Behavioral Health Resources, LLC
Teamwork for Newsletter  

A newsletter about consulting for

CARF-accredited organizations

November  2012
In This Issue
Tips for Accreditation Readiness
No Recommendations for Goodwill Industries
Choosing a Consultant

CARF Accreditation

Newsletter - teamwork 
Continuous quality improvement is the result of teamwork between governance, leadership, staff, clients, and consultants.

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 Consultants at Behavioral Health Resources, LLC  

do not represent CARF 

(402) 486-1101

285 S. 68th St Pl, Suite 319

Lincoln, Nebraska 68510


Brenda Rohren, President


This newsletter provides information to improve your business operations and assist with CARF accreditation readiness.
Tips for Accreditation ReadinessTipsAccreditation  


CARF 2012 Standards Manual - 1.A.3.k.    This standard states that leadership guides an annual review of the organization's policies.   One of the best ways for surveyors to observe evidence of conformace is for the organization to document on the policy the dates of review as well as dates when revised. 


It is suggested that each page be numbered (e.g., Page 2 of 3).   The name of the person who reviewed the policy and authorized the revision could also be indicated.

No Recommendations for Goodwill Industries in 2012 CARF Survey   HarmonyFoundation 


Due to continuous quality improvement and CARF-focused organizational culture,  Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska, Inc.Godwill Industries (Lincoln NE)  (Lincoln NE) received  no recommendations in their June 2012 CARF Survey Report.  (This represents only 3% of CARF-accredited organizations.) 


Also helpful was the use of their CARF Matrix�, Show Proofs, and assistance of an internal consultant.  Click here to read more about the interview with CEO, Joanne Pickrel, and Communications Specialist, Amanda Herndon.

Choosing a CARF Consultant
Does the consultant . . .
Press Release 
We're please to announce that our President,  Brenda Rohren, has recently been selected to participate as an ASAM PCC Field Reviewer. Click here for information about ASAM Patient Placement Criteria (PCC).
In the Next Newsletter . . .


Future issues will include:

  • Evidence-based practices and ongoing assessment of provider competency  (December 2012)
  • Effective use of internal and external consultants   (January 2013)

If there are topics you'd like to see in future newsletters, contact Brenda at or (402) 486-1101.