Welcome to the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting
eNews Daily :: DAY 1 :: SUNDAY :: OCTOBER 6
Welcome from General Chair Robert Haight
Recap of Saturday's General Membership Meeting
Blog On: Reading the Tags
Today's Key Events
2013 TutORials Online Book
Sunday Community Meetings - All Welcome!
Today's Guest Tour
New Member Breakfast Sunday Morning
Today's Can't-Miss Social Events
Subdivision Awards for Sunday
Sunday's Tutorials
INFORMS Career Center: Job Fair
Résumé Checks
Photos & Video

Dear INFORMS Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to Minneapolis and the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting. You will find Minneapolis - City of Lakes - to be a colorful and stimulating place, and INFORMS Minneapolis offers a vibrant, progressive environment for us to come together, look forward and share and discuss scientific advances.

The strength of our Annual Meeting is its diversity, bringing together experts from industry, academia and government to discuss the latest advance in OR/MS, advanced analytics, and their applications to problems in the public and private sectors. To represent this diversity, we have  an outstanding program, including this distinguished set of plenary and keynote speakers:
  • Pavel Kabt, Director/CEO, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) opens the meeting with "Benefits of Systems Science for Policy Support" for global sustainability challenges.
  • Anne G. Robinson, Director, Supply Chain Strategy and Analytics, Verizon Wireless, and INFORMS President will present "Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research."
  • Lawrence M. Wein, Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University will highlight "Data-Driven Operations Research Analyses in the Public Sector" as the OMEGA RHO Distinguished Lecturer.
  • Mark von Oven, Director of Merchandising Analytics, Reporting and R&D, Target Corporation will discuss "The Physics of the Target Guest," highlighting how business analytics is helping to understand customer loyalty and choice.
  • Dimitris Bertsimas, Boeing Professor of Operations Research, MIT will present "Health Care Analytics" with applications to diabetes management and the design of clinical trials for cancer.
  • Pascal Van Hentenryck, Optimization Research Group Leader, National ICT Australia will present the IFORS Distinguished Lecture, "Computational Disa
    ster Management: The Role of OR/MS."
  • Guillermo Gallego, Liu Family Professor, Department of IEOR, Columbia University will highlight advances in "Pricing and Product Design in a Data-Driven Economy."
We also have our Edelman Reprise, UPS George D. Smith Prize, and Wagner Prize Presentations.

You won't want to miss the General Reception on Tuesday evening in the Convention Center. This year's theme represents the state's two favorite seasons and settings: Winters in the Cities and Summers Spent Up-North. I hope you'll join us for an evening of food, music, and socializing as we capture some of Minnesota's seasonal charms.

I would like to thank many people who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make our conference a success, including Terry Cryan, Director of Meetings, Bill Klimack, Meetings Committee Chair and the entire INFORMS Staff. I am grateful to the Organizing Committee, including Bill Cooper, Bob Phillips, Scott Mason, Justin Yates, Kevin Leder, John Gunnar Carlsson, Henry Liu, Hayri Onal, Juseyin Topaloglu, Jim Williams, Stephanie Snyder, Jeff Linderoth, Enno Siemsen, and Shuzhong Zhang, for generously volunteering their time and organizing skills.

I thank our Leadership Sponsors, FICO, Wiley and AIMMS, and corporate and university sponsors, GAMS, The Seth Bonder Foundation, GUROBI Optimization, Purdue University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Minnesota, Iowa State University, Texas A&M University and LINDO Systems for their generous financial support of our annual meeting.

Finally, I thank you for your support and hope you enjoy the meeting and the city of Minneapolis.

Robert G. Haight

Robert G. Haight, General Chair

Registration will be open from 7am-5pm in the Minneapolis Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D.


INFORMS President
Anne G. Robinson
Saturday night's membership meeting was a successful way to not only get members talking, but for INFORMS President Anne Robinson to remind everyone the advantages of being one of the 11,000+ members - the first time membership has hit this number since 1999. INFORMS membership is at an all-time high and confirms the health of the society. Analytics was a major talking point at the membership meeting. Some highlights include: record attendance at the Analytics Meeting in the spring; 54 CAP certifications; and two recently kicked-off continuing education courses. Per a membership survey, 93% of INFORMS members are supportive of our analytics expansion and believe it will further INFORMS in the O.R. field.

In other departments, Publications has launched a new journal, Service Science, and will launch Strategy Science in 2015. The Expository Writing Award has been renamed the Saul Gass Expository Writing Award, in memoriam. Marketing and Communications has continued outreach promotion, so much so that networks like CNBC are talking about INFORMS. Anne Robinson closed out the membership meeting reiterating INFORMS future goals: to be recognized as the leading association for advanced analytics professionals; to provide up-to-date online systems for members; and to deliver increased value to academic members.

It was nice to have even some of the 11,000+ members in one room; hopefully next year there will be more!

BLOG ON: Reading the Tags
By Mike Trick
The INFORMS 2013 conference is ready to start. I think I was the second registrant to check in, since the doctoral colloquium is starting early tomorrow.

As you look at people's name badges, you may be struck by the tags (or ribbons, which I guess is the more common term) associated with them. For instance, I ended up with seven tags in my registration envelope, which I think is the largest number of tags I have gotten since I was on the board. Those tags identify participants by some of the special things they are doing at the conference. Read more.


Plenaries & Keynotes
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
Anne G. Robinson, President, INFORMS, and Verizon Wireless

Pavel Kab�t, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1

Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research
Anne G. Robinson, Verizon Wireless

Analytics Maturity Model Workshop

1:30-3pm, Convention Center, Mezzanine, 101C

INFORMS is developing a self-assessment model that will help organizations take stock of their analytics capability, set goals for improvement, and make those improvements with INFORMS help. Get a first glimpse at the model at this session and provide feedback.


Free Website Management Tools for Subdivisions - Learn How eZ Publish Can Revitalize Your Web Presence
4:30-6pm, Convention Center, Mezzanine, 101C
If you are a subdivision officer or webmaster and would like to learn more about optimizing your website, you'll want to attend INFORMS webmaster Shirley Mohr's technical session. This special training session introduces eZ Publish, a hassle-free and "EZ" tool for quickly creating and updating websites without the need for Web design experience or special software. Any Community or Subdivision officer or webmaster that wishes to utilize a ready-made INFORMS template and intuitive tools to create and maintain its website should attend. Special features you can incorporate include blogs, forums, password-protected areas, and analytics reports about your site.


2013 TutORialsAll attendees receive free exclusive early access to the INFORMS 2013 TutORials in Operations Research online book concurrently with the meeting. Entitled "Theory Driven by Influential Applications," the 2013 volume is the perfect complement to the series of talks. For access, visit here and log in using your INFORMS username and password. Nonmember meeting attendees: use the username and password you selected as part of the online registration process. NOTE: your username and password also appear on the receipt in your registration envelope. All INFORMS 2014 members receive access on January 1, 2014. You can order the 2013 book or previous volumes (CDs 2005 - 2009) through the TutORials website or visit the INFORMS Booth #55-57. 


Choose the community that is right for you and attend. Members and nonmembers welcome.
H= Hilton and C= Convention Center


Information Systems

C -102A,
level 1 


Aviation Applications 

C - M101A,


Data Mining & Artificial Intelligence 

C - M100A,


Decision Analysis Council

C - M101B,


Energy, Natural Resources & Environment

C - 103F,
level 1 


Forum on Education (INFORM-ED)

C - 211A,
level 2


Location Analysis

C - 208D,
level 2 


Manufacturing & Service Ops. Mgt.

C - 101FG,
level 1 


Military Applications BoardC - 209A,
level 2 


Minority Issues Forum 

C - 206,
level 2


Multiple Criteria Decision Making

C - 213B,
level 2 



C - 200E,
level 2 


Railway ApplicationsC - 211C,
level 2 


Revenue Management & PricingC - 208A,
level 2 


SimulationC - 211D,
level 2 


Spreadsheet Productivity Research

C - 207,
level 2 


TelecommunicationsC - 201A,
level 2 


Transportation Science & Logistics BoardC - 102E,
level 1 


Revenue Management & Pricing Board

C - 208B,
level 2 




Twin Cities Highlights Tour

Today we will experience a sampling of what makes the Twin Cities fantastic. During the three-hour tour, our guide will provide commentary on the downtowns of Minneapolis, Saint Paul and surrounding areas. Minneapolis is filled with exciting attractions, events, restaurants, clubs, shopping, culture, sports, recreation, and entertainment that is unsurpassed in the Midwest. 

No on-site registration is available for the guest tours. If you have registered in advance, meet in the Convention Center outside of Ballroom A, Level 1. Buses will leave at the beginning time listed for each tour, and will return to the Convention Center at the ending time listed.


7-8am, Convention Center,
L100, level 1* Note room change from printed program
If you are new to INFORMS, plan to attend the new member breakfast with the ticket found in your registration envelope. INFORMS veterans will be on hand to ensure you know all about your member benefits and how to effectively navigate the meeting. Time will also be set aside for informal networking with colleagues by interest area or geographic location. A great way to get started!



Junior Faculty Interest Group Luncheon

12:30-1:30pm, Hilton, Grand A, floor 3
$25 ($15 students)
A limited number of tickets may be available on-site. Go to the INFORMS registration desk for information on availability. No tickets will be sold at the door.

The winners of the 2013 JFIG Paper Competition will be presented with awards. All junior faculty are invited to participate. This event gives junior faculty in engineering and business schools the opportunity to discuss career development and exchange ideas.

Sponsored by INSEAD, University of Florida, and Wichita State University.

INFORMS Online and Social Networking Reception
6-7pm, Hilton, Rochester, floor 3
What's your social networking strategy for yourself or for INFORMS? We invite all contributors to IOL (the INFORMS website) and INFORMS social networking sites to come and meet face to face. Join us for refreshments and drinks - we are your INFORMS Online community!

Minority Issues Forum Reception
8-9pm, Hilton, Grand A, floor 3
Come meet old friends and make new ones while talking about minority issues and other intellectual issues and opportunities.
Sponsored by North Carolina State University, Edward P. Fitts Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering; University of Arkansas, Dept. of Industrial Engineering; Cornell University, School of Operations Research and Information
Engineering; University of Michigan, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering; and Clemson University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering.


Welcome Reception & Exhibits 

7:30-9pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D

INFORMS and the Minneapolis Organizing Committee welcome you to the 2013 Annual Meeting with an evening of fellowship and fun. The Welcome Reception is the perfect venue to meet with colleagues and visit the exhibits. Light snacks will be served. Soft drinks are complimentary, with a cash bar for other beverages.  

INFORMS Awards Ceremony &
Dessert Reception

8:30-9:45pm (doors close at 8:45pm*), Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
INFORMS Awards Ceremony The INFORMS Board of Directors invites you to honor and celebrate the achievements of our colleagues at the newly revamped annual Awards Ceremony. You can attend the Welcome Reception first and then head to the Awards Ceremony. Following the ceremony, you'll have an opportunity to congratulate the awardees at a special dessert reception.
*Please note that this reception is part of the ceremony event, open to the awardees, their friends and colleagues, and all those who attend the Award Ceremony itself. We are sorry we cannot accommodate guests to the reception who do not also attend the ceremony. Sponsored by GAMS. Ceremony is recorded.



These prestigious awards will be presented during the Sunday night Awards Ceremony.

INFORMS Expository Writing Award

Frank P. Kelly, University of Cambridge

INFORMS President's Award

Arthur M. Geoffrion    


Frederick W. Lanchester Award 

To Be Announced at Awards Ceremony


INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of ORMS Practice

Alexandra M. Newman, Colorado School of


George E. Kimball Medal

Rina R. Schneur, Verizon Laboratories

Eric Wolman, George Mason University


John von Neumann Theory Prize

To Be Announced at Awards Ceremony


Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services

Pooyan Kazemian, University of Michigan

Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military Applications

Nathanial D. Bastian, The Pennsylvania State


Four student awards will also be announced during the ceremony:
  • George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition
  • George B. Dantzig Dissertation Prize
  • Doing Good with Good O.R. Student Competition
  • INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize


Attend the corresponding Community meeting to join in the fun. Most begin at 6:15pm.

Energy, Natural Resources & the Environment Section

Student Paper Award
This award is given annually to the best paper dealing with energy, environmental or natural resource issues by a student author who is presenting at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, as judged by a panel of the Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment Section. The award is accompanied by a $300 cash prize.
Winner: Yu Wang

Best Publication Award
The ENRE Best Publication Awards are given annually to the best refereed journal articles (in the areas of energy and forestry) published two calendar years prior to the year in which the award is given. The objective of the award is to recognize the contributions of ENRE members to the research areas of forestry and energy. Therefore, separate awards will be given in each area, and membership during the year of the nomination will be a requirement for the nominator. Nominated publications will be judged by three ENRE members in each area (three from forestry and three from energy) with respect to impact and originality. The award will consist of a plaque.
Winner in Energy: Andreas Ehrenmann, Yves Smeers
Winner in Environment & Sustainability: S�ndor F. T�th, Robert G. Haight, Luke W. Rogers
Winner in Natural Resources: Mauricio A. Acuna, Cristian D. Palma, Wenbin Cui, David L. Martell, Andres Weintraub

Best Paper in Sponsored Sessions Award
The prize recognizes the best paper presented in the Energy and Forestry Cluster sessions at the INFORMS Annual Meeting. The award is based on technical merit and quality of presentation.
Winner in Forestry Sponsored Sessions: Erin McCowen

Young Researcher Award
This prize recognizes an outstanding paper on the application of OR/MS to an important problem in energy, natural resources and/or the environment.
Winner: Alireza Soroudi

Presented: 6:15pm, Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Section Business Meeting, Convention Center, 103F, level 1.

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society
Distinguished Service Award
The MSOM Distinguished Service Award was created to recognize individuals whose distinguished service to MSOM has helped to significantly advance the goals and objectives of the Section.
Winner: Noah Gans

MSOM Fellows Award
The Distinguished Fellow Award was approved by the MSOM members at the Spring Business Meeting in 1999 in Cincinnati. By the election of a limited number of MSOM Fellows, MSOM recognizes outstanding research and scholarship in operations management. Election as an MSOM Fellow should be considered a rare distinction, comparable with membership in Omega Rho. Teaching and service contributions are not considered in the selection process.
Awardees: John Birge, Guillermo Gallego, David Simchi-Levi

M&SOM Best Paper Award
The Best Paper Award recognizes the one paper, published in one of the prior three volumes of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), as most deserving for its contribution to the theory and practice of operations management. The recipient of the award is announced in M&SOM and is accompanied by a $2,000 honorarium.
Winners: Omar Besbes, Robert Phillips, Assaf Zeevi

Presented: 6:15pm, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society Business Meeting, Convention Center, 101F-G, level 1.

Optimization Society
Optimization Society Khachiyan Prize
The Khachiyan Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society was established in 2010 and is awarded annually at the INFORMS Annual Meeting to an individual or a team for life time achievements in the area of optimization. The award recognizes a sustained career of scholarship from nominees who are still active at the year of the nomination. The prize serves as an esteemed recognition of innovativeness and impact in the area of optimization, including theory and applications. Recipients of the INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize or the MPS/SIAM Dantzig Prize in prior years are not eligible for the Khachiyan Prize.
Winners: Alex Shapiro, Donald Goldfarb

Optimization Society Farkas Prize
The G. Farkas Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society was established in 2006, and is administered by the Optimization Society (OS) of INFORMS. The Farkas Prize is awarded for the most significant contribution to the field of optimization by a researcher or a team of researchers. It is awarded bi-annually at the INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Winner: Pablo A. Parrilo

Optimization Society Student Paper Prize
The Student Paper Prize recognizes the most outstanding paper in optimization that is submitted to and received, or published, in a refereed professional journal no more than three years before the closing date of the nomination.
Winner: Afonso Bandeira

Optimization Society Young Researchers Prize
The Optimization Prize for Young Researchers, established in 1998 and administered by the Optimization Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, is awarded in even numbered years at the INFORMS Annual Meeting to one (or more) young researchers for the most outstanding paper in optimization that is submitted to or published in a refereed professional journal. The prize serves as an esteemed recognition of promising colleagues who are at the beginning of their academic or industrial career.
Winner: James Luedtke

Presented: 6:15pm, Optimization Society Business Meeting, Convention Center, 200E, level 2.

Railway Applications Section
Railway Applications Section Student Paper Award
This award is given to recognize the best student research paper on analytics and fact-based decision making in railway applications. The first place paper will be considered for publication in Networks.
Winner: Yutian Yang
Runners-Up: Luis Cadarso (Second Place), Lucas P. Veelenturf (Third Place)

Distinguished Member Award
This award is given to recognize distinguished contributions that have far reaching impacts and help advance significantly the goals and objectives of the Section.
Awardee: Ravindra Ahuja

Presented: 6:15pm, Railway Applications Section Business Meeting, Convention Center, 211C, level 2.

Designed for students, faculty, and practitioners, TutORials in Operations Research provides in-depth instruction on significant operations research specialties and practices.


All sessions held in Convention Center, Room 101I.

Correlation Decay Method for Decision, Optimization and Inference in Large-Scale Networks
David Gamarnik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sparse Solutions to Complex Models
Xin Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chung Piaw Teo, National University of Singapore

Data-Driven Decision-Making in Non-Stationary Environments
Omar Besbes, Columbia University

Modeling Choice
Vivek Farias, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Noon-5pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D
INFORMS Career Center Job Fair provides an opportunity for job seekers to meet participating employers in a fun, informal atmosphere and to discuss employment opportunities within those organizations. Employers meet and collect r�sum�s from many job seekers in a short period of time early in the meeting, giving them the chance to set up interviews during the meeting.


Noon-5pm, Convention Center, Career Center
Make sure your r�sum� is ready for prime time. If you have already provided your r�sum� and pre-arranged a meeting, stop by and have your r�sum� reviewed and critiqued by veteran INFORMS members. Invitation only.


Attendees are encouraged to take photos and video at the meeting; send your photos to [email protected], and we'll post them on the Annual Meeting website.



2013 AM app icon Make sure to access the 2013 Annual Meeting app on any mobile device, thanks to our friends at Wiley. Access conference info on the go, including the schedule of sessions and presentations, plenary/keynote speaker information, maps, exhibitor details, free must-have articles, and more.

Click here to download the free app!

Note on installing app: Turn off private browsing and pop-up blockers on device.

Thanks to Our Sponsor!
Thank you Wiley!

Reserve your advertising space now in Annual Meeting eNews Daily, the official news source of the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Each morning, attendees will receive Annual Meeting eNews Daily in their in-boxes. eNews Daily provides a preview of the day's key events and a recap of the previous day's happenings; 60% of the 4,000+ attendees open and read eNews Daily. Click here for more information.

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Leadership Sponsors    FICO logo

Corporate and University Sponsors


The Seth Bonder Foundation

gurobi logo

UT Dallas

UMN logo

Iowa State Engineering logo

LINDO logo


Dominion Insurance Services

INFORMS Meetings Calendar
Read the current issue of ORMS Today

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