CARF Accreditation
Continuous quality improvement is the result of teamwork between governance, leadership, staff, clients, and consultants. |
Quick Links
Consultants at Behavioral Health Resources, LLC do not represent CARF |
This newsletter provides information to improve your business operations and assist with CARF accreditation readiness.
Tips for Accreditation Readiness
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). Organizations receiving recommendations from a CARF survey are required to complete a QIP.
In order to be useful, a good QIP contains interventions that affect actual and continuous change. A common recommendation for organizations is that treatment plans are often not consistently measurable, achievable, and time-specific.
An ineffective QIP action might state: "Direct-service staff will receive training about how to write objectives that are measurable, achievable, and time-specific." Although at "face value" this appears to be an effective intervention, training of staff often does not mean a direct translation to actual and consistent change. We suggest that at least five treatment plans from each provider be reviewed following the training. |
Harmony Foundation Practices Transparency
Transparency is implementation of business practices that focus on openness, communication, and accountability.
One way to recognize transparency is to review an organization's website.
Harmony Foundation is an
addiction treatment center (CARF-accredited) located in Estes Park, Colorado. For a description of why Harmony Foundation was selected to be recognized for transparency, click here.
How Does Your Website Rate? Click here to rate the transparency of your website. |
In the Next Newsletter . . .
Future issues will include:
- How one CARF-accredited organization obtained a Three-Year accreditation with no recommendations(November 2012)
- Evidence-based practices and ongoing assessment of provider competency (December 2012)
If there are topics you'd like to see in future newsletters, contact Brenda at or (402) 486-1101. |
Press Release Our President, Brenda Rohren, recently received confirmation that her name will appear in the DSM-5 as a Collaborating Investigator for the Field Trials in Routine Clinical Practice. The DSM-5 will be published in May 2013. |
Choosing a CARF Consultant
Is the consultant . . . 