Children's Trust Policy Post
March 3, 2015
Advocates Urge Congress to Reathorize Funding for Maternal and Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs
Today, March 3, is Home Visiting Day of Action 
The federal Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program must be reauthorized by Congress no later than March 31.  The program has supported high-risk families in communities across the country and in South Carolina through intensive voluntary home visiting services since 2010. Children's Trust is the state  administrator for MIECHV.   

The national Home Visiting Coalition and other partners across the country are taking part in a Home Visiting Day of Action on Tuesday, March 3, to draw attention to the work of Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting across the country and to encourage Congress to act to reauthorize the program at least at current funding levels. 

More than 750 national, state, tribal and local organizations wrote to Congress are urging the reauthorization of this bipartisan initiative. Organizations can still sign on to the letter, led by First Focus. Home visiting programs have proven to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, pregnant women, families and taxpayers.

Children's Trust will participate in a social media push on Tuesday, March 3, from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Follow the conversation on Twitter  with #HomeVisiting and #VoteForSCKids for more messaging and information.

More information about home visiting in South Carolina is available.

The full report and profile of home visiting in South Carolina are available. 

A  PDF fact sheet on home visiting in South Carolina created by
the Association of State Home Visiting Initiatives is also available.     

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month in South Carolina
Children's Trust Leads Effort in SC

Senators Larry Martin, Joel Lourie, Brad Hutto, Michael Fair, Ronnie Cromer and Darrell Jackson introduced a concurrent resolution (S. 405) declaring April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in South Carolina. The resolution was adopted by the House and the Senate last week. 

Children's Trust is home to the state chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA). Children's Trust is proud to lead PCA's national campaign, "Pinwheels for Prevention" in South Carolina. The pinwheel represents the happy, healthy, carefree childhood every child deserves and the commitment to give every child the opportunity to thrive in a nurturing environment. In a show of support, organizations throughout the state will display pinwheel gardens during April.   


More information is available on how to participate in Child Abuse Prevention month and to purchase pinwheels.  


 Learn more
Mandatory Reporting to be Considered by House Judiciary Committee
Mandatory reporting (H. 3099) legislation by Rep. Peter M. McCoy, Jr., R-Charleston, would require college administrators, coaches, scout leaders, firefighters, camp counselors and others working in direct contact with children to report suspected child abuse and neglect.

A bill similar to H. 3099 was introduced last year, passed by the House and died in Senate committee at the end of session. The intent of the bill is to close a loophole in reporting that came to light as part of the Penn State abuse investigation in that school or college administrators and coaches are not currently required by S.C. law to report suspected child abuse or neglect.

House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider the legislation on Tuesday, March 3, at 2:30 p.m. or 1 1/2 hours after the House of Representatives adjourns.   
Resolutions to Improve Recreational Water Safety to be Considered
Senate Fish Game and Forestry Committee will take up a measure (S. 334) by Sen. Kevin Johnson, D- Clarendon, that would direct the Department of Natural Resources to gather public input on improving recreational water safety in South Carolina and then report recommendations to the Senate.  The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6, at 10 a.m.
Committee on Children to Review Public Testimony
Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, March 5, at  2 p.m. in 403 Blatt 
The committee will review public testimony that was giving during the three regional meetings held in the Fall 2014. The committee will also discuss recommendations to include in the 2015 annual report.

Children's Trust supports the work of the committee to reduce childhood fatalities and injuries as well as to ensure children have access to quality early care and education.

Their 2014 report is available.   


Webinar:  Minors and Health Care Services
Training to Review Consent and Confidentiality Laws 
Juvenile Law Center is hosting a webinar on March 25 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The training will provide an overview of federal and state laws governing minors' abilities to consent to their own medical testing and treatment.

  Learn more
Child Welfare News from Around the Country
Oregon:  Budget Cuts Coming for Program that Builds Relationships Between Incarcerated Mothers and Their Children
According to, the Family Preservation Program operating at Coffee Creek prison costs the state about $300,000 a year to serve about 10 inmates. Because of the cost, the department has decided to cut the program. Supporters are rallying to save the program.
Colorado:  Legislators Split on Oversight Changes for Child Welfare Systeme
In a report by Colorado Public Radio, Colorado's Child Protection Teams are supposed review every case a county opens to make recommendations or spot problems. But last year's audit of child welfare system recommended the state do away with these county citizen oversight panels.
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Policy Post is published by Children's Trust of South Carolina.

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