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Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),
Office of Research Services
Personnel Security
Helpdesk: 301-402-9755
E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@
Access Control
Helpdesk: 301-451-4766
E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@
DPSAC News concludes its Spotlight series with two 'accompanied visitor' classifications - Advanced Accompanied Visitors and Accompanied Child Visitors. Both classifications require an application be submitted to the NIH Police or Guard service for review and approval. The NIH Police will issue temporary Visitor Passes. Determining an individual's correct classification is an important first step in the badge issuance process since it helps ensure that each person requiring access to NIH facilities and resources is vetted appropriately and qualifies for one of the three badge types or an appropriate pass.*
Classifications: Advanced Accompanied Visitors & Accompanied Child Visitors
Two categories of visitors to the NIH require accompaniment while on the NIH Bethesda main campus and both types of visitors are issued a temporary pass rather than a PIV Card or NIH Legacy ID Badge to gain access to the campus.
* For individuals who qualify for an Advanced Accompanied Visitors Pass (AAVP), an NIH Employee holding a valid NIH ID must serve as that person's sponsor and must accompany that person onto the NIH campus.
* Children under the age of 16 who are brought onto the NIH campus must be sponsored and accompanied by an NIH Employee or Contractor holding a valid NIH ID. These visitors will be issued an Accompanied Child Visitor Pass (ACVP)
Advanced Accompanied Visitors
Who is an Advanced Accompanied Visitor? These are individuals who do not hold an HHS ID Badge or an NIH Legacy badge who want to visit the NIH campus to attend an event, visit a colleague, or conduct business. For individuals who qualify for an Advanced Accompanied Visitors Pass (AAVP), an NIH Employee must serve as that person's sponsor and must accompany that person onto the NIH campus.
Who is not an Advanced Accompanied Visitors? Children under the age of 16 entering the NIH campus must be sponsored and accompanied by an NIH employee or contractor holding a valid NIH ID. These individuals are classified as Accompanied Child Visitors and are allowed to enter the NIH main campus through any employee or visitor entrance where a guard is present. They are issued an "Accompanied Child Visitors Pass (ACVP)." This classification is described separately below.
Type of badge issued to Advanced Accompanied Visitors Advanced Accompanied Visitors are issued a temporary pass - the Advanced Accompanied Visitors Pass (AAVP) -- for identification purposes and for physical access to the NIH campus.
Are Advanced Accompanied Visitors entered into NED? No. NIH employee sponsors must complete an Advanced Accompanied Visitor Pass (AAVP) Request Form (a web based online form) and submit it through the website to the NIH Police.
Who processes the badge requests for Advanced Accompanied Visitors? As noted above, the NIH Employee sponsor must first complete the AAVP application form which is posted online under the 'Pre-Cleared Visitor Program' at:
The application asks for the individual's Full Name, Date and Place of Birth, Citizenship, Gender, the Visit Start Date, and Number of Days of Visitation, the Place of the Visitation, and a Reason for the Visit. Once the Sponsor completes the form, s/he will select one of two options before submitting it to the system:
a. I have read the above to my visitor and he/she agrees to the personnel security check, or
b. My visitor is currently next to me and has read the above and agrees to the personnel security check.
Selecting the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the webpage will automatically submit the information to the Division of Police Guard Force Operations Branch. The form must be submitted at least two days in advance of the visit.
Upon receipt of the request, the NIH Police will conduct a background check. If the applicant is approved, the police will e-mail the sponsor and applicant, if his or her e-mail has been provided, with information on how to enter campus. The NIH Police will also e-mail the pass back to the Sponsor. The Sponsor will then print out the pass before arriving at the guard station with the Visitor.
Is a background check required for Advanced Accompanied Visitors? Advanced Accompanied Visitors are required to undergo a 'Name Check' against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the FBI's index of criminal justice data. The NIH Police will administer the NCIC check.
How long is the AAVP good for? Typically an AAVP is good for a few days. These passes are meant to give the individual temporary, accompanied access to the NIH.
What else should you know about Advanced Accompanied Visitors? The AAVP web page lists the terms that a sponsor of a visitor will be required to follow. These include:
* The Sponsor will not be allowed to register more than 5 visitors per day.
* The Sponsor will not be allowed to register the same visitor more than 2 consecutive times without having 15 days between visits.
* The Sponsor will be required to inform the visitor that a personal security check will be performed.
* The sponsor will be required to keep all private information (to) the visitor in a safe manner.
* The sponsor will be required to be present, in person, to escort the visitor when he/she comes onto campus.
* The sponsor should be in receipt of the form prior to arriving at any employee entrance.
* The sponsor will be required to present the form, in its entirety, to the security guard or officer at the visitor entrance.
* The guard or officer will print a pass, placing it in the holder for the visitor.
* If the visitor leaves the NIH campus, the sponsor is expected to escort the visitor back onto campus.
* The sponsor is agreeing to these terms when submitting the AAVP request via e-mail.
Disposition of an Advanced Accompanied Visitor Pass When Advanced Accompanied Visitors end their NIH visit, they should turn in their pass to their sponsor or at a collection box at one of the vehicle exits if possible.
Should you have questions about a classification, please call the DPSAC Helpdesk at 301-402-9755 or e-mail them at: [email protected]
*The 'NIH Badging Authority by Classification Table' containing brief descriptions of all position classifications can be viewed on the DPSAC website at: applying.aspx
Accompanied Child Visitor
Who is an Accompanied Child Visitor? Any child under the age of 16 who is brought onto the NIH campus must be registered and accompanied by an NIH Employee or Contractor holding a valid NIH ID. These individuals will be issued an Accompanied Child Visitor Pass (ACVP).
Who is not an Accompanied Child Visitor? A child entering the NIH as a patient or protocol participant is classified as a patient or protocol participant and undergoes a badging procedure reserved for this special group. These individuals are issued an NIH Legacy badge with a life cycle of one year.
Type of badge issued to Accompanied Child Visitors Accompanied Child Visitors are issued a temporary visitor paper pass - the Accompanied Child Visitor Pass (AAVP) - that is used for identification purposes and for accompanied physical access to the NIH campus.
Are Accompanied Child Visitors entered into NED? No. The Parent or Guardian (who must be an NIH Employee or Contractor) will need to complete an Accompanied Child Visitor form (preferably in advance of the visit) and present it to the guard at any entrance staffed by an NIH guard.
Who processes the badge requests for Accompanied Child Visitors? As noted above, the Parent or Guardian of a child entering the NIH campus must first complete the ACVP paper application that can be printed out from the NIH Security website (
The Parent or Guardian will be asked to include the Date of the Visit, the Full Name and Date of Birth of the Child or Children, the Name of the Parent/Guardian, the Parent/Legal Guardian's NIH Employee Badge Number, the Building (Destination) of the Visit, and a Contact Phone Number.
A Privacy Act Notification at the bottom of the form states:
"... the primary use of this information is to allow children of NIH employees/contractors access to the National Institutes of Health facilities. For NIH security and safety purposes, the child/children and parent/guardian name will be kept in a secure database for a period of no longer than two years.
Submission of this information is voluntary; however, in order for the NIH Police to allow access for the listed child/children you must complete all fields as requested. Failure to provide this information will require the child/children to obtain a visitor's ID at the Gateway Center. This information may be disclosed to law enforcement and/or other personnel to use in their official capacity on a need to know basis."
The completed form should be handed to the Officer or Guard at the entrance. Visitor badges will be issued to all children accompanying the employee or contractor.
What background check is required for Accompanied Child Visitors? Accompanied Child Visitors will not undergo a background check. The registration of children at the NIH is not a security matter, but rather a public safety issue. Registration allows the NIH to provide a degree of protection for the child in the event a child becomes lost or separated from the parent/guardian while on campus.
The NIH policy allows for easier access of children and dependents of NIH staff while maintaining a basic level of safety for everyone.
How long is the ACVP good for? Typically an ACVP is good only for the day it is issued. These passes are meant to give the child temporary, accompanied access to the NIH.
What else should you know about Accompanied Child Visitors? If a child is under the age of 16, and does not have an ACVP, he/she is required to be accompanied by someone 18 years or older and must enter campus via a visitor's entrance or obtain, in advance of his/her visit, an Advanced Accompanied Visitor's Pass (AAVP).
Helpful Tips: * Download blank ACVP forms in advance * Save time - keep extra copies in your vehicle or on your person * If you forget the form, the guard will provide one at the entrance.
Disposition of an Accompanied Child Visitor Pass When Accompanied Child Visitors end their NIH visit, their sponsor should collect the pass from the child at the end of his or her visit.
Should you have questions about a classification, please call the DPSAC Helpdesk at 301-402-9755 or e-mail them at: [email protected]
*The 'NIH Badging Authority by Classification Table' containing brief descriptions of all position classifications can be viewed on the DPSAC website at: applying.aspx
The "nVision-NED Repository"... A Powerful, Time-Saving Tool Available to AOs and ATs
Most AOs and ATs and other administrative staff are likely familiar with nVision as an enterprise reporting system at NIH. But many nVision and NED users may not be aware of the specialized tool, the 'nVision-NED Repository', that resides within nVision (and is accessible via a link in NED as well) that allows users to query NED directly to obtain customized, actionable reports.
Need to check out whether there are people in your IC who should be removed from NED? In the past you would have to ask the NED team to create a targeted search for you. Now you can quickly make the determination yourself using the nVision-NED Repository. Simply running the report in its standard form will quickly provide you a list of all active NED records in your IC.
This tool can do much more beyond just providing a list of active NED records. With some customization, you can obtain a wide-range of details about the NED records in your IC. Need to know whose ID Badges will be expiring by a certain date? Want to create a list of all Fellows in a specific SAC or find out which building and room everyone works in? The nVision-NED Repository has you covered.
Registering for the nVision-NED Repository will allow users to create customized reports like these and perform other ad hoc data analyses. As noted above, the 'Repository' can be accessed directly through the nVision HR portal or via a link in the NED system.
The NIH OHR has prepared an easy-to-follow job aid that explains in detail how to register for the nVision-NED Repository and take advantage of this valuable resource to generate useful NED reports.
News Briefs
HHS 2016 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) - Your Input is Critical to HHS Success
Please Take Your FEVS Today!
Excerpted from the June 1 HHS News (HHS/ASPA) [email protected] distributed to all HHS OPDIV staff
Creating a high performance work environment that supports innovation through high morale is the goal of our HHS leadership team. To accomplish this, our leadership team - from each of our supervisors to our Secretary - needs the input from all of our employees who are eligible for the HHS 2016 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.
If you have not yet submitted your survey, please take 20 minutes during your normal work day to complete your 2016 FEVS. If you're unable to complete the survey at one sitting, the survey allows you to save your progress and login in again later to complete your responses Below are a few helpful tips in locating and completing your survey.
Thank you for your commitment to public service and to our HHS mission.
HHS Office of Human Resources
Helpful Tips in Completing the 2016 FEVS
- All HHS permanent employees (onboard at HHS since October 2015 or before) should by now have received their e-mail invitation from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
- If you do not see your e-mail invitation in your Outlook Inbox from OPM, with a subject line of "2016 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey" sent from the "Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey-HE < [email protected]" address, please check your Outlook "Junk Folder" for your invitation. Weekly reminder e-mail invitations will be sent from OPM starting later this week, and you can use your reminder e-mail to access the survey as well.
- Please do not forward your OPM survey invitation since the embedded survey link is unique to you as an HHS employee. The FEVS should take about 20-25 minutes to complete and your feedback will help us make improvements to positively impact your work experience here at HHS.
- For more information on the FEVS, including a list of frequently asked questions, access to prior year survey results, and a list of FEVS Operating Division points of contact, please visit the page on the HHS Intranet.
All Building 31 Badging Services Now Offered at One Convenient Location
ID Badge Issuance Services in Building 31 Are Now Co-located with Badge Enrollment in 31/1B03 Suite
This recently expanded site is conveniently located on the first level of Building 31 and will simplify the badging experience for DPSAC customers by making all badging services - Identity Proofing, Enrollment, Badge Issuance, and Customer Services -- available in a single, contiguous area in Building 31.
The change in locations also brings a change in operating hours for Badge Issuance.
Now, ALL badging services in Building 31 will be available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Note: DPSAC will continue to offer Enrollment and Badging services in the South Lobby of the Clinical Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
These changes are posted on the DPSAC website, www.idbadge., under both the 'Quick Links' and 'Getting a Badge' sections found on the site's main page.
Helpful Tips
Summer Interns Still Arriving at NIH -- Now that high school has let out for the summer, NIH is expecting a final wave of students to begin arriving at the NIH campus to begin their summer internships. DPSAC News has run several articles and FAQs detailing the summer intern badging process. If you missed these articles, or want to review the badging procedures for these aspiring researchers, please refer to the May 25, 2016 DPSAC News.
AOs who wish to obtain sponsor authority -- must complete the sponsor training (see: and e-mail a copy of your signed certificate to the NIH HSPD-12 Program Office at [email protected]. Upon receipt of the certificate, the Program Office will authorize the AO as a sponsor. ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: [email protected]. Your request should include: * the new operator's name
* his/her IC
* his/her NED number
* the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number
Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to [email protected] to complete the approval process, add the name(s) to the LWS operator roster, and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS. Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, [email protected], and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip). If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room B1A26 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52. If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your local badge issuance office. You can find contact information for all badge issuance offices at: Know someone who should be reading DPSAC News? -- have the person contact Lanny Newman, [email protected], and ask to be put on the mailing list.
Happy 9th Anniversary DPSAC News
June 2016 marks nine years that DPSAC News has been bringing timely articles about HSPD-12 and related security and safety issues to the NIH administrative community, to DPSAC and ORS staff, and to other stakeholders on a bi-weekly basis.
In May, subscriptions to DPSAC News passed the 1,300 mark (1,313 to be exact)!
DPSAC News appreciates the important role that its subscribers play in the security of NIH personnel and NIH facilities and will continue to report on topics they can use in their work to help keep the NIH safe.
NED Training Schedule: a Class a Month for the Balance of FY '16
New and relatively inexperienced NED Portal users with an Administrative Officer (AO) or Administrative Technician (AT) role are invited to take advantage of one of the hands-on NED training classes being offered (once a month) through the end of fiscal year 2016. Each class will provide an overview of the NED Portal and the NIH business functions it supports from the perspective of a NED Portal user with the AO or AT role. Upon completing the course, students will have a solid working knowledge of the NED Portal and be able to perform the following tasks: Register/Activate, Update, Modify, Transfer, Badge Renewal and Deactivate. The course will also familiarize students with other aspects of the NED Portal so they can set their primary SAC coverage using Preferences, determine the status of a person's ID badge and/or network account request, look up and view information in a person's NED record and utilize NED reporting capabilities.
To register for one of the classes listed below, go to:
NIH badging statistics from HHS as of June 3, 2016
Sponsored: 37,547 Enrolled: 36,565 Issued: 35,160*
*This figure represents 94.0% of individuals who have been sponsored.
Note: the Department reports weekly on the number of individuals who have been sponsored, enrolled and issued new HHS ID Badges for each OPDIV.
DPSAC News reports the latest Departmental figures for NIH in the first issue published for that month.
A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.