CARF Accreditation
Continuous quality improvement is the result of teamwork between governance, leadership, staff, clients, and consultants. |
(402) 486-1101
285 S. 68th St Pl, Suite 319
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510
Brenda Rohren, President
Consultants at
Behavioral Health Resources, LLC
do not represent CARF
This newsletter provides information to improve your business operations and CARF accreditation readiness.
New Standard for Social Media
New to the CARF 2013 BH/CYS/OTP Standards Manuals is standard 1.G.3.b, a requirement for accredited programs to implement risk management procedures regarding communications that address social media.

Social media is the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks (i.e., via Internet).
According to the CARF Example statement, "social media procedures might address: acceptable uses of social media; who has access and authority to post or modify information; privacy settings; parameters for communicating with persons served and prospective persons served; protection of health information; and how violations of the procedures will be managed."
To obtain information about resources that will help you write or update your policy and an example from a CARF-accredited organization, click here.
Media Relations Policy & Procedure
CARF 2013 BH/CYS/OTP Standards Manuals list 1.G.3.a, a requirement for accredited programs to implement risk management procedures regarding communications that address media relations.*
Important aspects of a good media relations policy include procedures for identifying the authorized spokesperson, how staff should respond to formal and informal contact with the media, how to avoid disclosing PHI, and responsibilities of the spokesperson. The Media Relations policy should also address other aspects related to HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2.
* In the "Changes" section at the beginning of the 2013 BH/CYS/OTP Standards Manuals, section 1.G (Risk Management) states: "In Standard 1.G.3., elements a. and b. are new to include media relations and social media in written procedures for communications." However, the addition of media relations was actually first introduced in the 2012 Standards Manuals.
Consulting Services for Policy and Procedures Review & Development
Behavioral Health Resources consultants are experts at writing new policies and procedures and reviewing existing documents to ensure conformance to CARF standards. This is one of our most popular services. Contact us to learn more about how your organization can benefit from consulting services.
New Evidence-Based Practice
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family Education Program is a 12-session course for family caregivers of individuals living with serious mental illness. The curriculum-based course covers a range of topics, including participants' emotional responses to the impact of mental illness on their lives, current information about many of the major mental illnesses, current research related to the biology of brain disorders, and information on the evidence-based treatments that are most effective in promoting recovery. Read more . . . |