Behavioral Health Resources, LLC 
Teamwork for Newsletter  

A newsletter about consulting for CARF-accredited organizations

July - August  2013
In This Issue
Ethical Codes of Conduct
Treatment Plan Objectives
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CARF Accreditation

Newsletter - teamwork  

Continuous quality improvement is the result of teamwork between governance, leadership, staff, clients, and consultants.

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(402) 486-1101 


285 S. 68th St Pl, Suite 319

Lincoln, Nebraska 68510


Brenda Rohren, President



Consultants at

Behavioral Health Resources, LLC

do not represent CARF





This newsletter provides information to improve your business operations and CARF accreditation readiness.
Written Ethical Codes of Conduct           
An important part of Section 1.A (Leadership) in the  CARF 2013 BH/CYS/OTP Standards Manuals is standard 1.A.6, a requirement for accredited programs to have written ethical codes of conduct that are shared with persons served*, personnel, and other stakeholders.  
Common Recommendations.  There are several areas for this standard in which accredited programs frequently receive recommendations.  These include:  exchange of gifts, money, gratuities; personal fund raising; personal property; and witnessing of documents. 
Click here to read our feature article with examples for these areas that would demonstrate conformance to the standards.
*  Standard 2.B.9.d(1)(viii) states that each person served 
should receive an orientation that includes standards of
professional conduct related to services.  This could include
providing a copy of the written ethical codes of conduct
to clients during the orientation process.

How to Develop Measurable Treatment Plan Objectives  


 CARF 2013 BH/CYS/OTP standard 2.C.2


Behavioral health providers often have difficulty developing treatment plan objectives that are measurable, achievable, and time specific, i.e., standards 2.C.2.b(5-7).  As a result, recommendations are given during CARF accreditation surveys as well as insurance (e.g., Medicaid/ Magellan), regional, and other audits.


On October 11, 2013, our President, Brenda Rohren, will present a 3-hour workshop, "How to Develop Measurable Treatment Plan Objectives."   The workshop is sponsored by the Training for Addiction Professionals (TAP) program and will be held in Lincoln NE.  (Video conference to Scottsbluff NE).


Click here  for the registration form.   


Workshop Objectives include:

  • Learn about CARF requirements for:  Interpretive Summary; treatment plan goals and objectives; and resulting progress note documentation.
  • Learn how to include identification and frequency of specific interventions and modalities as well as strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.
  • From a review of specific treatment plan examples, learn how to write objectives that are measurable, achievable, and time specific. 
  • Practice developing measurable objectives that are time specific.
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