Contact Us
Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),
Office of Research Services
Personnel Security
Helpdesk: 301-402-9755
E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@
Access Control
Helpdesk: 301-451-4766
E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@
All Building 31 Badging Services Now Offered at One Convenient Location
ID Badge Issuance Services in Building 31 Are Now Co-located with Badge Enrollment in 31/1B03 Suite
This expanded site, conveniently located on the first level of Building 31, will simplify the badging experience for DPSAC customers by making all badging services - Identity Proofing, Enrollment, Badge Issuance, and Customer Services -- available in a single, contiguous area in Building 31.
ALL badging services in Building 31 are available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Note: DPSAC will continue to offer Enrollment and Badging services in the South Lobby of the Clinical Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
Helpful Tips
Summer Interns Still Arriving at NIH -- Now that high school has let out for the Summer, DPSAC is seeing a final wave of students at its badging locations in Building 31 and Building 10 before they start their Summer internships. DPSAC News has run several articles and FAQs detailing the Summer intern badging process. If you missed these articles, or want to review the badging procedures for these aspiring researchers, please refer to the May 25, 2016 DPSAC News.
AOs who wish to obtain sponsor authority -- must complete the sponsor training (see: and e-mail a copy of your signed certificate to the NIH HSPD-12 Program Office at [email protected]. Upon receipt of the certificate, the Program Office will authorize the AO as a sponsor. ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: [email protected]. Your request should include: * the new operator's name
* his/her IC
* his/her NED number
* the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number
Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to [email protected] to complete the approval process, add the name(s) to the LWS operator roster, and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS. Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, [email protected], and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip). If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room 1B03 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52. If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your local badge issuance office. You can find contact information for all badge issuance offices at: Know someone who should be reading DPSAC News? -- have the person contact Lanny Newman, [email protected], and ask to be put on the mailing list.
nVision Adds New NED Discrepancy Reports
The June 8, 2016 issue of DPSAC News reported on the 'nVision-NED Repository' and its value to AOs and ATs as a specialized reporting tool for creating actionable NED reports. The article described various ways customers might use the nVision-NED Repository to generate custom reports. It also provided a link to an illustrated job aid, Registering for the nVision-NED Repository, prepared by the nVision team.* Shortly after the story ran, the NED Team announced the release of several exciting new reports within the nVision NED Repository reporting area. These reports will support the NED reporting community by identifying data discrepancies between NED and nVision HR and NED and FPS. Users registered for nVision HR or the nVision-NED Repository can access these reports. Simply go to the 'NED Repository' tab within the nVision HR Community Page:
Note: nVision HR users will notice that nVision has reconfigured the HR Community Page. The NED Repository reporting area will now display as a separate tab (NED reporting was previously located in the bottom-right of the community page).
Below is a list of the new data discrepancy reports along with a brief explanation of the content provided with each one:
* In NED-not in nVision HR (NED-01): This report identifies active NIH FTE (employee) records in NED without a corresponding active record in nVision HR (Civilian/Commissioned Officers).
* In nVision HR-not in NED (NED-02): This report identifies NIH employees who are active in nVision HR(Civilian/Commissioned Officers), without a corresponding active NIH FTE (employee) record in NED.
* NED-nVision HR comparison (NED-03): This report identifies discrepancies in data values for people who are active in both NED and nVision HR (Civilian/Commissioned Officers) with at least one mismatched data value among common fields in the respective systems.
* In NED-not in FPS (NED-04): This report identifies active NED fellow records without a corresponding active record in FPS.
* In FPS-not in NED (NED-05): This report identifies fellows who are active in FPS without a corresponding active fellow record in NED.
* NED-FPS comparison (NED-06): This report identifies discrepancies in data values for people who are active in both NED and FPS with at least one mismatched data value among common fields in the respective systems.
If you have any questions, please contact the nVision Support Desk at: [email protected].
* The NED Team also prepared the following set of instructions to help NED AOs and ATs quickly register so they may access the new nVision NED Discrepancy Reports and other NED Repository reporting:
2. On the right-hand side, scroll down to the "Useful Information" section and click "nVision Registration System"
3. Click the "Custom Registration" box
4. Scroll down to "nVision NED Repository" and check "Global"
5. Click "Continue," review your submission, and click "Continue" again
6. At the confirmation screen, enter brief text describing why you need access, then click "Submit." Your request will automatically be forwarded for approval to the appropriate person(s) in your IC and you will receive an e-mail when approved. (Note: For questions related to registration, please contact: [email protected])
For questions regarding data contained in nVision NED reports, please contact the NED team at [email protected].
National Security Background Investigation Required for NIH Staff Working at Walter Reed
This article first appeared in the February 28, 2015 DPSAC News
AO Role is Key to Timely Completion of Higher-Level Background Investigation
NIH Administrative Officers (AOs) and Administrative Technicians (ATs) need to plan ahead for individuals who expect to rotate through or work at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) since they will require a higher level (National Security) background investigation in order to work at that facility.
NIH staff applying for positions of national security must complete the Questionnaire for National Security Positions [SF86] and undergo the appropriate background investigation. DPSAC strongly suggests that individuals print an Archival Copy of the completed SF86 for their records.*
Because the process for completing a higher level background investigation takes considerable time, DPSAC is advising AOs and ATs to initiate the process as soon as the candidates know that they will be working at WRNMMC.
* The SF86 will be used by the United States Government in conducting background investigations, re-investigations, and continuous evaluations of persons under consideration for, or retention of, national security positions as defined in 5 CFR 732, and for individuals requiring eligibility for access to classified information under Executive Order 12968. This form may also be used by agencies in determining whether a subject performing work for, or on behalf of, the Government under a contract should be deemed eligible for logical or physical access when the nature of the work to be performed is sensitive and could bring about an adverse effect on the national security.
Q. I recently ran and approved a badge renewal task for a short-term (i.e., less than 180 days) person in my office. That very day, the individual's current ID badge was revoked. The person had to go without an ID badge until he was able to visit DPSAC to obtain his new badge. Is there a way I could have prevented the person's current badge from being revoked?
A. No. The NED Portal provides a warning that it will initiate the immediate revocation of a person's badge whenever the AO/AT updates data that will result in a badge type change. In this instance, the person was short term (less than 180 days) and had an RLA Badge. When a short-term badge is being renewed, the person must be updated in NED to long term (greater than 180 days). For non-foreign nationals, this means the renewal badge will be a PIV Badge.
Whenever a person has one badge type (e.g., RLA) and is getting a new badge type (e.g., PIV), the current badge will be revoked as soon as the new badge is requested. This is due to HHS policy.
In the case of a badge renewal task for someone who was initially entered into NED as short term, if an AO/AT chooses to renew the short term badge, the NED Portal displays the following message:
"Warning: Renewing the badge will result in the revocation of the current ID badge. A new badge will be requested and may result in new fingerprint and/or background investigation requirements per the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control's (DPSAC) policies for determining such requirements. In the event a new investigation is required, charges will be made to the CAN supplied during the NED Badge Renewal process. Please ensure this action is desired prior to continuing or authorizing these changes."
DPSAC recommends that before an AO approves the badge renewal task for a short-term person, that he or she please coordinate with that individual and choose a specific date to complete the renewal task in NED.
On that specific date, the AO should complete the renewal task after the individual gets on campus with his or her current RLA Badge. Then the person should visit DPSAC that same day to get a new PIV Badge. This will ensure the person does not have to go without an active badge for access to the NIH and its IT systems.
Safety Corner
Enjoy Fireworks the Safe Way - At a Public Display
The following fire safety awareness article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, ORS.
The American tradition of parades, cookouts and fireworks helps us celebrate our nation's birthday on the Fourth of July. However, a joyful holiday can turn into a painful memory when children or adults are injured while using fireworks.Although some fireworks are relatively safe with proper and careful use, others are illegal and present substantial risks that can result in damage to property and, more importantly, cause ear and eye injuries, amputations, severe burns and death. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), firecrackers experienced at close range can damage hearing permanently in an instant.The Division of Fire Marshal (DFM), Office of Research Services (ORS), urges everyone to put safety first when celebrating this Fourth of July. When using fireworks, things can go wrong very fast. Children, especially, can be injured quickly. Kids typically not only like to watch, but they also want to touch, feel and light the fireworks.
Rather than incurring any risks, the DFM urges you to celebrate and enjoy the holiday without lighting your own fireworks. Instead, attend one of the many public fireworks displays provided throughout the area. At these displays, certified and licensed pyrotechnicians are trained and experienced in the safe use of fireworks and will provide a safe, yet exciting show.
The following tips should help make a public fireworks display safer and more enjoyable:
- Stay far away from where the fireworks are exploding and wear earplugs if the noises are uncomfortably loud.
- Obey all monitors and ushers and respect the safety barriers established that allow the trained pyrotechnicians room to safely do their job. Resist any temptation to get close to the actual firing site. In fact, the best view of fireworks is from a quarter mile or more away.
- If unexploded fireworks fall to the ground, do not touch them and keep others away. If you happen to find any pieces which may not have exploded, immediately contact the local fire or police department.
- Pets, like their human companions, have very sensitive ears and the "booms" and "bangs" associated with fireworks displays can be quite uncomfortable - particularly to dogs. In fact, these loud noises can damage their ears too. Leave pets at home if you attend a fireworks show.
- Leave the lighting of all fireworks to certified operators. Even sparklers and other novelty items that are legal in certain jurisdictions can be dangerous. Enjoy the "Fourth" safely and attend a public display - it will provide the right kind of excitement!
If you have questions concerning fireworks safety, please contact the Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services at 301-496-0487. For hearing concerns, contact the NIDCD Office of Health Communication and Public Liaison at 301-496-7243. |
NED Training Schedule: a Class a Month for the Balance of FY '16
New and relatively inexperienced NED Portal users with an Administrative Officer (AO) or Administrative Technician (AT) role are invited to take advantage of one of the hands-on NED training classes being offered (once a month) through the end of fiscal year 2016. Each class will provide an overview of the NED Portal and the NIH business functions it supports from the perspective of a NED Portal user with the AO or AT role. Upon completing the course, students will have a solid working knowledge of the NED Portal and be able to perform the following tasks: Register/Activate, Update, Modify, Transfer, Badge Renewal and Deactivate. The course will also familiarize students with other aspects of the NED Portal so they can set their primary SAC coverage using Preferences, determine the status of a person's ID badge and/or network account request, look up and view information in a person's NED record and utilize NED reporting capabilities.
A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.