Composing and Drawing Tip of the Week.

October 3, 2014

What are we looking at here?

Let's say that another way:  What is happening in this image?  What colors do we see?  What are they doing?

Notice that the colors are, to one degree or another, neutralized. To the left of the photo, I've shown you the intensity scale of each color found.

Now, what are they doing?

Now, here's what we've been studying?

Tip: When studying reflections on a rippling body of water, an effective way to capture the spirit of what's happening is to determine first the colors you are seeing.  Next find the movement of the colors by gesturing your hand to imitate the movement.  You can then imitate the movement with your brush, using the colors you discover, and come very close to expressing ripples on a body of water.

Another tip:  Rather than first determining the colors of the sky and elements of the land, just look at the water.  The less intense colors you discover there will be a good starting point for harmonizing the sky and land colors.  

Happy painting,

P.S.  Join us on the Facebook forum where there are now twenty-one challenges.  You can do any challenge at any time.  They are there for your enrichment and enjoyment.  If you post your results, be sure and do so in the comments portion of the challenge to which you responded so as to keep the responses with their corresponding challenge.  I will continue to add challenges as we move along.

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