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October 29, 2014 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
ID Badge Rollout Scorecard
Credit Checks May Be Required for Some Level I NACI Background Investigations
NED Training Scheduled for November 17, 2014
Extended Visitor Badges
NED Release v.3.7 Incorporates Emergency Tier Designation Functionality
Helpful Tips
News Briefs.
Safety Corner



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 




        HHS logo small Logo Mark NIH Logo Mark    

Here are the most recent NIH badging statistics from HHS as of October 24, 2014:
                                     Sponsored: 37,906   Enrolled: 37,502   Issued: 36,783*


* This figure represents 97.0% of individuals who have been sponsored.


Note: the Department reports weekly on the number of individuals who have been sponsored, enrolled and issued new HHS ID Badges for each OPDIV. DPSAC News reports the latest Departmental figures for NIH published near the beginning of the month.

Credit Checks May Be Required for Some Level I NACI Background Investigations 


While credit checks are not normally part of a Level 1 NACI background investigation, beginning Monday, October 27, individuals who indicate that they have outstanding delinquent federal debt on their OF 306 will be required to complete a credit release.  The OF 306 is a required form for all background investigations.  If an individual answers YES to question 13 on the form (Figure 1), he/she must provide authorization for DPSAC to run the individual's credit report (Figure 2) to collect additional information on the outstanding debt.



Figure 1


Figure 2  



NED Training Scheduled for November 17, 2014  


The HSPD-12 Program Office will be offering basic and advanced NED classes on Monday, November 17, 2014. This training is designed to help beginners and advanced users quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment. All classes are FREE!    



How to Enroll

The NED courses are posted on the CIT Training site where visitors can view availability for any class and receive a confirmation immediately after registering. The catalog of NED classes is posted at: http://training.cit.nih.gov/coursecatalog.aspx under "General Seminars." 


When you see a course you want to take, just click on the course name (listed in the right column of the table). You'll be taken to the HHS Learning Management System (LMS) where you can register for the course online.


To log onto the HHS Learning Management System you can use either your PIV card and PIN or your NIH credentials. If you experience any difficulties accessing the LMS, please contact the CIT Training Program at 301-594-6248 or send an e-mail to: [email protected]  


Extended Visitor Badges

Some administrative officers will now receive requests to approve Extended Visitor Badges. New policies and procedures for issuing Extended Visitor Badges will require AOs who are sponsors for PIV Badges to sign off on most extended visitor forms. The IC will be charged the FY 15 cost of $21.50 for the fingerprint results if the applicant requires a SAC (fingerprint) check.

New sponsorship forms are posted at http://security.nih.gov/Pages/Home.aspx to accommodate these changes.

Please note: sponsorship of non-NIH personnel must include a justification statement by the AO sponsor as to why the individual requires employee-like access to the NIH campus.

NED Release v.3.7 Incorporates Emergency Tier Designation Functionality


The NED Team recently deployed NED version 3.7 that includes important functional enhancements that provide the capability to collect and manage NIH employee Emergency Tier Designation (ETD) information and make this data available for use by external systems.  For information about the NIH Emergency Tier Designation Program, please visit: https://intrahr.od.nih.gov/documents/ETD/ETDGuidelines.pdf.  


Helpful Tips

Badge Renewal Notice to Foreign Nationals Advises Close Coordination with AOs -- Foreign Nationals whose badges are coming up for renewal will receive a notice from the HSPD-12 Program Office advising them to coordinate their renewal action with their Administrative Officer (AO) to avoid any loss of access privileges to the NIH campus and/or NIH networks.  The servicing AO for that individual will be copied on this notification. This noticed was published in the October 1, 2014 DPSAC News posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/resources/newsletter/Pages/newsletter.aspx.

New e-QIP Policy to Become Effective in FY 15 -- later this fiscal year, DPSAC will no longer issue PIV cards (HHS ID Badges) to individuals who have not completed their Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) and had DPSAC staff review the documents for submission to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).    


This new federal policy stipulates that NIH employees, contractors and affiliates must have completed their e-QIP forms to obtain a PIV card. This means that before an individual can be issued a PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) to access NIH facilities and NIH IT resources, s/he must first accurately complete and submit the e-QIP and related investigation forms in a timely manner to allow DPSAC to review and release them to OPM.

If DPSAC determines the application forms are incomplete, DPSAC will be required to send the documents back to the individual for completion, thus delaying the badging process. All new employees, contactors and affiliates must follow these guidelines. There are no exceptions! Individuals new to NIH who do not complete their e-QIP prior to their "Entry on Duty" (EOD) day will not receive a PIV card until this review and release process is completed.  


To read more about this new policy, see DPSAC News, October 15, 2014.

ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: [email protected]. Your request should include:
  • the new operator's name
  • his/her IC
  • his/her NED number
  • the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number
Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to [email protected] to complete the approval process, add the name(s) to the LWS operator roster, and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.

Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories?
-- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman,
[email protected], and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).

If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area
-- please call 301-451-4766 or 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room B1A26 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.

If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your
local badge issuance office. You can find contact information for all badge issuance offices at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/contactinfo.aspx.


vetVeterans Day Celebration 2014 at NIH

In recognition of the service and continued contribution of our veterans, the NIH community is invited to the 2014 NIH Veterans Day Celebration. The event will be held on November 5, 2014 in Masur Auditorium in Building 10 on the NIH Campus from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m., followed by an array of exhibits and refreshments in South Lobby from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director, NIH, will recognize Veterans contributions and introduce the guest speaker. Maureen Gormley, R.N., Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, NIH Clinical Center, will make opening remarks. All are welcome to come and support our veterans. NIH veterans, spouses, and family members of veterans are especially encouraged to attend.

This year's keynote speaker will be Commander Everett Alvarez Jr., (USN Ret.), who was the first American pilot to be shot down and held as a prisoner-of-war (POW) in North Vietnam. Commander Alvarez spent over eight years in captivity, making him the second longest-held POW in American history.


This event is being organized by members of the NIH Veterans Recruitment and Retention Force (VRF) in partnership with the Office of Human Resources.


Sign Language Interpreters will be provided. Individuals with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Jayne Lura-Brown ([email protected]) or 301-594-5392, and/or the Federal Relay (1-800-877-8339).


In addition to regular shuttle services, there will be Special Event Shuttle Services picking up along their normal routes starting at 9:00 a.m. and arriving at the Building 10 South Entrance by 9:30 a.m.:

- 1st Shuttle: Executive Plaza

- 2nd Shuttle: Rockledge

- 3rd Shuttle: Twinbrook, 2635 Fishers Lane (special one stop)


Return shuttle service to these locations will depart from Building 10 at 11:15 a.m. An additional shuttle to Twinbrook will depart at 11:30 a.m.           




navalNaval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB) Access Control Changes Begin November 1  

The following article was prepared by the NSAB Public Affairs Office and appears in 'The Journal, the Naval Support Activity Bethesda, October 23, 2014.'


Changes to installation access control procedures are coming to Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB) and will take effect November 1, 2014.

"These procedures will align NSAB with Department of Defense (DOD) installation access requirements," explained Hans Semple, NSAB installation access control officer. "This will greatly enhance the security posture of the installation to better serve our patients, staff and visitors," he said.

Identification (ID) credentials used to gain access to NSAB include:

  • DOD Common Access Card (CAC)
  • DOD military retiree, dependents and other DOD beneficiary ID cards
  • Veterans' Administration beneficiary ID cards (with a valid medical reason to enter the installation)
  • Navy Commercial Access Control System ID (NCACS, RapidGate �)
  • U.S. Civil Service retiree ID
  • U.S. Government-authenticated federal PIV credentials (for entry on official business only)
  • NSAB Access Credential ID
  • NSAB one-day or temporary pass

Semple added that it is important to point out that Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences and Armed Forces Radiological Research Institute state ID badges will no longer be accepted for installation access.


All other requirements and uses for these badges will remain in effect.

The process to request access for visitors will change as well. There will be three methods for visitors to gain access to NSAB:

  • Visitors may be escorted onto the installation by a DOD civil service employee, military member, dependent or reservist
  • Through a pre-vetted access list. Requesters will submit an access request and completed SECNAV Form 5512/1 through the appropriate channels, at least three working days (Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays and government closure days) in advance. Criminal history and sex offender background checks will be conducted. If the prospective visitor passes these checks, his/her name will be placed on the pre-vetted access list at each NSAB entry control point. Visitors will not be placed on this list without completing this entire process.
  • Pick up a pass. Requesters must submit a prospective visitor's name through the correct channels, and instruct the visitor to the NSAB Visitor Control Center (Pass and ID Bldg. 102 at North Gate/Gate 1) from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Criminal history and sex offender background checks will be conducted. If the prospective visitor passes these checks, s/he will be issued a temporary pass.

Per CNICINST 5530.14A, "NCACS (RAPIDGate) is an enterprise identity management and perimeter access control solution designed to manage commercial vendors, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and service providers (vendors and contractors) who are not eligible for the Common Access Care (CAC) coming aboard CNIC installations."

This includes contract employees who are not eligible for a CAC due to the nature of their job. NCACS is optional, however those who would normally be issued an NCACS credential but decline to receive it will be required to report to the Visitor and Control Center (Pass & ID) every day, await criminal history and sex offender background checks and obtain a one-day pass.

"There are still many personnel on NSAB who fit the criteria for NCACS, but have not yet enrolled," Semple emphasized. "Enrollment needs to take place immediately if those needing access to NSAB want to get into NCACS by the time these changes take place November 2."





Q.  What is the process for replacing a lost Alternate Logon Token or ALT card?


A.  The individual who lost the card should put in a ticket to the NIH Service Desk. This ticket will be routed to DPSAC staff who will terminate the lost ALT card and sponsor/approve the person for a new ALT card. DPSAC will then send the individual an e-mail stating that the new card is ready to be issued.


Once the individual has picked up the new ALT card from their IC ALT Coordinator, the ALT Coordinator will record the card as lost and record the newly issued card. 

I have been receiving requests for background investigation forms.  I have been an employee at NIH for more than 33 years and my NIH ID card and fingerprint process were renewed last year and is good until Dec 13, 2018. Is this a legitimate request for information? I would prefer not to fill out online information if it is not necessary.


A. According to the ORS Personnel Security Office, the e-mails you are receiving from them are indeed legitimate. They also confirmed that you went through a renewal cycle last year for your HHS ID badge.  In order to be proactive, they are identifying those individuals who have been issued an ID badge at NIH who are still in need of their OPM background investigation.

It appears that in 2011, DPSAC started processing your background investigation but was unsuccessful getting the investigation scheduled with the Office of Personnel Management. In order to maintain your HHS ID badge, the ORS Personnel Security Office needs to make sure you complete the entire PIV process, which includes successful completion of the OPM background investigation.


Q. I'm an AO but seem to be unable to sponsor individuals. What do I need to do to get this authorization?


A. You are not listed as having a sponsor role in NED. To become an AO Sponsor, you must complete the training found on DPSAC's website under the 'Training/Administrators' section at http://go.usa.gov/fc2e and fax the completion certificate to the HSPD-12 Program Office at 301-480-0108. They will assign the Sponsor role to you in NED.

If the fax doesn't go through, you should e-mail the PIV Sponsor Certificate to Richard T
affet ([email protected]).

Once you are updated in NED with the sponsor role, you will see the account renewal e-mails.

Can you please advise me on steps I need to take to renew my security badge?


A. Instructions for renewing an existing badge are posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/badge/Pages/4steps.aspx.                 


Q. I am currently an AO and a NED super user for our office. Do I need additional training in order to approve Extended Visitor badges?

A. If you have authority to sponsor an Employee, Contractor or Affiliate in NED for a PIV Card (HHS ID Badge), you do not need additional training.
Q.  Where can I find the new application form for the Extended Visitors Badge requiring the justification and fingerprints?


A. The revised 'Authorization for Release of Information Form (Extended Visitor ID Badge Application" is posted on the NIH Security website: http://www.security.nih.gov/Pages/Home.aspx. To go directly to the form, click on: Authorization for Release of Information Form (Extended Visitor ID Badge Application.    

Safety Corner

Home Fire Safety Alert: Check Chimneys and Smoke Alarms

The following fire safety awareness article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, ORS

Since autumn is here and cold weather is once again upon us, now is an excellent time to conduct a home safety check of your heating equipment, fireplaces and smoke alarms. The Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services, recommends that you:

*    Check to make sure that all noxious gases vent directly outside by ensuring your furnace flue has no cracks, gaps or blockages.
*    Check the firebox and chimney in your fireplace for cracks in the mortar.

*    Protect an unlined flue with a fire-safe masonry wall or by installing a stainless steel exhaust duct. Note: If you have neither the equipment nor the expertise to accomplish these projects yourself, a reputable, qualified contractor should be hired to ensure that your chimney and fireplace are safe.

*    Have a chimney sweep periodically clean out your chimney to remove the creosote. This is typically recommended after burning three cords of wood.

*    Replace your smoke alarm batteries twice yearly. A good easy reminder is to always change your smoke alarm batteries when you change your clocks in the fall and spring. Remember, clocks 'fall back' to standard time Sunday, November 2 at 2 a.m.

*    Make sure each level of your house and all sleeping rooms have a working smoke alarm and consider installing carbon monoxide (CO) detectors near any heating equipment that utilizes a 'flame' source. Remember, CO is produced from any combustion process.

*    Install multi-purpose portable fire extinguishers in your kitchen, near the furnace, and the laundry area.

*    Plan escape routes from all rooms in your house and practice "Exit Drills in the Home" (EDITH).

If you have any questions regarding these home fire safety tips, or on any other fire prevention issues, please contact the Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services at 301-496-0487.

A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.