CARF Accreditation
Continuous quality improvement is the result of teamwork between governance, leadership, staff, clients, and consultants.
(402) 486-1101
7441 O Street, Suite 107
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 USA
Brenda Rohren, President
All information contained in this newsletter about external products
and services is available in the public domain and is provided to help improve your business practices.

_______________________ Consultants at Behavioral Health Resources, LLC do not represent CARF _________________________ |
This newsletter provides information to improve your business operations and CARF accreditation readiness.
Primary Source Verification CARF Standard 1.I.2.a(b) -- This standard in the Human Resources section of the 2014 BH/CYS/OTP Standards Manuals states that organization should implement written procedures to obtain primary source verification for all credentials of personnel including licensure.
Copies of licenses, credentials, college transcript, etc. provided by the applicant do NOT meet the primary source verification requirement.
What is primary source verification? How can your organization demonstrate conformance to this standard? Read more . . .
CARF Consulting in Canada
This year we expanded our consulting services for CARF accreditation to include Canada. Services can be provided remotely or on-site. To read the testimonial from our newest international customer, click here.
Relocation of BHR Offices
In July 2014 we relocated our offices to the Corporate Centre at 74th & O Streets in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
Click here for a map of our new location.
CARF Accreditation for BHR, LLC
We've been busy this year preparing our outpatient programs for CARF accreditation. The on-site survey was held on October 29-31, 2014. We received the optimal outcome of a Three-Year accreditation for the following programs:
- Integrated Outpatient Treatment (AOD/MH) for Children/ Adolescents
- Integrated Outpatient Treatment (AOD/MH) for Adults
For more information, click here.
Ribbon Cutting & Open House
Please join us for a Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting and open house to be held on Tuesday, December 16. The ribbon cutting will begin at 3:00 p.m. and the open house from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. These events are scheduled to celebrate the following accomplishments:
- Three years of business operations
- Relocation of BHR offices
- CARF Accreditation for outpatient programs
For more information, contact Brenda at (402) 486-1101.
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