How to Develop Measurable Treatment Plan Objectives
CARF 2013 BH/CYS/OTP standard 2.C.2
Behavioral health providers often have difficulty developing treatment plan objectives that are measurable, achievable, and time specific, i.e., standards 2.C.2.b(5-7). As a result, recommendations are given during CARF accreditation surveys as well as insurance (e.g., Medicaid/ Magellan), regional, and other audits.
On October 11, 2013, our President, Brenda Rohren, will present a 3-hour workshop, "How to Develop Measurable Treatment Plan Objectives." The workshop is sponsored by the Training for Addiction Professionals (TAP) program and will be held in Lincoln NE. (Video conference to Scottsbluff NE).
Click here for the registration form.
Workshop Objectives include:
- Learn about CARF requirements for: Interpretive Summary; treatment plan goals and objectives; and resulting progress note documentation.
- Learn how to include identification and frequency of specific interventions and modalities as well as strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.
- From a review of specific treatment plan examples, learn how to write objectives that are measurable, achievable, and time specific.
- Practice developing measurable objectives that are time specific.