AFM Weekly Newsletter                    August 28,  2014
Enjoy Your Labor Day

Quick Links...  

AVHS Music Website    


Im with the band
The Road Warriors need lots of help this year!  Road Warriors (RW) are the volunteers who help get the props and front ensemble equipment out onto the field at competitions.  See the show up close and personal as an RW!  For more information, contact Nickolas J. Lombardo.

AFM Executive Board is looking for a 1st Vice President. This person will serve as an active aide to the President; become acquainted with affairs of AFM and oversee and act as Board Liaison for Fundraising Functions. We are looking for someone to join our board that wants to have input and see the music program at AVHS remain world class. We have already identified key people to chair our major events. You would be working within a group, with lots of support and ideas and overseeing our ongoing Fundraisers.  We just need the "go-to" person!  If you are interested in discussing this position further please contact  Kristen Dean. 

Redesigned Website Up and Running

AFM is proud to reveal the new look of .  This accessible hub provides all the information you need on each ensemble, as well as links to social media and a user-friendly search function.  Check back often--we will be updating regularly as new features are enabled.  



AFM General Meetings
Mark Your Calendar! 

Amador Friends of Music is your organization, and we look forward to seeing you at our General Meetings this year, on the 3rd Monday, every other month, starting in September.

9/15; 11/17; 1/26; 3/16, and 5/18 

We coordinate fundraising, haul equipment, fit uniforms, cook, serve, drive, organize rosters, bookkeep, arrange travel, run festivals, and the list goes on.  Join us for our General Meetings and add your voice to our efforts!

If you have any special concerns you would like to bring to the Executive Board meetings, you can consult the Charms calendar for the meeting dates, or contact Kristen Dean, AFM President.
Tuesday Night Snacks!


WOW!! It was wonderful to see so many snack donations on our first Tuesday practice of the season! As you can tell the kids got to those snacks like greased lightning!   


Thank you to parents for bringing in yummy goodies and please keep 'em coming. Suggestions: Any treats that you think kids will like--they even enjoy healthier items such as grapes, bananas etc.  


Just a friendly reminder: Please do not send snacks that contain any form of peanuts. 


I will have tables set up every Tuesday night over by the field at  8:30 starting this upcoming week August 26th.  Thank you for all your help. Please don't hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions!  


Allison Cox 



Our first event is just around the corner so watch for the opportunity to sign up to help in next week's newsletter.  We need many hands to make things go as smoothly as possible.  


Not sure what it means to sign up to be an RA?  Then come on out to our "RA Orientation" on September 9th from 8-9 pm.  We will explain what being an RA is all about, and then go out and watch our students perform.  This is a great chance to see what goes on behind the scenes.


Finally, with our first football game coming up, we need donations of cups and snacks.  Specifically, we need:

  • 450 count/5 oz. cups (Costco)
  • Tubs of tootsie rolls and licorice (Costco or Smart & Final)  

You can send these to school with your student or drop them off with me at a Tuesday night practice.  (I can usually be found around the snack table at some point near the end of practice.) 


Thanks for all your support of this wonderful band!


Barb Kennedy-Head RA


Water Bottle Duty for  

Football Games and Competitions

(Clean, Fill, Ice, and Deliver--very easy!)


Want to volunteer and just can't figure out what to do??????  


Have I got the job for you!!!!!!!


This is an essential parent volunteer duty that we vitally need and is a great opportunity for 3-4 families to share this responsibility.  


Please contact Mary Ann Boyle if you can volunteer for this job.


Home Football Games (on 9/19, 9/26, 10/31, and 11/7).  We need 3 volunteers per game.             


Marching Band Competitions - drop bottles at #1 bus at Amador - need 2 volunteers per competition.


Gilroy High  10/11

               Ayala in So. Cal 10/17

               Dublin  11/1

               Logan   11/15

               WBA Championships  11/22           


volunteer forms logo

 Registration Update

A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped out with registration.  This year we tried something new, and I was grateful to all who were so flexible.  


Another BIG THANK YOU to all the section leaders and band council members who stayed late after Saturday's practice to help put Mr. Aubel's room back in order.  He was ready to greet his 75 students at 7:00 AM Monday morning!


If you have not yet registered: 


Any of those who were not able to make registration, please bring your forms to the band room.  There will be an envelope for them on the band room wall right next to the AFM box.   


Medical Forms:


Barb Kennedy (Head RA) will be collecting Prescription/OTC Medical Forms at practice on September 6th. 


All of the forms are available on Charms. Just click on the member login button from our website at   Then click the "handouts and files" folder and then the "registration" file. If you have any questions, or are unable to make the registration date, please email Marcia Ikeda.  


Senior Parents:  Reminder   


Senior Banquet planning meeting in the Choir Room at 7:30 on Tuesday, September 2.


Volunteers Needed for Hemming


Can you machine-sew a blind hem?  Can you iron?  If so, we need you to help hem and press marching band pants!  Please contact Gale Naylor.

shop with scrip logo



Scrip is a fundraiser that helps participating families offset their band expenses. That's right! Scrip is a great way to offset your family's band expenses. Purchases made through the scrip program earn 1% (gas) to 20% (See's Candies) in cash rebates. These rebates are deposited directly into your family's band account. There are many retailers and restaurants to choose from including: Safeway, Home Depot, Best Buy, and Starbucks. 


It's never too late to start earning rebates. Sign up today at The enrollment code for AFM is 3361367C9842. If you have any questions please contact Lorry Epps  
The first order is due September 1st!
(More information coming soon)


Go to escrip to renew, update or register your Safeway card, Gene's card, Fresh & Easy friends card, debit accounts and credit cards to your eScrip account. Our group ID# is 137117495. Take advantage of the eScrip Dining program as well as the eScrip Online Mall.  A percentage of the contributions from the eScrip program and Raley's will be credited to your student's account. The Lucky S.H.A.R.E.S program goes directly to AFM.


  Enroll your Raley's Something Extra card at and designate Amador Friends of Music as your support group. If you already have a card and have registered it, let me know the number so that your student will be credited for your contributions.

Feel free to email Doris Lem If you have any questions.