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September 3, 2014 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
ID Badge Rollout Scorecard
Changes to Issuance of NIH Extended Visitor Badges
DPSAC Wants to Hear from its Customers
AOs Can Help Foreign Nationals Plan for Badge Renewal and Continuity of Access Privileges
NED Training Scheduled for October 14, 2014
Helpful Tips
News Briefs
Safety Corner



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 




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                   NIH badging statistics from HHS as of August 31, 2014  

                 Sponsored: 38,679  Enrolled: 38,241  Issued: 37,141*


*This figure represents 96.0% of individuals who have been sponsored.


Note: the Department reports weekly on the number of individuals who have been sponsored, enrolled and issued new HHS ID Badges for each OPDIV.

DPSAC News reports the latest Departmental figures for NIH in the first issue published for that month.   


Changes to Issuance of NIH Extended Visitor Badges


ORS Director Dr. Alfred Johnson recently sent the following notice to the NIH Executive Officer community regarding changes to the issuance of NIH Extended Visitor Badges.  


NIH extended visitor badges are issued to individuals affiliated with NIH who need frequent physical access to NIH facilities.  The changes in issuance of these badges are the result of restrictions placed on NIH's access to the National Crime Information Center criminal history database.

The NIH previously used this system to conduct background investigations on extended visitor applicants.  The requirement of background checks for anyone receiving an NIH identification badge comes from the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) Program and HHS departmental policy.   


The new system requires applicants to have their fingerprints electronically captured and submitted through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for criminal history screening.  There is a cost of $21.50 per person fingerprinted based on the FY14 rates of OPM.


NIH-wide Changes

Beginning September 2, 2014: NIH will implement revised security policies modifying the procedures for issuance of "extended visitor" badges. The most significant impact is limiting sponsorship of extended visitors to Administrative Officers (AOs) certified by the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) who currently sponsor federal employees and contractors for HHS identification badges (PIV card). 

Sponsorship of non-NIH personnel will cost the sponsoring IC $21.50 per person based on OPM's FY14 rates and must include a justification statement by the sponsor as to why the individual requires employee-like access to the NIH campus.

The justification statement for sponsorship of non-NIH personnel for an extended visitor badge must be mission-related and is subject to approval by DPSAC. For questions regarding these changes, please contact your AO.

Badging changes specific to the Clinical Center will be announced through Clinical Center internal communications.  


Fingerprinting and Badge Issuance Locations:

  •  Gateway Center (next to the Metro Plaza, South Drive entrance)           
* All prior versions of the Extended Visitor Application Form are obsolete and will not be processed.



Additional information that AOs might find helpful

Becoming an AO Sponsor --
in the PIV process, the Sponsor acts on behalf of NIH to request an Applicant be issued an ID badge. Training must be completed and a signed certificate submitted to the HSPD-12 Program Office before a Sponsor can request a badge for an Applicant.  

Information about Sponsor training, including the Sponsor Training module, are posted on the DPSAC website at: 

DPSAC Wants to Hear from its Customers


DPSAC will soon begin sending out the following message to a randomly selected group of its customers. The purpose is to gather feedback on people's experience with their recent background investigation or badging process. DPSAC is also making the survey available to its customers via the link - "How are we doing? DPSAC wants to hear from its customers" - under the "What's New" section of the DPSAC website main page.



DPSAC Customer Service Survey


Dear Colleague,


The Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Personnel Security & Access Control (DPSAC) is undertaking a customer service assessment on the background investigation and badging services provided to the NIH.


To help us ensure that we offer you the best service, we invite you to take our DPSAC Customer Service survey. Your responses to this brief assessment will provide us with critical input on the quality of customer service provided to the NIH community. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. You have the option of returning to the survey where you left off if you cannot complete it in one sitting:




If you encounter any problems with the survey, please contact Patrick Flynn at patrick.flynn@nih.gov.


Thank you for your participation.



AOs Can Help Foreign Nationals Plan for Badge Renewal and Continuity of Access Privileges
This article first appeared in the August 20, 2014 DPSAC News.

In July 2014, DPSAC began issuing Restricted Local Access (RLA) badges to foreign nationals and short-term staff. 

It was decided that foreign nationals and short-term staff currently possessing an HHS ID Badge or NIH Legacy Badge could keep their current badge until it had to be renewed or re-issued. These individuals would get an RLA badge when their current badge went through the renewal or badge re-issuance process (e.g., legal name change or reporting a badge as lost).

PIV Card renewals will trigger badge deactivation for foreign nationals 
Due to limitations in the HHS card management system, AOs who are in the process of renewing the PIV Card of a foreign national after July 1 will cause the individual's current PIV card to be immediately deactivated.

Currently, NED displays the following message to an AO or AT when they change data that will result in the revocation of a person's PIV Card:

Warning: This update contains changes that if approved, will result in the immediate revocation of the individual's current ID badge and require the issuance of a new badge. The individual will need to be re-enrolled per Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC) policy.  Please ensure this is the action you desire prior to approving this update.

When an AO completes the process in NED for any employee, contractor or affiliate in NED, NED automatically notifies the individual to begin the process to receive a new ID badge. Unfortunately, in the case of foreign nationals, by the time they receive this notification from NED, their current badge will have already been revoked, resulting in the loss of their physical access to NIH facilities and logical access to NIH information systems.

AOs and foreign nationals should work together to avoid loss of access privileges
To help mitigate this problem, the HSPD-12 Program Office is recommending that foreign nationals make their badge enrollment and issuance appointments on the same day as the sponsorship action to help avoid any interruption to physical or logical access due to a deactivated badge.

To accomplish this, DPSAC is recommending that AOs reach out to their foreign national customers before starting the badge renewal task and explain the importance of picking up their new RLA badge on the same day that their PIV card is revoked.

By coordinating the timing of these two activities, the AO can help foreign nationals obtain their new RLA badges quickly and avoid any interruption to their access privileges at NIH.

Click on the following link to read the full article: Foreign Nationals and Continuity of Access Privileges  


NED Training Scheduled for October 14, 2014  


The HSPD-12 Program Office will be offering basic and advanced NED classes on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. This training is designed to help beginners and advanced users quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment. All classes are FREE!  



How to Enroll

The NED courses are posted on the CIT Training site where visitors can view availability for any class and receive a confirmation immediately after registering. The catalog of NED classes is posted at:    

http://training.cit.nih.gov/coursecatalog.aspx under "General Seminars."


When you see a course you want to take, just click on the course name (listed in the right column of the table). You'll be taken to the HHS Learning Management System (LMS) where you can register for the course online.


To log onto the HHS Learning Management System you can use either your PIV card and PIN or your NIH credentials. If you experience any difficulties accessing the LMS, please contact the CIT Training Program at

301-594-6248 or send an e-mail to: cittraining@mail.nih.gov.   

Helpful Tips

AOs who clear employees, contractors or affiliates for separation or transfer --  must collect that person's PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) and/or any other NIH-issued cards (e.g., RLA Badges) and return it, unaltered, to DPSAC once they have deactivated the individual's NED record.

Alternate Logon Tokens (a.k.a., ALT Cards) should not be returned to DPSAC. Rather, they should be returned to the appropriate IC's ALT Coordinator. A list of the ALT Coordinators for each IC can be found on the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) website at: https://ocio.nih.gov/Smartcard/Pages/ALT.aspx#distributor.

New signage spells out hours of operation for the Building 31, B1A26 Badge Issuance Office
- the stanchion in front of the 1B03/Badge Enrollment Office that directs people to B1A26/Badge Issuance Office will now show the hours of operation for the issuance office, which opens a half hour earlier (7:30 a.m.) than the badge enrollment/customer service office (8:00 a.m.). 


Hours of operation: (Mon.-Fri. unless otherwise noted) 

Badge Issuance - Bldg. 31 Rm. B1A26: 7:30am-5:00pm.

Badge Issuance - Bldg. 10 South Lobby: 7:30am-4:30pm.

Badge Issuance - Shady Grove: 8:00am-4:00pm.

Badge Issuance - Bayview Research Ctr: 9:00am-3:00pm.(Wed. & Thur.) 

Badge Issuance - Bldg. 10 North Lobby Patient Badging: 8:00am-4:00pm.  

ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: taffetr@mail.nih.gov. Your request should include the new operator's name, their IC, their NED number, as well as the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number.

Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to HHSIdentityAdmins@deloitte.com to complete the approval process, add the name to the LWS operator roster and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.

Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, newmanl@mail.nih.gov, and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).  


If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-451-4766 or 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room B1A26 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.    



Q. What is the procedure for reporting a lost or stolen HHS ID Badge?
A. The individual should file a police report with the NIH Police, report his/her lost/stolen HHS ID Badge to Access Control (301-451-4766) and report his/her lost/stolen badge to their Administrative Officer (AO). The NIH Police must have your written report on file before you can be issued a replacement badge. The AO will need to enter the necessary information into the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) to authorize a replacement HHS ID Badge (PIV Card).*  


Those who have not undergone the PIV process will need to schedule an appointment with Personnel Security to be fingerprinted and have their background investigation initiated.                 

*Once the AO requests a replacement HHS ID Badge, the lost or stolen HHS ID Badge will be deactivated and will no longer work, even if it is found later.


Q. What is the procedure for obtaining a replacement HHS ID Badge for one that is broken?


A. Individuals whose badges are broken and who work at the Bethesda campus or nearby locations should bring their broken HHS ID Badge to the DPSAC Badge Issuance Center (Building 31, Room B1A26) or to the Badging Station in Building 10 (Clinical Research Center South Lobby) for a replacement.  


If a broken badge has not expired and the badge can be authenticated, Access Control will issue you a new badge. The expiration date on the new HHS ID Badge will be the same as the date on your broken badge.


Note: If you find that your PIV Card is broken and the card's expiration date is within six months, contact your AO for early badge renewal. Upon badge renewal, you will be issued a new HHS ID Badge with a new expiration date.

Individuals working at one of NIH's satellite facilities should contact their local badge issuance office for instructions on replacing their broken HHS ID Badge. Contact information for all badge issuance offices are posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/contactinfo.aspx.


Q.  What is the process for replacing a lost Alternate Logon Token or ALT card?


A.  The individual who lost the card should put in a ticket to the NIH Service Desk. This ticket will be routed to DPSAC staff who will terminate the lost ALT card and sponsor/approve the person for a new ALT card. DPSAC will then send the individual an e-mail stating that the new card is ready to be issued.


Once the individual has picked up the new ALT card from their IC ALT Coordinator, the ALT Coordinator will record the card as lost and record the newly-issued card.  

News Briefs

New PIV Card Reader Installation for NIH Facilities Nears Completion

DPSAC will complete installation of
the new PIV Card readers at 5635 Fishers Lane and Twinbrook I, II, and III on September 3, and at the Bayview Research Center, Baltimore on September 4. In all, 23 readers will be swapped out and programmed to read the HHS ID Badges/PIV Cards. 

Smart Card Alliance Celebrates Federal Government's ID Security Successes at HSPD-12 10th Anniversary Event

From the Smart Card Alliance, August 6, 2014


PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Aug. 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The federal government has been steadily moving towards higher levels of cybersecurity and efficiency in the 10 years following the signing of landmark security directive HSPD-12, government leaders shared last week at a special Smart Card Alliance HSPD-12 10th Anniversary event in Washington, D.C.

The event commemorated the government-wide security directive signed by President George W. Bush in August 2004, which drove momentous change in the way the U.S. federal government manages employee and contractor identities and access to government facilities. HSPD-12 and the resulting FIPS 201 standard established practices for verifying identities and issuing secure, reliable and tamper-proof PIV2 credentials that could be rapidly authenticated electronically across government.

PIV cards are issued to government employees and contractors for secure access to government buildings and IT systems, and the standards have been extended for non-federal and commercial use.


Some of the many successes celebrated at the Smart Card Alliance event included:

  • Today, more than 90 percent of all government employees and contractors have been issued PIV cards - a major achievement. In only 10 years, standards have been defined, PIV cards and card readers have been developed and produced, and secure issuance procedures, including background checks, have been developed and implemented government-wide.
  • Future goals include reaching 100 percent issuance, developing PIV and PIV-derived credentials for multiple devices including mobile, increased usage of digital signing and encryption of e-mails and transactions, and the acceptance of PIV credentials by physical access control systems (PACS) across the government.

Click here to read the full release. 

Safety Corner

Be Prepared for a Fire Emergency in Your Workplace

The following fire safety awareness article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services.


The following steps will help ensure you are prepared and ready to take action if a fire emergency were to occur in your workplace:

  • Post the fire department emergency phone number by your phone. When on the NIH Bethesda campus, dial 911 from an office phone (or 301-496-9911 from a cell). For off-campus NIH facilities dial 9-911 from an office phone (or 911 from a cell phone).
  • Locate the nearest fire alarm manual pull stations from your work area and know how to operate them.
  • Know the sound of your building fire alarm system so you know when to take action if your building fire alarm system is activated.
  • Know at least two ways out of your work area.
  • Familiarize yourself with the building you work in so you know how to evacuate the building from wherever you are in the building.
  • Participate in evacuation drills and familiarize yourself with NIH Policy Manual 1430 - NIH Occupant Evacuation Plan (http://oma.od.nih.gov/manualchapters/management/1430/) so you understand your building's Occupant Evacuation Plan.
If you have a disability, participate in the Occupant Emergency Organization for your building. Discuss in advance with the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination, Emergency Planning Coordinator (Phone: 301-496-1985) what assistance you will need to alert you and to help you leave your work area and get to a safe location.

If you have any fire safety issues or questions, please contact the Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services at 301-496-0487.

For occupant evacuation planning issues or questions, please contact the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination, Office of Research Services at 301-496-1985.

A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.