"Waiting for ..." Status Messages in NED Allow NED Portal Users to
Monitor the Badging Process
DPSAC News begins a new series to help the Administrative Community better understand some of the status messages associated with the sponsorship, enrollment and badging processes the NED Portal displays under "View Badge History."
To access View Badge History, login to the NED Portal (
https://ned.nih.gov/ned) and select the View Badge History menu option under the "View Record/Status" section.
Knowing how to monitor, interpret and act on status messages that appear under View Badge History in the NED Portal are valuable skills that Administrative Officers (AOs) and Administrative Technicians (ATs) and other NED portal users can use to help shepherd an individual through the sponsorship, enrollment and badging process and make sure an applicant receives his or her ID badge in a timely manner.
While View Badge History displays a number of status messages that give NED Portal users a useful snapshot of steps that have either been completed or that might be underway, there are six status messages that require action, either by the applicant, DPSAC or the AO before the next step in the badging process can begin. These are the 'Waiting for' messages displayed in sequential order under View Badge History.
Over the coming weeks, DPSAC News will go behind the scenes to examine each of these status messages in some detail, describing the purpose of each message, the steps necessary to move the badge process forward, and tips and tricks to help expedite the process.
An AO/AT who knows what is required to complete each task is more likely to spot where a delay may be occurring and intervene to move the process forward.
The goal is to ensure that the applicant can get his or her HHS ID Badge/PIV card and start work as soon as s/he arrives for duty at NIH.
Below are the six 'Waiting for' messages that DPSAC News will cover in some detail over the next several weeks:
- Waiting for individual to submit personal information online
- Waiting for Sponsor to substantiate the need for the ID badge
- Waiting for DIS to validate work status
- Waiting for DPSAC to determine investigation requirements
- Waiting for DPSAC to authorize ID badge issuance
- Waiting for the individual to pick up new ID badge
"Waiting for individual to submit personal information online" is the first 'Waiting for' task that an AO/AT may see under View Badge History after initiating a NED Portal Register/Activate task for an applicant coming on board.
Once an AO/AT receives instructions to register and request a badge for a new hire, s/he will complete a Register/Activate task in the NED Portal. This task will provide, among other things, the necessary information for DPSAC to initiate the appropriate background investigation, if necessary, and issue the person his/her ID badge.
The Register/Activate task starts with Pre-Registration, where the AO/AT identifies the applicant's classification, his or her access information, and the period of time the applicant needs an ID badge (more than six months or six months or less).
The Register/Activate task advances to the collection of 'Position Organization/Contact Information' and then 'Position Information.' Once the AO/AT enters the appropriate position information, NED calculates the applicant's position sensitivity level and necessary background investigation type.
The Register/Activate task then advances to the collection of 'Personal Information.' After entering the applicant's name, phone number and e-mail address, the AO/AT is given the option of entering the applicant's PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on behalf of the applicant or asking the applicant to provide this information.
If the AO/AT enters the applicant's PII, View Badge History will not display a "Waiting for individual to submit personal information online" status message.
However, if the AO selects "Send E-mail to Applicant," NED sends an e-mail to the applicant with the subject line: "Getting your ID badge at NIH: Please provide the information needed to start the identity verification process (Applicant's Name)." The e-mail contains a secure, one-time use hyperlink that the applicant can use to provide his/her PII online in NED.
As soon as NED e-mails the applicant, View Badge History displays the status message, "Waiting for individual to submit personal information online."
The NED-generated e-mail that goes to the applicant states, in part:
"You received this message because [Administrator's name] requested that you receive an ID badge from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH Personnel Security is required to verify the identity of all staff who will receive an ID badge and to validate their suitability for a position at NIH. To do that, they need some information about you."
"You need to provide your personal information in order to create your personnel record in the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)."
As mentioned, the e-mail contains a secure, one-time-use hyperlink for the applicant to enter his/her Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online in NED. Once the applicant opens the link, s/he must complete filling in his/her PII. There is no starting now and finishing later. The applicant has 7 calendar days to submit the information.
If the applicant is uncomfortable with the online method of submitting PII, s/he has the option of downloading, printing, and completing the paper form HHS-745 (HHS ID Badge Request Form). After signing and dating the completed form, the applicant is instructed to mail it "to the person who invited you to receive this message [the AO] at the mailing address shown below."
The e-mail further states that "once your personnel record in NED has been created, you will receive an e-mail telling you that the person responsible for substantiating the need for your badge has formally sponsored you." After that, NIH Personnel Security will check to see if you need to have a background investigation.
Important points to remember with regard to submitting PII:
- An applicant can only use the NED hyperlink once...there is no starting now and finishing later
- An applicant has 7 calendar days to submit his/her PII using the NED hyperlink. After 7 calendar days the NED Register/Activate task goes back to the AO/AT who invited the applicant to provide his/her PII and the AO/AT must then enter the PII on behalf of the applicant
- If an applicant is uncomfortable with the online method of submitting PII, s/he has the option of printing the form HHS-745 and sending the completed, signed and dated paper form to the AO/AT who invited the applicant to provide his/her PII
Helpful tip: The AO should give the Applicant a heads up that the NED e-mail is coming so s/he doesn't think s/he's receiving a phishing e-mail.
This series will continue in the August 17, 2016 DPSAC News with an in-depth look at the status message: "Waiting for Sponsor to substantiate the need for the ID badge."