April 2015
Quarterly communications from your Johns Creek Fire Department
From the Chief
Dear Residents,

Keep fire safety in mind when checking items on your spring cleaning to-do list - like checking your smoke detector or cleaning a dryer's lint filter. Download the JCFD's Home Safety Checklist for items that need attention.


As the weather continues to warm, be sure to keep safety in mind when spending time outdoors - especially when you're enjoying the Chattahoochee River. Watch the JCFD's water safety video for safety tips and information.


And, keep up with the Johns Creek Fire Department on social media. For training exercise photos, fire safety and other useful information, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Stay safe,


Fire Chief Jeff Hogan

Put fire safety on your spring cleaning checklist
As you tackle spring cleaning projects around your home, add fire safety to your list. Take a few minutes to read through the National Fire Protection Agency's tips on smoke alarms and appliances and make sure your home is protected.
Use safe grilling practices this spring
While the weather warms up this spring, be sure to use smart grilling practices outdoors. Gas grills pose a higher risk, causing an annual average of 7,200 home fires in 2007-2011. Follow some
grilling safety tips to keep you and your home safe.
Firefighter receives Life Saving Award
Fire Chief Jeff Hogan recognized Firefighter Aaron Roberts on his promotion to the rank of Sergeant and presented him with a Life Saving Award. 

Roberts and other JCFD members responded to man critically injured in a fall,  accurately assessed his condition and provided the appropriate emergency care needed to save his life.
Gas water heaters recalled
Giant Factories Inc., has recalled gas water heaters because the flame arrestor or flame arrestor plate can fail, posing a risk of fire or explosion. Read more about the recall here.
JCFD completes training
This winter, JCFD members completed a variety of training drills and classes.
  • 23 JCFD Intermediate Emergency Medical Technicians attended a 50-hour course  to become Advanced Medical Technician.
  • 6 Members of the Department began Paramedic School.
  • JCFD conducted advanced maintenance and operations classes.
  • JCFD finished Advanced Fire Behavior classes, focusing on new scientific studies that apply to modern construction.
  • JCFD and Alpharetta Fire Department conducted Automatic Aid Training Drills for joint response.
Three firefighters join JCFD

Three firefighters were sworn-in to the Johns Creek Fire Department recently. 


Firefighters Cody Williams, James Stewart and Ross Hagerman were welcomed at a Johns Creek City Council meeting in February.


Follow JCFD on Facebook and Twitter


Want to learn safety tips, view photos of fire training and more? Be sure to follow the Johns Creek Fire Department on Facebook and Twitter!

Water releases from dam can make 'Hooch dangerous

The JCFD's Swift Water Rescue Team has rescued dozens of rafters, kayakers, fishermen and swimmers from the cold, fast water of the Chattahoochee River over the last four years.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages Lake Lanier, typically releases water from Buford Dam during weekday afternoons unless there are unusual downstream water demands or especially heavy rains. In those situations, unscheduled water releases can come in the morning and on weekends.


During a release, the water level in the Chattahoochee River can get deeper and faster very quickly, rising as much as 11 feet in a matter of minutes.


The Corps does try to give some notice before releasing water downstream from the lake. People can find out about releases by calling 770-945-1466 or by listening to 1610 AM on their radio. The announcements may precede releases by a few hours or even minutes.


River users may also review the daily schedule for releases (see the Buford column). Four warning sirens have been placed between Buford Dam and State Road 20. The water release will occur within minutes after the sirens stop.
Rescue team stresses water safety in video

Drowning can happen in a matter of seconds. Each day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control.


Drowning can occur in pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, and bath tubs. In light of this, JCFD's Swift Water Rescue Team River stresses the importance of water safety through a 4.5-minute Water Safety Video.


Please share this video with family and friends - it's useful information to anyone.

Question of the Quarter: What should I do when my home loses power?


Here's a common scenario: you lose power at home - perhaps due to weather - and you happen to be cooking. The first thing you need to do is turn off the stove burners immediately. Sometimes people (hungry and frustrated that dinner is now ruined) will leave in a power outage to go out to eat. When the power returns, the burners heat up again and left unattended long enough, the food - and your home - can catch fire.


Here are some tips on power outages from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.