Welcome to the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting
eNews Daily Welcomes You
Want to Get the Most Out of INFORMS 2013? There's an App for That!
Watch "INFORMS TV" in Minneapolis
Ground Transportation
Blog On: Decisions, Decisions. Location, Location, Location.
Pre-Meeting Activities
Plenaries and Keynotes
Can't-Miss Social Events
Other Great Events
Connect With Others

Rise and Shine with INFORMS eNews Daily!We're glad you're attending! Each morning of the Annual Meeting - Sunday through Wednesday - attendees will receive an electronic copy of Annual Meeting eNews Daily in their in-box. eNews Daily, the official news magazine of the Annual Meeting, features previews of the upcoming day's key events and a recap of the previous day's happenings. Don't be the last to know. Enjoy Minneapolis!



2013 AM app icon Make sure to access the 2013 Annual Meeting app on any mobile device, thanks to our friends at Wiley. Access conference info on the go, including the schedule of sessions and presentations, plenary/keynote speaker information, maps, exhibitor details, free must-have articles, and more.

Click here to download the free app!

Note on installing app: Turn off private browsing and pop-up blockers on device.

Thanks to Our Sponsor!
Thank you Wiley!

Finally, some TV worth watching! Tune in to INFORMS TV during the meeting to catch the latest conference highlights, enjoy "behind the scenes" interviews with meeting speakers and INFORMS leaders, and hear reactions and interviews with attendees like you. See INFORMS TV on video displays in the registration area and Exhibit Hall D, Interactive Session foyer, INFORMS Booth, and in the Hilton and Hyatt hotels.


Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport (MSP)
Distance from airport to hotels: 12 miles (19.3km)
(20 min. drive)

Rates to/from airport approximately $40 each way for taxi.

Super Shuttle
Phone number: 1-800-258-3826
Rates to/from airport $15 each way or $24 round trip per passenger (plus $1 fuel surcharge each way). Prices do not include gratuity. The Super Shuttle is available 24 hours a day. Use this link to receive a discount.

BLOG ON: Decisions, Decisions. Location, Location, Location.
By Shiva Subramanian

I encountered a neat version of the 'meeting location problem' last week at work while we trying to schedule a client meeting. [...]


The 2013 Annual INFORMS conference is being held in Minneapolis, MN between October 6-9. Here's the accuweather forecast for October. It's not too bad. Last year's annual conference was in Phoenix, Arizona, where I blogged about optimally locating ourselves at an airport baggage carousel to minimize expected search effort. Where would such a conference be located in order to minimize the total expected cost to the attendees and the organizer? If the optimal location remains static over time, a subset of attendees will end up paying a relatively higher cost, hence some rotation policy may be preferable.


Locating the annual meeting of time travelers? You may have to find a location in some time-space network


Read more.



Pinterest Annual Meeting Board Check out the Pinterest Annual Meeting board for interesting things to do and see while in Minneapolis.


Join a Community
Whether you are a new or continuing member, take some time while in Minneapolis to sign up for the Community (also known as Subdivision) of your choice. There is no better way to maximize the utility of your membership. Stop by Registration or INFORMS Booth #55-57 to learn more. As a new 2013 or 2014 member, you may qualify for a free Community.

New Member Breakfast on Sunday
October 6, 7-8am, Convention Center,
L100, level 1* Note room change from printed program
If you are new to INFORMS, plan to attend the new member breakfast with the ticket found in your registration envelope. INFORMS veterans will be on hand to ensure you know all about your member benefits and how to effectively navigate the meeting. Time will also be set aside for informal networking with colleagues by interest area or geographic location.  

Hitting town on Friday or Saturday? There are great pre-meeting events!

Friday, October 4
Combined Colloquia, Dinner, 6-8pm, Hilton, Marquette 1-2, floor 2

Saturday, October 5
Combined Colloquia, Breakfast, 7-8:15am, Hilton, Marquette 1-2, floor 2
Future Academician Colloquium, 8:15am-4:30pm, Hilton, Symphony 3, floor 2
Future Practitioner Colloquium, 8:15am-4:30pm, Hilton, Symphony 1, floor 2
Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium, 8:15am-4:30pm, Hilton, Symphony 2, floor 2
Combined Colloquia, Dinner, 7-9pm, Convention Center, Seasons, level 2

Saturday, October 5
Data Mining-Health Informatics Workshop, 8:30am-6:30pm, Convention Center, 101A-B, level 1
Vendor (Exhibitor) Workshops, 9am-5:30pm (three sessions), Convention Center, rooms variable

Saturday, October 5
Conference on Information Systems & Technology,
8:15am-5:45pm, Convention Center, 102A-B, level 1

Membership Meeting
Saturday, October 5, 5-6pm, Convention Center, 101G-H, level 1
Stop by the INFORMS annual membership meeting to meet the Board of Directors and get a snapshot of 2013 accomplishments and 2014 strategic plans. Wine and cheese will be served.


Make time for thought-provoking talks on diverse subjects from invited speakers.

Sunday, October 6
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
Anne G. Robinson, President, INFORMS, and Verizon Wireless

Pavel Kab�t, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1

Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research
Anne G. Robinson, Verizon Wireless

Monday, October 7
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
OMEGA RHO Distinguished Lecture: Data-Driven Operation Research Analyses in the Public Sector
Lawrence M. Wein, Stanford University 

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 2, level 1
2013 Edelman Award-Winning Presentation: Economically Efficient Standards to Protect the Netherlands Against Flooding
Dutch Delta Program Commissioner Team

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1
The Physics of the Target Guest
Mark von Oven, Target Corporation

Tuesday, October 8
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
Health Care Analytics

Dimitris Bertsimas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 2, level 1

2013 Daniel H. Wagner Prize Winner Announcement and Reprise

3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1

IFORS Distinguished Lecture: Computational Disaster Management: The Role of OR/MS
Pascal Van Hentenryck, National ICT Australia and
University of Melbourne

Wednesday, October 9
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1
Pricing and Product Design in a Data-Driven Economy
Guillermo Gallego, Columbia University

10-10:50am, Convention Center, Auditorium 2, level 1
Reprise of 2013 UPS George D. Smith Prize Award-Winning Presentation Naval Postgraduate School
Robert Dell, Walter DeGrange, and Ronald Fricker, Naval Postgraduate School



Sunday, October 6  

Junior Faculty Interest Group Luncheon
12:30-1:30pm, Hilton, Grand A, floor 3
$25 ($15 students)
A limited number of tickets may be available on site. Go to the INFORMS registration desk for information on availability. No tickets will be sold at the door.

The winners of the 2013 JFIG Paper Competition will be presented with awards. All junior faculty are invited to participate. This event gives junior faculty in engineering and business schools the opportunity to discuss career development and exchange ideas.

Sponsored by INSEAD, University of Florida, and Wichita State University.

INFORMS Online and Social Networking Reception
6-7pm, Hilton, Rochester, floor 3
What's your social networking strategy for yourself or for INFORMS? We invite all contributors to IOL (the INFORMS website) and INFORMS social networking sites to come and meet face to face. Join us for refreshments and drinks - we are your INFORMS Online community!

Welcome Reception & Exhibits 

7:30-9pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D

INFORMS and the Minneapolis Organizing Committee welcome you to the 2013 Annual Meeting with an evening of fellowship and fun. The Welcome Reception is the perfect venue to meet with colleagues and visit the exhibits. Light snacks will be served. Soft drinks are complimentary, with a cash bar for other beverages.  


Minority Issues Forum Reception
8-9pm, Hilton, Grand A, floor 3
Come meet old friends and make new ones while talking about minority issues and other intellectual issues and opportunities.
Sponsored by North Carolina State University, Edward P. Fitts Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering; University of Arkansas, Dept. of Industrial Engineering; Cornell University, School of Operations Research and Information Engineering; University of Michigan, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering; and Clemson University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering. 

INFORMS Awards Ceremony &
Dessert Reception

8:30-9:45pm (doors close at 8:45pm*), Convention Center, Ballroom A, level 1
INFORMS Awards Ceremony The INFORMS Board of Directors invites you to honor and celebrate the achievements of our colleagues at the newly revamped annual Awards Ceremony. You can attend the Welcome Reception first and then head to the Awards Ceremony. Following the ceremony, you'll have an opportunity to congratulate the awardees at a special dessert reception.
*Please note that this reception is part of the ceremony event, open to the awardees, their friends and colleagues, and all those who attend the Awards Ceremony itself. We are sorry we cannot accommodate guests to the reception who do not also attend the ceremony. Sponsored by GAMS.   


Monday, October 7

COIN-OR Members & Users Meeting - Bag Lunch

12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center, 102D, level 1
Anyone interested in open-source software tools, open standards, and data and model repositories for any aspect of operations research is encouraged to attend this Computational Infrastructure for OR (COIN-OR) meeting. Please bring your own lunch and ideas. For more information, visit www.coin-or.org.

12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center, Seasons, level 2 
$15 section member ($20 nonmember)
A limited number of tickets may be available on site. Go to the INFORMS registration desk for information on availability. No tickets will be sold at the door.

This lunch and business meeting is open to members of the INFORMS Section on Public Programs, Service and Needs and also those who are interested in joining the section.
Sponsored by Georgia Institute of Technology,
Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering; Kansas State University, Dept. of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering; and University of Michigan, Dept. of Industrial & Operations Engineering.

CPMS Isolated Practitioner Workshop & Reception
6:15-7:15pm, Convention Center, 201A, level 2
CPMS, The Practice Section of INFORMS, sponsors this workshop on topics of interest to isolated practitioners, the "Lone Rangers" of OR/MS. This workshop will address timely issues that affect isolated practitioners. All are welcome to participate. Wine and cheese will be served.

Student Awards Ceremony & Student Reception
7:30-9:30pm, Hilton, Grand D, floor 3 
All students registered for the meeting are invited to attend the Student Awards Ceremony. The Chapters/Fora Committee will present the winners of the Student Chapter Annual Awards and the Judith Liebman Awards. Join us to recognize the great contributions of our most dynamic student volunteers. Plan to stay for the Student Reception, which immediately follows the ceremony. The reception that follows the Awards Ceremony is open to all students - join us for an evening of food and drink, fun, and networking. Come relax after a busy day of sessions and mingle with fellow students from universities around the world. Sponsored by the Seth Bonder Foundation.

Tuesday, October 8 
Saul Gass Memorial Fun Run  
6:30-8am, Loring Park - on Nicollet Mall

$10 entry fee includes t-shirt
Join us for the Saul Gass Fun Run We're bringing back a great INFORMS event this year and honoring O.R. luminary Saul Gass at the same time. Saul championed the run at the INFORMS meeting for many years as a laid-back, informal, everybody-included event. This year's run will be in the same tradition. You can walk, jog, stroll, trot, or run this 5K course that winds its way through beautiful Loring Park - an oasis of greenery and water right in the heart of the city. The starting point is just across the street from the Hyatt Hotel on Nicollet Mall. The emphasis is on having fun, convening with old and new INFORMS colleagues, and working those muscles in preparation for another packed day of sessions. Plus, you can take home a jazzy t-shirt commemorating the event. See you at the starting line!

You can sign up at the registration desk, or e-mail: Megan.Carroll@informs.org.


Women in OR/MS Forum Luncheon

12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center,
L100, level 1* Note room change from printed program
$18 ($8 students)
A limited number of tickets may be available on site. Go to the INFORMS registration desk for information on availability. No tickets will be sold at the door. All those interested in issues related to women professionals in OR/MS are invited to join us.
Sponsored by Georgia Tech, Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering; SAS, Inc.; Texas A&M University, Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering; University of Alabama, College of Business; University of Massachusetts, Isenberg School of Business; University of Arizona, Systems & Industrial Engineering; Northwestern University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Management Science; Virginia Commonwealth University, Dept. of Statistical Sciences & O.R; SIMUL8 Corporation; University of Texas-Arlington; Penn State University-Erie; University of Texas-Austin, Operations Research & Industrial Engineering; and University of Florida, Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering.


Certified Analytics Professional (CAP�) Reception  
6:15-7:15pm, Convention Center, 200I, level 2

Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)Current CAPs, future CAPs, and those interested in CAP certification are welcome. Members of INFORMS Analytics Certification Board will make a short presentation and answer questions.

General Reception, Winter in the City &
Summer Up-North 
7:30-10pm Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A

Everyone knows there's nothing bland about Minnesota weather! At this year's general reception, you can experience the snows of a Minneapolis winter and the sunshine of a Northwoods summer - all in one fun evening.

Winter in the City features replicas of some Minneapolis icons - like the "Spoonbridge and Cherry" sculpture and the University of Minnesota's new football stadium in Dinkytown. Summer Up-North showcases the log cabins
and bait and tackle shops that line the roads in every northern Minnesota town.

Graffiti Wall, Photo Booth & Golf
Don't miss the downtown graffiti wall where you can don an artist's cap and engage in some constructive vandalism - and bring home a photo of your art. We'll have a couple of photo stations as well, complete with hats, mittens, and furs for shivering in the city, as well as a fishing pole and plaid shirt for your trip up north.

Step over to the campfire to make s'mores (with as many marshmallows as you can fit on the graham cracker). Play a round of golf at our 9-hole miniature course. And as a bonus - rock the night away to the music of Rockfist, a hot rock 'n roll cover band.

Plus...Fun Food
Of course, we'll be serving up a hearty menu that features some Minnesota favorites: walleye cakes with lemon aioli, State Fair all-beef corn dogs, veggie black bean burger, turkey burger slider, grilled fresh corn on the cob, wild rice
and wheatberry salad, camp potatoes, vegetarian baked beans, and cole slaw.

You'll have a great time - you betcha!  



Wagner Prize Presentations
Monday, October 7, Convention Center, Auditorium 3, level 1
To see clear, concise examples of verifiable O.R. and analytics practice success, you won't want to miss the six Wagner Prize presentations.

  • SPRINT: Optimization of Staff Management for Desk Customer Relations Services at HERA
  • An Integrated Load Planning Algorithm for Outbound Logistics Optimization
  • Relieving Pressure: Optimizing Water Distribution Pressure Management at Valley of the Moon Water District
  • Scheduling the German Basketball League
  • Matching Supply and Demand via Delayed 2-Phase Distribution at Yedioth Group - Models, Algorithms and IT
  • Modeling and Optimizing Emergency Department Workflow
2014 Innovation Applications in Analytics Award Competition
Monday, October 7, Track 9 (MA, MB, MC), Convention Center, 200I, level 2
Sponsored by the Analytics Section of INFORMS. See these finalist presentations that are being recognized for creative and unique developments, applications, or combinations of analytical techniques that provide unique insights and/or business value. Choose from among these talks:
  • FICO, Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive and Palatable Scorecards
  • Fiserve, Price & Revenue Optimization for One of the Largest Acquiring Banks in South America
  • U.S. Air Force Academy, Development of Repeat Offender Model for Colorado Springs Police Department
  • HP Global Analytics, Quality and Service Analytics Tool Box
  • University of Cologne, An Innovative Tool to Monitor, Predict and Optimize Effectiveness of Advertising Campaigns
  • Ford Motor Company, Enabling Greater Sustainability in Vehicle Fleet Sales through Customer Oriented Analytics
  • IBM Research, A SMS Text Classification System for UNICEF Uganda
  • MITRE Corporation, Analyzing Social Media Data Having Discontinuous Underlying Dynamics
  • HP Platform Services, A Novel Machine Learning Methodology for Sentiment Analysis
TutORials in Operations Research
Attend your choice of 16 TutORial talks on

Sunday-Wednesday, Track 49, 101I, and

Tuesday, TD18, 205B, 4:30-6:30pm. This Annual Meeting favorite features 90-minute sessions offering an in-depth look at current methodologies. See the program for a schedule of talks and exact titles.


Access to 2013 Online Volume
2013 TutORials On October 1, the 2013 TutORials in Operations Research series volume became available online for all 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting registrants. This year's TutORials covers topics in a broad range of applications and methodologies within operations research, including game theoretic models for network search, sparse solution identification, correction decay in large-scale networks, simulation optimization, and stochastic variational inequality problems. 
Access the 2013 TutORials via the upgraded TutORials website and log in to view all content using your INFORMS username and password.

Print copies of the 2013 TutORials volume, as well as CDs and books from previous years, will be available for sale at INFORMS Booth #55-57.

Interactive Sessions
Be sure to stop by the Interactive Sessions on Monday and Tuesday, 12:30-2:30pm in the Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D. A total of 80 posters and laptop demonstrations on diverse OR/MS topics will be on display. Authors will be on hand to describe their work during these times.

Annual Meeting Job Fair sponsored by INFORMS Career Center
Be a part of the largest gathering of O.R. and analytics job seekers and employers. The  Job Fair is free to meeting registrants. Employers must register for INFORMS Career Center to participate. Direct questions to careers@informs.org for more details.

INFORMS Job Fair at the Annual Meeting connects job seekers and employers in an informal atmosphere. You can take advantage of both the Job Fair (Sunday, noon to 5pm) and on-site interviews (Monday and Tuesday, 9am-5pm; and Wednesday, 9am-3pm).

Here's a partial list of participating employers:

A. T. Kearney Inc.General MotorsSingapore University of Technology & Design
AmazonHong Kong University of Science & TechSK Innovation
American ExpressInnovative SchedulingSouthern University of Denmark
Arizona State UniversityLehigh UniversitySt. Norbert College
BAE SystemsLiberty MutualTerra Technology
Bilkent UniversityLondon Business SchoolTexas Tech University
BNSF Railway CompanyMonsantoUnited Airlines
Bucknell UniversityNanyang Technological UniversityUniv Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
California State University-East BayNational University of Singapore (NUS)University of Alabama
California State University-Long BeachNaval Postgraduate SchoolUniversity of Alaska-Anchorage
Carthage CollegeNomis SolutionsUniversity of Arkansas
Center for Naval AnalysesNorfolk Southern CorporationUniversity of Delaware
Christiana Care Health SystemNortheastern University; The D'Amore-McKim School of BusinessUniversity of Illinois-Urbana
Cincinnati Children's HospitalOrtecUniversity of Memphis
City University of Hong Kong - Dept. of Management SciencesOzyegin UniversitesiUniversity of Minnesota
City University of Hong Kong - Dept. of Systems Engineering & Engineering ManagementQueens UniversityUniversity of Portland
City University of New York-Baruch CollegeQuinnipiac UniversityUniversity of Scranton
Clarkson UniversityRaceTracUniversity of St. Thomas
ClemsonRandUniversity of Tennessee
CSX Transportation, Inc.Rotterdam School of ManagementUniversity of Texas-Austin
CubicSan Diego State UniversityUniversity of Toronto
Dow Chemical CompanySASUniversity of Toronto-Scarborough (UTSC)
Eindhoven University of TechnologySchneider National, Inc.University of Washington
Enova FinancialSecretaria of Higher Education, Science & TechnologyVirginia Military Institute
FICOShanghai Jiao Tong University-Fahua CampusWalt Disney Parks & Resorts
Ford Motor CompanyShanghai University of Fincance & EconomicsWright State University
Forio SimulationsSingapore Management UniversityYahoo! Labs

R�sum� Checking Services
Sunday, October 6, noon-5pm and Monday, October 7, 9am-noon and 1-5pm, Convention Center, Career Center
Have your r�sum� checked by veteran O.R. professionals. They will review and critique your r�sum� to make sure it is ready for "prime time" at the Job Fair.

In addition, two panel discussions focus on job search issues:

Academic Job Search Panel
Monday, October 7, 11am-12:30pmConvention Center, 101D, level 1
The panel will discuss the academic interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search. The panel features Neil Geismar, Texas A&M University; Diwaker Gupta, University of Minnesota; and Sameer Kumar, University of St. Thomas.

Industry Job Search Panel
Monday, October 7, 1:30-3pm, Convention Center, 101D, level 1
The panel will discuss the industry interview process and do's and don'ts associated with the job search. The panel features Jack Kloeber, Kromite; Warren Hearnes, Cardlytics, Inc.; and Zahir Balaporia, Schneider National, Inc.


New for 2013! INFORMS Student Lounge
Relax and network with other students in the INFORMS Student Lounge. We've created this space in Exhibit Hall D, so that you can take this opportunity to introduce yourself to other students, share your conference experiences, talk about the sessions you've attended, and surf the net.
Follow @INFORMS2013 to keep an eye out for special pop-up Student Lounge happenings.
Guest Bloggers Add Flavor to Annual Meeting
Be sure to check the Annual Meeting website frequently to read commentary from your peers about their experiences in Minneapolis. Feel free to post your own comment! Confirmed guest bloggers for 2013:
John AngelisWalt DeGrangeJohn Poppelaars
Lars BeckmannMike Gorman
Guillaume Roels
Allen ButlerWarren Hearnes
Paul Rubin

Sertalp ay

S. Phil Kim
Matt Saltzman
Marc-Andr� CarleBjarni Kristjansson

Dawn Strickland 

Kenneth ChelstJennifer Leong
Shivaram Subramanian
Jim Cochran
Patrick Noonan
Mike Trick

Tallys Yunes

Tweet Away
All attendees are invited to share what you are seeing and doing in real time. Add hashtag #informs2013 to your tweets, and they will be displayed on the front page of Annual Meeting website and on video monitors. Be sure to pick up your "Tweeter" ribbon in INFORMS Booth #55-57. Follow @INFORMS2013 for official Annual Meeting announcements.

Exhibitor Advertising Opportunities
All exhibitors for the 2013 Annual Meeting are encouraged to rent attendee e-mail addresses for use before and after the meeting. E-mail addresses are competitively priced for one-time use. However, exhibitors may rent e-mail addresses multiple times on a first-come, first-served basis. For pricing, available slots, and additional information, please contact our list rental management company:
INFOCUS Marketing
4245 Sigler Road, Warrenton, VA 20187
Phone: 800-708-5478

Exhibitors are also welcome to advertise in eNews Daily. Click here for advertising information. Payment can be made in INFORMS Booth #55-57.

Join Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group and Join in the Discussions
Click here to join the Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group and connect with fellow attendees and discuss key topics of the day, and set up appointments.

Find Us on Facebook
"Like" INFORMS on Facebook, and let other INFORMS members know you are attending the 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting by RSVP'ing.

INFORMS Booth Activities
Stop by the INFORMS booth (#55-57) in the Exhibit Hall to receive valuable products and information:
  • Speakers' Book Store  
  • 50% off INFORMS books sale
  • Free sample journals
  • Free Community newsletters
  • Membership information
  • Renewal assistance
  • Purchase INFORMS t-shirts
  • Certification information 
  • Free magazines
  • Volunteer information

Analytics Maturity Model Workshop
Sunday, October 6, 1:30-3pm, Convention Center, Mezzanine, 101C 

INFORMS is developing a self-assessment model that will help organizations take stock of their analytics capability, set goals for improvement, and make those improvements with INFORMS help. Get a first glimpse at the model at this session and provide feedback.    


Free Website Management Tools for Subdivisions - Learn How eZ Publish Can Revitalize Your Web Presence
Sunday, October 6, 4:30-6pm, Convention Center, Mezzanine, 101C 
If you are a subdivision officer or webmaster and would like to learn more about optimizing your website, you'll want to attend INFORMS webmaster Shirley Mohr's technical session. This special training session introduces eZ Publish, a hassle-free and "EZ" tool for quickly creating and updating websites without the need for Web design experience or special software. Any Community or Subdivision that wishes to utilize a ready-made INFORMS template and intuitive tools to create and maintain its website should attend. Special features you can incorporate include blogs, forums, password-protected areas, and analytics reports about your site.

INFORMS Connect: Networking, Online Collaboration, & Communities 
Monday, October 7, 1:30-3pm, Convention Center, 101H
INFORMS newest member benefit, INFORMS Connect, is a members-only online network to connect with fellow INFORMS members, collaborate on projects, and manage your community activity. You will be able to search for other members based on keywords, contribute to OR/MS and analytics knowledgebase, view your INFORMS Community content, and set your preferences for Community list-serve deliveries. See a demonstration of how INFORMS Connect works, have your questions answered, and do some IRL (in real life) networking with colleagues. 

Certified Analytics Professional Program (CAP�)  

Monday, October 7, 4:30-6pm, Convention Center, 101H 

Ever wonder how and why the CAP program was created? How were the exam questions selected? What are professional certification programs and why should you care? Join Dr. Louise Wehrle, Certification Manager for INFORMS CAP, to find out more about the first analytics professional certification program; its genesis, its creation, and its direction for the future. Learn how you can write and contribute your specific questions. Have your questions about CAP answered. 


Renew 2014 Membership While in Minneapolis
Stop by INFORMS Booth #55-57 to quickly and easily renew your membership for 2014. We want you with us in 2014. INFORMS is on the upswing, and we have many exciting projects planned for 2014 and beyond. Read the renewal letter from the INFORMS presidents who give you great reasons for continuing. If you renew online before October 20, you will be entered in a drawing to win one of four iPad minis!


Reserve your advertising space now in Annual Meeting eNews Daily, the official news source of the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Each morning, attendees will receive Annual Meeting eNews Daily in their in-boxes. eNews Daily provides a preview of the day's key events and a recap of the previous day's happenings; 60% of the 4,000+ attendees open and read eNews Daily. Click here for more information.

2014 Renewal Season
Click here for Minneapolis weather.
Map of Downtown Minneapolis
Visit the INFORMS Bookstore

Find us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

View our profile on LinkedIn
Apply now for the 2014 Edelman Prize
Apply for the 2014 UPS Smith Prize
Nominations being accepted for INFORMS Prize
Continuing Education
Watch videos at the INFORMS Video Learning Center


Leadership Sponsors    FICO logo

Corporate and University Sponsors


The Seth Bonder Foundation

gurobi logo

UT Dallas

UMN logo

Iowa State Engineering logo

LINDO logo


Dominion Insurance Services

INFORMS Meetings Calendar
Read the current issue of ORMS Today

You'll always find INFORMS ready to give you the fullest measure of assistance, so make your professional needs our business. Please feel free to contact us at (800) 446-3676, 443-757-3500, or informs@informs.org. Submit eNews announcements to barry.list@informs.org. This message was sent to the INFORMS-MEMBERS list of INFORMS Online.

This is an informational posting sent to members of INFORMS by the INFORMS office. To remove yourself from this list, simply send an e-mail with the message "unsubscribe eNews" to informscentral@informs.org. If you have any difficulty with the automatic system, send us an e-mail at informs@informs.org for special handling. This message was sent under the INFORMS Mass E-Mailings Guidelines.