August 30, 2012

National Down Syndrome Congress

Governmental Affairs Newsline 

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In This Issue
GAO Says Transition Services Inadequate
NCD Report on Subminimum Wage and Supported Employment
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GAO Says Transition Services Inadequate


Report on Subminimum Wage and Supported Employment

Government Accountability Office Finds Current Transition Services Inadequate


The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued the report, "Students with Disabilities: Better Federal Coordination Could Lessen Challenges in the Transition from High School."


In the report, GAO recommends improving transition services for students with disabilities by developing an interagency transition strategy between the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor, and the Social Security Administration.


The report recommends that the agencies should: 1) work toward common outcome goals for transitioning youth; 2) increase awareness of available transition services; and 3) assess the effectiveness of their coordination efforts. All four agencies agreed with the recommendation


The report also said that parents, students with disabilities and service providers are not aware of the options available to them after the student ages out of school-financed services. This could be due to lack of availability of services. Another factor is differing eligibility requirements for various programs.


To read the report, go to: http://gao.gov/products/GAO-12-594

National Council on Disability Report on Subminimum Wage and Supported Employment 


The National Council on Disability (NCD) has issued a report, "Subminimum Wage and Supported Employment." The report is the result of a review over the last year by NCD of the use of subminimum wage for persons with disabilities, authorized under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


According to the NCD report, 


. . .the 14(c) program should be phased-out gradually as part of a systems change effort that enhances existing resources and creates new mechanisms for supporting individuals in obtaining integrated employment and other non-work services. The comprehensive system of supports we propose is designed to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities. NCD recommends a phase-out of the 14(c) program rather than immediate repeal because those who have been in the program for many years need time to transition to a supported employment environment. Our comprehensive approach includes formal requirements of mandatory information-sharing to workers, as well as informal systems of peer support and incentives to states and providers to expand supported employment services in integrated settings.


To read the report, go to http://ncd.gov.

If you have questions, contact susan@ndsccenter.org