the weekly emailing
July 22, 2015

Watch and listen to Liz Crawford's moving testimonial about her transformation through the Worcester Fellowship, given at the 216th Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Conference:

Are We Over the Rainbow Yet?


By Kathie Carpenter
Chair, ONA Ministry Team

It is surely appropriate to celebrate the good news of marriage rights for anyone who wants to marry. But the energy from this needs to go directly forward into insuring that, in every way - spiritually, legally and socially - everyone has their place in the Body of Christ.

Words of Farewell from our Climate Intern

By Patrick Cage

It has been a delight and an enormous learning experience to have this opportunity with the MACUCC, and I thank you for being a part of it.  I only wish I had time to work with you all in a more direct way, though I suspect this would take several years at least!


A summer bulletin insert is now available for download for use in church bulletins and newsletters. This month's issue features: Annual Meeting: Treasure in clay jars; Mass. Synod delegates blog about experiences; Upcoming Events: Crossroads. 

Local Buzz 

Brockton Church Holds Monthly Service for "All God's People" -- including people with special needs and their families.







Featured Event of the Week

Crossroads Come and See Events
Sat., Aug. 15
Union Church in Waban, 10 AM - Noon
Edwards Church, Northampton, 2:30 - 4:30 PM 
Crossroads Crossroads is designed for congregations that find themselves at a crossroads and want to intentionally discern their path forward. The program asks congregations to consider entering into an intentional season of assessment, discernment, bold decision-making and implementation. Find out more at this free session. 

Watch a video testimonial about this program here:

Upcoming Events

Interfaith Youth Initiative: Training Youth Leaders to Make Peace
July 26 - Aug. 2, 2015
Brandeis University, Waltham
Interfaith Youth Initiative (IFYI) is a powerful and transformative experience for teens (ages 15 -18) and college students aimed at training interfaith leaders to go back to their schools and campuses to lead others in making peace, serving others, engaging faith, and building bridges.

The Rev. Ms. Ann Hallstein speaks at NNESRE Annual Session
Aug. 1 - 8, 2015
Geneva Point Center, Moultonboro, NH
There are still some spots open to join the Northern New England School of Religious Education (NNESRE) for their week long 2015 summer conference.  MACUCC Pastor The Rev. Ms. Ann Hallstein will teach a class entitled "Choose Life" exploring what it means to fulfill the biblical imperative to choose life in the 21st century with an environmental crisis looming. 
Charlemont Forums 2015:
Immigration and Politics: Dilemmas and Solutions
Thurs., Aug. 6, 7 - 9 PM
Charlemont Federated Church 
Speakers: David Martin, Distinguished Professor of International Law at the University of Virginia, will examine current political and ethical controversies relating to immigration. Alex Morse will reflect on his experience as mayor of Holyoke, a city with a significant immigrant population. Marise Lyra, (Brazil/Amherst), teacher of English language learners at the Center for New Americans in Northampton, will share her immigration story.

National Church Leadership Institute

Aug. 10 - 13, 2015

Andover Newton Theological School, Newton

Join the leading practitioners and thinkers in progressive church at this year's National Church Leadership Institute where conversations will focus on five trendlines: DIY, crowdsourcing, the local food movement, the cloud and the sharing economy.  Full scholarship for clergy, and one day scholarship for lay people, now avaiilable.



ANTS Convocation Day - Welcome Back Reception
Wed., Sept. 16, 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Wilson Chapel Lobby, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton
An opportunity for new and returning seminarians to meet with Conference staff and learn about the UCC discernment process.

Widening the Welcome: Inclusion for All
Sept. 24 - 26, 2015
Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott Hotel, Windsor, CT 
widening the welcome This conference is a sign of the movement in our UCC to address concerns and issues around disabilities, mental health challenges, and cognitive/developmental disabilities. The conference features workshops, breakouts, networking, vespers, exhibitors and more.

Christian Education Basics
Sat., Sept. 26, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Edwards Church, Northampton
One of the required courses for Christian Education certification.