Shared Decision Making in
Practice at MGH 
MGH Health Decision Sciences Center
July, 2013
Issue 6
In This Issue
Online Opportunity
Top 10 Video Programs
SDM Toolkit
SDM on the Hub!
Procedure Appropriateness
8 years at MGH
Prescription Data
Decision Aids
Upcoming Events

Online Opportunity!


The Shared Decision Making team has a new opportunity that would allow patients to view a decision aid on the web. Let us know if you are interested in learning more about how to get your patients this new access.

Top 10

Video Programs:

prescribed last quarter 

 (4/2013 - 6/2013) 

  1. Is a PSA Test Right for You?
  2. Peace of Mind: Personal Stories about Advance Directives
  3. Treatment Choices for Knee Osteoarthritis
  4. Sleeping Better: Help for Long-Term Insomnia
  5. Living with Diabetes
  6. Help for Anxiety: Treatments that Work
  7. Chronic Low Back Pain: Managing Your Pain and Your Life
  8. Managing Menopause
  9. Colon Cancer Screening: Deciding What's Right for You
  10. Treatment Choices for Uterine Fibroids

Quick Links



Informed Medical Decisions Foundation

SDM Toolkit
For a useful Shared Decision-Making "toolkit" including helpful hints and FAQs,visit the MGH Excellence Every Day website.

Welcome to the Shared Decision Making (SDM) program newsletter. In this newsletter you will find: updates to the available video programs, new shared decision making projects, practice-specific prescription data, upcoming events, and useful resources and links.


The Shared Decision Making Program is sponsored by the MGH Health Decision Sciences Center, The John D. Stoeckle Center and the Mass General Physicians Organization. We strive to provide high-quality health information to promote active and shared decision-making in clinical care at the Massachusetts General Hospital.


We appreciate your feedback as we continue to expand and improve upon our program work.



Karen Sepucha, Leigh Simmons, Lauren Leavitt

Shared Decision Making on the Hub
Shared Decision Making is a new resource within the General Medicine Division's Hub. You'll find useful training tools as well as access to view 5-minute video clips for some of the available decision aids.  Click here to vote for the video clip you'd like to see!

Decision Aids Are Part of a New Decision Support Tool For Procedure Appropriateness


The MGPO recently launched procedure order entry (PrOE), a web-based IT application to standardize pre-procedure processes. The Shared Decision Making Program is excited to collaborate with the PrOE team on this effort. PrOE integrates clinical guidelines and personalized peri-operative risk models to inform and document surgical decision making. It also helps standardize treatment options and promotes specialist collaboration. Key features include creation of personalized consent forms, documentation of decision aid delivery to patients, and integration into existing scheduling systems to improve efficiency and workflows. 


PrOE is being piloted in four clinical areas Carotid Therapy, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology, and Orthopedics. The PrOE decision support tool will measure appropriateness more accurately and completely, which over time should help reduce costs and variation while improving the quality and standard of care.

Shared Decision Making is Recognizing 8 Years at MGH

14,643 decision aid programs have been prescribed by 676 unique clinicians for our MGH patients in the last eight years. We consider this quite a success, yet realize there are still many more patients eligible for a decision aid who aren't receiving them.


With a current average of  almost 500 DAs mailed out monthly, our volume has exponentially increased over the years. 



8 years graph
Annual volume: June, 2005 - June, 2013
Video Prescription Data
Take a look!  Here is a quick view of the shared decision-making video prescription data from the last quarter (April - June, 2013). We've provided an update displaying how each care team compares to other practices across MGH.

* 39 Patient Decision Aids are Available to Order *


For a full listing of the 39 available Shared Decision Making decision aids, click here!

All of the SDM one-page information sheets can now be quickly accessed through PCOI.
If you think your patients would be interested in viewing a video program online, contact our team. We can work with you to provide this access to patients.
Upcoming Events 


The Blum Center at MGH hosts monthly patient education sessions including the presentation of a shared decision making video followed by a facilitated discussion. The one-hour lunch session, 12:00-1:00pm,  is open to MGH patients and staff.
September 5, 2013: Living Better with Chronic Pain with Dr. Ronald Kulich.
October 10, 2013: Breast Cancer Screening Options with Dr. Karen Carlson.
November 4, 2013: Living with Diabetes with Dr. Deborah Wexler.
Contact us to provide suggestions for future session topics.