Welcome to the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting
eNews Daily :: DAY 2 :: MONDAY :: OCTOBER 7
Awards Ceremony Highlights
Today's Key Events
Addendum to the Schedule
Sign Up for Saul Gass Fun Run By 5pm
Considering Applying for the Edelman Award?
Blog On: Public High School OR ONLINE course
Special Panel: Overarching O.R. as a Catalyst for Grand Challenges
Today's Guest Tour - Mall of America
Monday Community Meetings - All Welcome!
Today's Can't-Miss Social Events
Subdivision Awards for Monday
Monday's Interactive Sessions
Monday's Tutorials
INFORMS Career Center
Nobel Peace winner Pavel Kabát On Systems Science Integration
Sustainable Operations in Policies for Renewable Growth and Beyond
Data-driven Models in Healthcare Applications
Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research
Winner reprise for IAA Award Features Manhole Fault Prediction System in NYC
INFORMS 2013 Prize Session
INFORMS Mobile: There's an App for That!
2013 TutORials Online Book
Engage with Social Networking Tools

INFORMS Awards Ceremony
Congratulations to all winners! We hope you had a chance to join us in celebrating the profession.
John von Neumann Theory Prize
Michel L. Balinski, �cole Polytechnique
Frederick W. Lanchester Award
David P. Williamson, Cornell University  
David B. Shmoys, Cornell University

George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition

First Place: Ruiwei Jiang, University of Arizona
Second Place: Ian Post, University of Waterloo
Honorable Mention: Gustavo Angulo, Georgia Institute of Technology
Honorable Mention: Yonatan Gur, Columbia University


George B. Dantzig Dissertation Prize

Winner: Jason Acimovic, Penn State University
Finalist: Jagdish Ramakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Finalist: Samah El-Tantawy, University of Toronto


Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Competition

First Place: Peng Shi, MIT
Second Place: Alvaro Echeverria, Universidad de Chile


INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize

Winner: Nazli Busra Akar, Basak Kepir, Cagil Kocyigit, Isil Koyuncu, Melis Beren Ozer, and Tunca Turkoglu, Bilkent University
Winner: Frederick Abiprabowo, Napat Harinsuit, Samuel Lim, and Willis Zhang, University of Pennsylvania
Finalist: Rebecca Swaszek, Lehigh University
Finalist: Yaileen M. Mendez-Vazquez and Kasandra L. Ramires-Rojas, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez



Plenaries & Keynotes
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
OMEGA RHO Distinguished Lecture: Data-Driven Operation Research Analyses in the Public Sector
Lawrence M. Wein, Stanford University 

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 2, level 1
2013 Edelman Award-Winning Presentation: Economically Efficient Standards to Protect the Netherlands Against Flooding
Dutch Delta Program Commissioner Team

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1
The Physics of the Target Guest
Mark von Oven, Target Corporation

Wagner Prize Presentations
Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1
To see clear, concise examples of verifiable O.R. and analytics practice success, you won't want to miss the six Wagner Prize presentations.

  • SPRINT: Optimization of Staff Management for Desk Customer Relations Services at HERA
  • An Integrated Load Planning Algorithm for Outbound Logistics Optimization
  • Relieving Pressure: Optimizing Water Distribution Pressure Management at Valley of the Moon Water District
  • Scheduling the German Basketball League
  • Matching Supply and Demand via Delayed 2-Phase Distribution at Yedioth Group - Models, Algorithms and IT
  • Modeling and Optimizing Emergency Department Workflow
2014 Innovation Applications in Analytics Award Competition
Track 9 (MA, MB, MC), Convention Center, 200I, level 2
Sponsored by the Analytics Section of INFORMS. See these finalist presentations that are being recognized for creative and unique developments, applications, or combinations of analytical techniques that provide unique insights and/or business value. Choose from among these talks:
  • FICO, Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive and Palatable Scorecards
  • Fiserve, Price & Revenue Optimization for One of the Largest Acquiring Banks in South America
  • U.S. Air Force Academy, Development of Repeat Offender Model for Colorado Springs Police Department
  • HP Global Analytics, Quality and Service Analytics Tool Box
  • University of Cologne, An Innovative Tool to Monitor, Predict and Optimize Effectiveness of Advertising Campaigns
  • Ford Motor Company, Enabling Greater Sustainability in Vehicle Fleet Sales through Customer Oriented Analytics
  • IBM Research, A SMS Text Classification System for UNICEF Uganda
  • MITRE Corporation, Analyzing Social Media Data Having Discontinuous Underlying Dynamics
  • HP Platform Services, A Novel Machine Learning Methodology for Sentiment Analysis
INFORMS Presentations
Panel Discussion: OR, Analytics and the Academic: The Path Forward
8-9:30am, Convention Center, 200J
Terry Harrison, Nick Hall, and Barry Thomas discuss the value delivered by the analytics movement to the academic membership of INFORMS. Opportunities to be discussed include new academic programs, new research problems, funding of research, collaboration with industry, and enhancement of classroom content.

In Honor of Saul Gass
11am-2:30pm, Convention Center, 201A and 4:30-6:30pm, Convention Center, 211D
These special sessions honor the memory of Saul Gass, an exemplary member of the OR community and a great mentor to students. The presentations will touch on his many contributions to the profession.

INFORMS Connect: Networking, Online Collaboration, & Communities 
Monday, October 7, 1:30-3pm, Convention Center, 101H
Coming in 2014! INFORMS newest member benefit, INFORMS Connect, is a members-only online network to connect with fellow INFORMS members, collaborate on projects, and manage your community activity. You will be able to search for other members based on keywords, contribute to OR/MS and analytics knowledgebase, view your INFORMS Community content, and set your preferences for Community list-serve deliveries. See a demonstration of how INFORMS Connect works, have your questions answered, and do some IRL (in real life) networking with colleagues. 

Certified Analytics Professional Program (CAP�)  

Monday, October 7, 4:30-6pm, Convention Center, 101H 

Ever wonder how and why the CAP program was created? How were the exam questions selected? What are professional certification programs and why should you care? Join Dr. Louise Wehrle, Certification Manager for INFORMS CAP, to find out more about the first analytics professional certification program; its genesis, its creation, and its direction for the future. Learn how you can write and contribute your specific questions. Have your questions about CAP answered. 



Please click here to download a pdf of the addendum for late changes to the printed program.



Registration will be open from 7am-5pm today.
Additionally, there will be lost and found at the registration desk.



Registration for the 5K run/walk is open through 5pm at the Registration Desk. Cost is $10.



Peter Bell2014 Edelman Prize Chair, Peter Bell, will be at the INFORMS Booth #55-57 from 9:30-10am this morning to answer any questions you might have about the awards process.


BLOG ON: Public High School OR ONLINE course
By Kenneth Chelst
I am making available to all INFORMS members access to our coursesites online course. This course is designed for high school students who have passed algebra 2.
If you have a son or daughter in high school, I encourage you to look at we have. The course is designed with activities every 5 to 10 minutes.

The location is


The entry code for this course is INFORMS.

Open Registration will be available for two weeks.

Special Panel: Overarching O.R. as a Catalyst for Grand Challenges

Monday, MB40, 11am-12:30pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 2
Don't miss this special panel discussion on how the Engineering Grand Challenges pose opportunities for the O.R. community to work on overarching problems that cross both theoretical and applied boundaries. Chair: George Nemhauser, Georgia Tech. Panelists: Cynthia Barnhart, MIT; John Birge, University of Chicago; Michael Fu, University of Maryland; Suvrajeet Sen, USC; David Yao, Columbia; Stefanos Zenios, Stanford. 



Mall of America, 10am-3pm
No on-site registration available. You must have pre-registered. Spend the day at Mall of America. Anyone who thinks Mall of America is just a big mall probably thinks that the Grand Canyon is just a big hole in the ground. Mall of America is the largest fully-enclosed mall in the nation hosting more visitors annually than Disney World and the Grand Canyon combined. Designed as a city within a city, the nation's premier shopping and entertainment destination has over 4.2 million square feet of space and 4.3 miles of storefront footage, making Mall of America a must-see attraction. Mall of America consists of four "avenues" placed in a square around the centerpiece, Nickelodeon Universe. More info.




Choose the community that is right for you and attend. Members and nonmembers welcome.
H= Hilton and C= Convention Center


Public Programs, Services & Needs

C - Seasons,
level 2  


Analytics Section 

C - 200,
level 2


Applied Probability

C - 205C,
level 2



C - 200H,
level 2


Decision Analysis 

C - M100H,



C - 212A,
level 2


Financial Services

C - 200C,
level 2


Health Applications

C - 204,
level 2


Military Applications

C - 208C,
level 2


Quality, Statistics & Reliability

C - M100D,


Social Media Analysis

C - M100F,


Technology Management

C - 211B,
level 2


Transportation Science & LogisticsC - Ballroom A,
level 1


Women in OR/MSC - 200D,
level 2


Behavioral Operations ManagementC - 200E,
level 2


Military Applications Reception

C - 208D,
level 2




COIN-OR Members & Users Meeting - Bag Lunch

12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center, 102D, level 1
Anyone interested in open-source software tools, open standards, and data and model repositories for any aspect of operations research is encouraged to attend this Computational Infrastructure for OR (COIN-OR) meeting. Please bring your own lunch and ideas. For more information, visit www.coin-or.org.

12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center, Seasons, level 2 
$10 section member ($15 nonmember)
A limited number of tickets may be available on-site. Go to the INFORMS registration desk for information on availability. No tickets will be sold at the door.

This lunch and business meeting is open to members of the INFORMS Section on Public Programs, Service and Needs and also those who are interested in joining the section. Sponsored by Georgia Institute of Technology,
Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering; Kansas State University, Dept. of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering; and University of Michigan, Dept. of Industrial & Operations Engineering.

CPMS Isolated Practitioner Workshop & Reception
6:15-7:15pm, Convention Center, 201A, level 2
CPMS, The Practice Section of INFORMS, sponsors this workshop on topics of interest to isolated practitioners, the "Lone Rangers" of OR/MS. This workshop will address timely issues that affect isolated practitioners. All are welcome to participate. Wine and cheese will be served.

Student Awards Ceremony & Student Reception
7:30-9pm, Hilton, Grand D, floor 3 
All students registered for the meeting are invited to attend the Student Awards Ceremony. The Chapters/Fora Committee will present the winners of the Student Chapter Annual Awards and the Judith Liebman Awards. Join us to recognize the great contributions of our most dynamic student volunteers. Plan to stay for the Student Reception, which immediately follows the ceremony. The reception that follows the Awards Ceremony is open to all students - join us for an evening of food and drink, fun, and networking. Come relax after a busy day of sessions and mingle with fellow students from universities around the world. Sponsored by the Seth Bonder Foundation.

Don't forget to stop by the Student Lounge in Exhibit Hall 9am - 5pm today!



Attend the corresponding Community meeting to join in the fun. Most begin at 6:15pm.


Computing Society
INFORMS Computing Society Prize 
The ICS Prize is an annual award for best English language paper on the OR/CS interface. The award includes a plaque and a $1,000 cash prize.
Winner: John Gunnar Carlsson

INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Award 
The ICS Student Paper Award is given annually to the best paper on computing and operations research by a student author, as judged by a panel of the ICS. The award includes a plaque and a $500 cash prize.
Winner: Jing Xie
Runner-Up: Rodrigo Carrasco

Presented: 6:15pm, Computing Society Business Meeting, Convention Center, 200H, level 2

Decision Analysis Society
Publication Award
This award is given annually to the best decision analysis article or book published in the second preceding calendar year, as judged by a panel of Society members. The award includes a plaque and a $750 cash prize.
Winners: Ahti Salo, Jeffrey M. Keisler, Alec Morton

Student Paper Competition Award
This award is given annually to the best decision analysis paper by a student author, as judged by a panel of Society members. Student papers need not be sole-authored or first-authored. This award includes a plaque and a $500 cash prize.
Winner: Chen Wang

Frank P. Ramsey Medal
The Frank P. Ramsey Medal is the highest award of the DAS. It was created to recognize distinguished contributions to the field of decision analysis. The medal is named in honor of Frank Plumpton Ramsey, a Cambridge University mathematician who was one of the pioneers of decision theory in the 20th century. The Ramsey Medalists are recognized for having made substantial further contributions to that theory and its application to important classes of real decision problems. The medal is accompanied by a $1,000 cash prize.
Winner: Peter P. Wakker

Presented: 6:15pm, Decision Analysis Society Business Meeting, Convention Center, M100H, Mezzanine

Military Applications Society
2013 Koopman Prize
This Prize was named after Bernard Koopman, a founding father of military operations research. It is awarded for the outstanding publication in military operations research of the previous year. The award includes a plaque and a $500 cash prize.
Winners: Susan M. Sanchez, Thomas W. Lucas, Paul J. Sanchez, Christopher J. Nannini, Hong Wan

J. Steinhardt Prize
The J. Steinhardt Prize is sponsored by the CNA Corporation. The prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to Military Operations Research and is awarded for life work rather than for any particular contribution. The selection Committee is composed of previous award winners. The award is accompanied by a plaque and a $2,000 honorarium.
Awardee: Dean S. Hartley, III

Presented: Military Applications Society Business Meeting, 6:15pm, Convention Center, 208C, level 2

Technology Management Section
Best Dissertation Award
The Technology Management Section recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in the field of technology and innovation management in terms of furthering the field and making a theoretical and practical contribution. The award includes a plaque and a $500 cash prize.
Winner: Ayfer Ali
Runner-Up: Phillip C. Anderson

Best Paper Award
For this award, the section reviews the top five papers by citation from the past five years. Winners and finalists are selected by a panel of senior leaders in the field of technology management.
Winners: Lynn Cherkas, Janice Hunkin, Nicos Nicolaou, Scott Shane, Tim D. Spector
Runners-Up: Joshua S. Gans, David H. Hsu, Scott Stern

Distinguished Speaker Award
TMS presents its distinguished speaker award to an outstanding academic leader in the field of technology management. The award is presented every year during the annual fall academic meeting and includes a plaque and a $500 cash prize.
Winner: Dundar Kocaoglu

Presented: 6:15pm, Technology Management Section Business Meeting, Convention Center, 211B, level 2



12:30-2:30pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D 
Authors will be on hand and prizes will be awarded. Cluster Chairs: Stephanie Snyder, USDA Forest Service, Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin.



Designed for students, faculty, and practitioners, TutORials in Operations Research provides in-depth instruction on significant operations research specialties and practices.


All sessions held in Convention Center, Room 101I.

Advances in Risk-Averse Optimization
Andrzej Ruszczynski, Rutgers University

Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Programming: A Survey
Hande Benson and Umit Saglam, Drexel University

Optimal Placement in a Limit Order Book
Xin Guo, University of California-Berkeley

Network Search from a Game Theoretic Viewpoint
Steve Alpern, Warwick Business School


9am-5pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D
OK, you did the Job Fair on Sunday and met lots of great employers/candidates. Now it's time for on-site interviews to explore opportunities in academia, industry, and government. 

In addition, the INFORMS Career Center offers
  • Online access to job listings and applicant files
  • Expanded information about jobs and applicants
  • Weekly updates of the database
  • Powerful database search capabilities
  • Online data entry for applicants and employers
  • Extended availability of the database http://careercenter.informs.org
R�sum� Checking Services
9am-Noon and 1-5pm, Convention Center, Career Center
Make sure your r�sum� is ready for prime time. If you have already provided your r�sum� and pre-arranged a meeting, stop by and have your r�sum� reviewed and critiqued by veteran INFORMS members. Invitation only.

In addition, two panel discussions focus on job search issues:
Academic Job Search Panel
11am-12:30pm,Convention Center, 101D, level 1
The panel will discuss the academic interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search. The panel features Neil Geismar, Texas A&M University; Diwaker Gupta, University of Minnesota; and Sameer Kumar, University of St. Thomas.

Industry Job Search Panel
1:30-3pm, Convention Center, 101D, level 1
The panel will discuss the industry interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search. The panel features Jack Kloeber, Kromite; Warren Hearnes, Cardlytics, Inc.; and Zahir Balaporia, Schneider National, Inc.


Nobel Peace winner Pavel Kab�t On Systems Science Integration
by Anwesha Bhattacharjee
When INFORMS President-Elect Steve Robinson introduced 2007 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Dr. Pavel Kab�t, director and CEO of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), one expected an academic man with glasses to walk to the stage. Instead, a whirlwind of energy with a determined gait, Kab�t went on the podium and owned the audience for the 45 minutes he was there delivering his keynote on what he's learned from his 40 years of experience, his interactions with global leaders, and IIASA's vision 2030.

Author and coauthor of more than 200 papers and eight books, Kab�t was named a Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion by then Queen Beatrix earlier this year.

He introduced two primary contradictions facing mankind - on the one hand lies the systems approach which is transdisciplinary research of subsystems on the planet that are yet to be fully understood, and on the other hand policymakers demand numbers and predictions that require a complete understanding of these subsystems to provide support for further research.

"This illustrates how complicated science-to-policy dialogue is because every politician, decision maker will ask you - engineers, scientists in this room - to give him this super-clear print but we all know this super-clear print science can't provide," Kab�t said. "The biggest issue is trying to build the bridge between those who expect from us clear print, numbers, what happens 10 years from now?"

World problems like food and water, poverty, equity, energy, and climate cannot be solved separately anymore, he said, as they form a nexus of interconnected issues that need to be dealt as a complete system with collaborators from different fields from mathematics to sociologists, which is what IIASA is trying to achieve.

IIASA is a collaboration of 40 countries and more than 100 institutions globally, and makes recommendations to the United Nations to solve such problems, open dialogues between leaders of nations and global businesses to fund and support development that will help achieve the joint goals of equity, controlling climate change and energy efficiency, Kab�t said.

He ended the talk with a call to action, asking academics, researchers, and policymakers to think out of silos, to take a positive approach to global problems and think about expenditure on better earth systems as an insurance investment for the future.


Sustainable Operations in Policies for Renewable Growth and Beyond
By Amy Pielow
From left to right: Ashish Kabra, Sang Kim, Saed Alizamir, and Ruben Lobel.
The Manufacturing & Service Operations/Sustainable Operations cluster kicked off this year's meeting with a session titled "Topics in Sustainable Operations" that covered optimal renewal subsidies, bike-share program usage rates, and designing policies for plant inspections of noncompliant pollutant release.

The first and third presentations, by Saed Alizamir of Yale University and Ruben Lobel of The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, respectively, concerned effective government policies for renewable subsidies. Alizamir discussed the importance of learning and technology diffusion effects in solar capacity expansion. The market outcomes over time of fixed government rebate policies were compared to flexible rebate policies in Lobel's presentation.

Bike-sharing programs, a popular trend taking root in more than 500 urban areas, was the topic of the second presentation of the morning. Rentable bikes are checked in and out of stations, but each station might, at any time, suffer from shortfalls (no bikes available) or block-outs (no empty spots to return a bike). The work of Ashish Kabra of INSEAD estimates customer adoption given the likelihood of bike availability, distance between stations, and demand shocks in the system via instrumental variables and a model of consumer utility.

The final presentation, by session chair Sang Kim of Yale University, covered a game-theoretic model of government plant inspections (how often they occur and the fine for noncompliance) and voluntary plant disclosures of policy violations. Their results showed, contrary to the literature, that periodic, scheduled inspections lead to more disclosures than random inspections under certain conditions.


Data-driven Models in Healthcare Applications
By Pelin Cay  
This session was the first healthcare application session in INFORMS 2013. Four speakers presented different applications in healthcare systems.

Kuang Xu, MIT, presented the importance of predictive models to solve the queueing problem at emergency departments. He stated that a little future information can reduce queueing delay at emergency departments. In his study, he focuses on how to select the length of the future information to minimize the queue length under certain policy. Xu showed that there is a significant decrease in the queue length at emergency departments.

Mazhar Arikan, assistant professor from University of Kansas, talked about understanding what derives the differences between procurement rates in the organ transplantation system. He stated that the deceased-donor kidney allocation system has problems because of the shortage of available organs in the U.S. He emphasized that there is noteworthy variation in the procurement rates across the globe. He shared his game-theoretical model of donor service areas to study accept/reject decision for donor organ offers. Results showed that the procurement rates increase with organ quality, the median waiting time for a transplant, and the competition among transplant centers.

Elisa Long, UCLA Anderson School of Management, began her presentation with the effect of intensive care units (ICUs) in healthcare costs. She focused on the problem that the patients are not served in the ICU when they are awaiting transfer to another department. She showed that in managing the ICUs efficiently, excessive waiting times for nonservice patients on ICU beds is a barrier. This study is based on the 52-bed ICU of Yale-New Haven Hospital. For this case, nonservice time reaches up to 12 hours. Long presented an econometric model to find the impact of each ICU patient in terms of service and nonservice time.

Joel Goh, Stanford University, focused on how workplace exposures in the U.S. (such as low job security) affect the individuals' health (such as physical consequences), and the relation of the outcomes, such as mortality rates and health expenditures. He showed the mathematical models to find the effect under data limitations. The results of his study shows that depending on the workforce exposures, 120,000 people die each year, and 5-8% of healthcare expenditures come from an unhealthy workplace.


Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research
By Pelin Cay 
INFORMS President Anne Robinson gave a very impressive and informative talk on the importance of analytics in business. She explained how she was involved in operations research since she was 19 and showed a video presenting operations research as an exciting career opportunity. Robinson continued her talk with analytics and emphasized that in recent years, we are able to reach data faster and cheaper, as well as with different storing structures (such as applications, search engines) leading us to "need new analytical capabilities."

Robinson shared some research from private sectors to show how analytics is an important tool, including:
  • There will be a 50-60% shortage in analytic scientists in the U.S. by 2018, McKinsey & Company
  • Only 1/3 of 4.4 million global data scientist jobs will be filled by 2015, Gartner
  • Companies that invest in advanced analytical capabilities outperform the S&P 500 by an average of 64%
The definition of analytics by INFORMS is: the scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions. Robinson explained the difference between operations research and analytics and why these tools complement each other. Analytics has an impact at all decision levels with descriptive (what happened or is happening), predictive (what is likely to happen), and prescriptive (the best outcome) approaches. Robinson added that companies are looking for predictive and prescriptive approaches to their problems.

Robinson emphasized that analytics programs are on the rise, as there are more than 35 master's degree programs in analytics. In addition to these programs, INFORMS has a Continuing Education Program that started two courses this year. The two-day intensive courses are "Data Exploration and Visualization" and "Essential Skills for Analytics Professionals."

She finished her talk with a motivating message: "Analytics+You = A winning combination!"


Winner Reprise for IAA Award Features Manhole Fault Prediction System in NYC
By Anwesha Bhattacharjee  
The Innovative Application in Analytics Award competition track kicked off yesterday evening with Analytics Section president Zahir Balaporia's brief summary of the group's timeline. Formed in 2011, the group has been successful in drawing interest of statistical and analytics practitioners globally, with membership growing from 500 to 750 in two years. The group also hosted a regional conference in Chicago this summer.

Former Analytics Section President Michael Gorman said the group's primary purpose was to draw attention to analytics research that is being implemented and practiced in some form, and the IAA awards were instituted for the same reasons.

Of the more than 40 submissions received in the fall and spring INFORMS conferences, MIT associate professor in statistics, Cynthia Rudin's paper on prediction of faulty manholes was awarded the 2012 IAA Award. Rudin introduced her work with a history of New York City's complicated, ancient underground cable system, where electrical faults are hard to track and repair. She stressed the importance of being able to predict faults and events, such as manhole explosions, that directly impact public safety, setting up the premise for her work.

The Manhole Events Project uses natural language processing, machine learning, and statistical modelling to predict in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan areas the likelihood of an event occurring in a manhole leading to a fire or explosion, she said. The process included ranking or scoring the manholes according to past records depending on whether it had been involved in a serious event in the past three years. The data used included manhole information, service boxes, cable information including their age, length, and insulation properties, as well as tickets for past repair events. The tickets were processed using NLP and support vector machines to detect patterns in the text to identify events and symptoms, which was a difficulty because those who repair the faults don't follow a standardized reporting system or classify the tickets, Rudin said.

Currently, the ranked lists from the project are assisting with the prioritization of future inspections and repairs in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx.

The IAA Awards for 2013-14 will be chaired by Pooja Dewan, general director of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation, and semifinalists for the awards will be presenting in the subsequent sessions throughout the INFORMS annual meeting.


INFORMS 2013 Prize Session
By Amy Pielow  
From Henry Ford's introduction of the assembly line to their new corporate analytics council, Ford Motor Company has been a leader in innovative technology on a global scale for more than a century. The company won this year's INFORMS Prize, an award recognizing organizations that consistently integrate operations research and analytics into their business in novel and impactful ways. Bob Shanks, the company's executive vice president and chief financial officer, accepted the award on behalf of Ford earlier this year. Ford Motor Company, founded in 1903, operates with 23 companies and more than 200,000 employers, with pre-tax profits of $8 billion last year.

At Sunday's Prize session, Stefan Karisch, the head of the 2013 Prize committee, introduced speaker Erica Klampfl, a future mobility manager at Ford and an active member of INFORMS. She presented some of the important uses of operations research and analytics at Ford. Within the company, analytics is used in a variety of departments, including the Ford Motor Credit Company, sustainability analytics and environmental sciences, and marketing sales and service. Furthermore, the company holds an annual analytics conference and collaborates with a variety of universities on analytics research. Ford used mixed-integer programming models to determine where to source and tool their new Focus model. A prominent use of analytics in the company is their award-winning Just-in-time Execution and Distribution Information (JEDI) decision support system. JEDI is an interactive tool that allows users to look at capacity and scheduling of manufactured parts, among other uses.



Check out the enhanced mobile app for the Minneapolis meeting at www.informsminneapolis2013.org. This year's app offers better functionality than the first meeting app we debuted in 2012. Our thanks to Wiley for the generous sponsorship that has made the app possible. In addition to this official app for the meeting, you can test a native app (does not need Internet connection) that has been developed experimentally by the INFORMS IT department. This experimental app is at the Google Play store listed under INFORMS Mobile, or Apple App Store as ConferenceToGo. We welcome your comments and helpful feedback on both the official app and the experimental app.

2013 TutORialsAll attendees receive free exclusive early access to the INFORMS 2013 TutORials in Operations Research online book concurrently with the meeting. Entitled "Theory Driven by Influential Applications," the 2013 volume is the perfect complement to the series of talks. For access, visit here and log in using your INFORMS username and password. Nonmember meeting attendees: use the username and password you selected as part of the online registration process. NOTE: your username and password also appear on the receipt in your registration envelope. All INFORMS 2014 members receive access on January 1, 2014. You can order the 2013 book or previous volumes (CDs 2005 - 2009) through the TutORials website or visit the INFORMS Booth #55-57. 

INFORMS is using the latest in social networking technology to keep you informed and connected at the Annual Meeting.

We want your photos! Take photos and send them to [email protected], and we'll post them on the Annual Meeting website.

Check out the INFORMS Annual Meeting Board on Pinterest for interesting places to visit, eat, and enjoy in Minneapolis. Follow the board for updates.

Visit the Annual Meeting website during the meeting for commentary from your friends and colleagues. Blogs will be posted to the website before, during, and after the meeting. Be sure to check back frequently for new posts.

All attendees are invited to share what they are doing and seeing in real time. Remember to add hashtag "#informs2013" to your tweets, and they will appear on the Annual Meeting homepage during the meeting. Tweets will be displayed in real time on a large video monitor at Registration. Stop by the INFORMS booth and pick up your "Tweeter" ribbon. Also "follow" the official conference twitter feed, @INFORMS2013, to receive important conference announcements.

Connect with other attendees on the Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group to discuss key topics. Click here to join the Annual Meeting LinkedIn group.

"Like" INFORMS on Facebook and let other INFORMS members know you are attending the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting by RSVP'ing.

Liven up your down time with an INFORMS podcast. Download a podcast.

Free Wireless Internet
It's easy to stay connected. The Minneapolis Convention Center features free wireless Internet located in Exhibit Hall D.



Finally, some TV worth watching! Tune in to INFORMS TV during the meeting to catch the latest conference highlights, enjoy "behind the scenes" interviews with meeting speakers and INFORMS leaders, and hear reactions and interviews with attendees like you. See INFORMS TV on video displays in the registration area and Exhibit Hall D, Interactive Session foyer, INFORMS Booth, and in the Hilton, channel 18, and Hyatt, channel 40.


Reserve your advertising space now in Annual Meeting eNews Daily, the official news source of the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Each morning, attendees will receive Annual Meeting eNews Daily in their in-boxes. eNews Daily provides a preview of the day's key events and a recap of the previous day's happenings; 60% of the 4,000+ attendees open and read eNews Daily. Click here for more information.

2014 Renewal Season
Click here for Minneapolis weather.
Map of Downtown Minneapolis
Visit the INFORMS Bookstore

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Apply now for the 2014 Edelman Prize
Apply for the 2014 UPS Smith Prize
Nominations being accepted for INFORMS Prize
Continuing Education
Watch videos at the INFORMS Video Learning Center


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Corporate and University Sponsors


The Seth Bonder Foundation

gurobi logo

UT Dallas

UMN logo

Iowa State Engineering logo

LINDO logo


Dominion Insurance Services

INFORMS Meetings Calendar
Read the current issue of ORMS Today

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