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Shock, condemnation follow terrorist attacks
Violence in Paris:
Feeling Helpless

When a horrific attack occurs anywhere in the world we all react. And we all suffer. The reactions of our hearts, minds and souls are many and sometimes jumbled. 
We are stunned. We are shocked. Still, we are not helpless.
Church leaders urge U.S. not to close borders to Syrian refugees
With recent deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad prompting a debate in the United States over the country's decision to accept additional Syrian refugees, national leaders of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are strongly urging lawmakers to resist a knee-jerk reaction to close the door and the border to innocent victims of the war in Syria.
Read their statement here

Terrorist Attacks Condemned by Global Ministries, World Council of Churches
As the people of France grapple with the horror of the latest deadly terrorist attack that left 129 dead, placing candles, flowers and messages outside a Paris cafe, one of several locations targeted by ISIS Friday night, leadership of the United Church of Christ denounced the violence that is terrorizing countries around the world.
Super Saturday workshop proposals now being accepted
The collaboration between the Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island  conferences continues as we prepare for the 12th Super Saturday event on March 12, 2016 in Connecticut.  Our theme is
 Leading in Times of Challenge and Change.

Our keynote speaker is The Reverend Traci Blackmon, a community leader, civil rights activist, local church pastor, recipient of the Antoinette Brown Award 2015 and the acting executive of United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries. 

More from
Little did a high school girl know that her interest in sewing a dress for someone less fortunate would result in helping to bring happiness to more than 80 girls in many different countries. 

This summer, after receiving a generous $1,000 grant from the Pilgrim Association, I led a local youth mission trip. But the youth and I received more than just a donation; we received God's love through the work we did with each other, for the community.


The Rev. Mr. John Robert Condon 
called to First Congregational Church of West Brookfield as Interim Pastor.
Effective: Nov. 10, 2015

Upcoming Conference Events
Dec. 4, 7:00 PM - Dec. 5, 4:30 PM
Craigville Retreat Center, Cape Cod
This retreat is for youth in grades 7 - 12 and their adult advisors. Come to reflect on the meaning of Advent and Christmas in our fast-paced, individualistic, consumerist society.

Dec. 12, 10:00 AM - Noon
Edwards House Meeting Center, Framingham
An opportunity to network and share experiences with MACUCC colleagues.
Jan. 20, 9:00 AM  - Jan. 21, 3:30 PM
Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge
Clergy training, limited to 18 people per session. Registration is one a first come, first served basis.

Jan. 30, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Edwards House Meeting Center, Framingham
A day of training - for both clergy and congregants - to lead small groups in general, and small group Bible study in particular.  Facilitated by the Rev. Anne Robertson,  executive director of the Massachusetts Bible Society.
Other Events of Interest
Nov. 19, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Hebrew College, Newton, MA

Visits are as follows.
Victor Makari
Nov. 21, 10:30 AM
Federated Church of Charlton, MA
Nov. 22, 7:00 PM
Union Congregational UCC, Groton, MA 
Nov. 24, 10:00 AM
First Church in Marlborough, Congregational UCC, Marlborough, MA 

Nov. 20, 2:30 PM

Dec. 6, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
United Congregational Church, Worcester 

Dec. 8, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Andover Newton Theological School

Dec. 9, 6:00 PM
Emerson College, Boston

The Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ