFORMS Registration Desk in Yosemite BC.

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