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May 14, 2014 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
Pedestrian Portal Added to PIV Card Reader Pilot Sites
Some PIV Card Holders Can Save an Extra Trip to DPSAC
NED Training Schedule for May and July, 2014
Helpful Tips
Spring Signals the Arrival of the 2014 'Class' of Summer Students at NIH
FAQs Focus on the New PIV Card Readers



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 




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Pedestrian Portal Added to PIV Card Reader Pilot Sites

Drivers and pedestrians entering the NIH campus are now able to try out the new PIV Card readers at four NIH campus perimeter entrances: three vehicle sites (both entry lanes at the South Drive & Route 355 entrance and the right entry lane at the South Drive & Old Georgetown Road entrance); and, one pedestrian site (the left-most portal at the Metro entrance). 

Before you use the new PIV Card readers at the perimeter sites
ORS has installed kiosks in several buildings on and off campus where
you can test your PIV Card with the new reader. DPSAC has discovered that some of the early PIV Cards may contain broken or defective antennas that would normally transmit the signal needed to operate the new PIV Card readers.*  

ORS is recommending you test your PIV Card at one of these kiosks before trying it out at one of the pilot entrances. This preliminary step will ensure that your PIV Card works properly with the new reader and will help avoid unnecessary delays.

You'll find these kiosks in the lobbies of the following buildings:
  •   Building 31A 
  •   Building 31C 
  •   Building 45 
  •   Building 10 (Clinical Center) North 
  •   Building 10 (Clinical Center) South 
  •   Bayview Biomedical Research Center (BRC), Baltimore, MD
If your PIV Card is broken, you will need to make an appointment with DPSAC's Facility Access Control ([email protected] or 301-451-4766) to have your badge reissued.


Note: If you find that your PIV Card is broken and the card's expiration date is within six months, contact your AO for early badge renewal.

Why NIH is changing to the new PIV Card readers
This transition to a new type of PIV Card reader is part of the continued implementation of HSPD-12, a federally mandated initiative that all federal agencies must adopt to better secure federal facilities.

Since 9/11, NIH has implemented a number of important changes toward that end, the most noticeable being: (1) the installation of a secure perimeter fence; (2) the issuance of a new identification credential, the PIV Card or HHS ID Badge, that, as its acronym suggests, requires personal identity verification; and now, (3) the adoption of a new PIV Card reader that will take advantage of the PIV Card's advanced technology to better authenticate the badge and its holder at controlled entry points.  

The upgraded readers will require using your PIV Card in a new way
PIV Card holders (employees, contractors and affiliates) will need to adopt a new way of using their PIV Cards.

Instead of being able to activate the perimeter entry point or critical infrastructure entry point by passing your badge near the reader, everyone will be need to remove their PIV Card from its holder, touch the card's flat surface against the new reader, and wait for a green light and beep signaling that the gate or door is open or unlocked.

The NIH Police and DPSAC will monitor users' experiences at each stage of the rollout and will make adjustments and improvements as needed to accommodate users and ensure a smooth transition.

Also, guards will be on hand with portable card readers to expedite the entry process should issues arise. If a driver happens to drop his or her badge on the ground during entry (a concern expressed by some drivers), a guard will be available to retrieve the badge.
Portable testing station available at off-campus locations 
ORS has also arranged to send a trained staff member equipped with a portable test station to several off-campus locations so employees, contractors and affiliates can test their PIV Cards without having to travel to the NIH campus. The remaining schedule for this traveling service is provided below:

Location: 6701 Rockledge Drive (lobby) 
Dates: Monday, May 5 through Friday, May 16 
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Location: 6707 Democracy Boulevard (lobby) 
Dates: Monday, May 19 through Friday, May 30 
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Location: 6001 Executive Boulevard (cafeteria)
Date: Monday, June 2 through Friday, June 6
Hourse of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

* The PIV Card comes equipped with two antennas. The old PIV Card reader uses the antenna that works at a frequency that can operate by proximity, so that as long as you are able to get your card near the reader it will pick up a signal.

The PIV Cards and new PIV Card readers operate at a frequency signal  that uses electronic induction similar to Metro Smart Trip cards. The cards remain in a passive state until they are electronically "induced" and activated by the new card reader or "induction source." This is generally more secure since the card is not continually broadcasting a signal, as in the case with the current technology that operates at a different frequency signal.


Some PIV Card Holders Can Save an Extra Trip to DPSAC


Individuals who discover their PIV Card is broken and their card has an expiration date within six months should contact their AO for early badge renewal.  


This will save the PIV Card holder from visiting DPSAC twice -- once to have their badge reissued due to a broken badge, and once, soon thereafter, to renew their expired badge.  


NED Training Schedule for May and July, 2014 

The HSPD-12 Program Office will be offering basic and advanced NED classes on May 30 and July 9, 2014. This training is designed to help beginners and advanced users quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment. All classes are FREE! 



Additional Classes in FY2014    

Watch this space for additional NED classes for the remainder of FY2014. Once the class dates and location are confirmed, they will be posted in
DPSAC News and on the DPSAC website under 'Training' at:


How to Enroll

The NED courses are posted on the CIT Training site where visitors can view availability for any class and receive a confirmation immediately after registering. The catalog of NED classes is posted at  
http://training.cit.nih.gov/coursecatalog.aspx under "General Seminars."

When you see a course you want to take, just click on the course name (listed in the right column of the table). You'll be taken to the HHS Learning Management System (LMS) where you can register for the course online.


To log onto the HHS Learning Management System you can use either your PIV card and PIN or your NIH credentials. If you experience any difficulties accessing the LMS, please contact the CIT Training Program at 301-594-6248 or send an e-mail to: [email protected]



Helpful Tips

Do not lend your HHS ID Badge (a.k.a. Smart Card, PIV Card) to anyone! -- lending out your PIV Card (HHS ID Badge) is prohibited. The issuance of the HHS ID Badge is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification.

ICs that want to add LWS operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: [email protected]. Your request should include the new operator's name, their IC, their NED number, as well as the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number.

Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to [email protected] to complete the approval process, add the name to the LWS operator roster and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.

Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, [email protected], and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).  


If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-451-4766 or 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control located in Building 31, Room B1A26 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.    


How to recover your old (expired) digital certificates
-- if you want to read signed or encrypted e-mail messages that you sent or received using a now-expired certificate, you first need to recover that certificate from the HHS Identity PIV Portal. For instructions on how to recover your old certificates, visit: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Documents/How_To_Recover_Certs.pdf.   

Spring Signals the Arrival of the 2014 'Class' of Summer Students at NIH  

It's that time of year again when summer students will be arriving at NIH to begin their summer internships. As in past years, summer students will not be fingerprinted, nor will the Security Checklist be used in 2014.

However, summer students will be required to undergo a name check against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) operated by the FBI in order to receive an NIH ID Badge. The NIH Police will administer the name check.  

Note: summer students under the age of 18 must also provide parental or legal guardian consent prior to the NCIC check.

Individuals with a successful check will be notified via e-mail that they have been authorized for an NIH ID Badge. Summer students will need to print this e-mail and take it to the South Lobby of the NIH Clinical Center (Building 10) to have their photograph taken and a non-PIV badge issued.  

Adding Summer Students to the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)
All incoming summer students must be added to the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) and sponsored for an NIH ID (Legacy) Badge before they can be granted physical access, and a network account if they require logical access.

When registering the person in NED, the AO/AT should:

  1. Select whatever classification is appropriate (e.g., FTE, etc.)

      and flag the record as a 'Summer Student'


  2. Select whether the individual requires both a badge and/or a

      network account


  3. Enter the four components of the Personally Identifiable  

      Information (PII): Legal Name, Date of Birth (DOB), Social Security  

      Number (SSN), and Place of Birth. Enter also the position  

      information, including an e-mail address.

  4. Sponsor the person for an ID Badge and/or network account


Remember to identify summer students as such in NED by selecting "Yes" to question 1a ("Is the applicant a Summer Student?") during the NED "Register/Activate process."  Summer student is defined as a person "accepted to the NIH Summer Intern Program."

Reminder: All Summer Student NIH ID badges will carry a September 30, 2014 expiration date.

The new person will have to follow the existing badge and account processes (outlined below) to receive their NIH ID (Legacy) Badge and network account.

Physical Access
After being sponsored in NED, summer students will undergo a background name check against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). This check is administered by the NIH Police.  

Once the results of the name check have been successfully reviewed by the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC), the summer student will be notified via e-mail that they have been authorized for an NIH ID Badge.  

The student will need to print that e-mail and take it to the South Lobby of the NIH Clinical Center to have their photograph taken and an NIH ID Badge issued.

The NIH ID badge will be valid for the duration of the summer student's appointment, but will expire no later than September 30, 2014. The NIH ID badge will provide access to unrestricted areas at NIH. Summer students must remain under escort in restricted areas.
Logical Access Exemption Request
In order to allow the summer students access to the NIH network, their NIH Active Directory account will need to be placed in one or more NIH Active Directory exemption groups.
If local network access is required -- the AT/AO will need to contact their IC's IT support group to request the exemption. In some cases, the IC may choose to route the request through their ISSO or designee. 

The individual handling the exemption request will move the summer student's NIH user account into the IC's "SC USER NOCARD EXEMPT" group.

If remote network access (i.e., VPN) is required -- please contact your IC's IT department for instructions.

Guide Spells Out Process for Ensuring Summer Student Access to NIH
The NIH Legacy Badge will provide access to unrestricted areas at NIH. However, summer students must remain under escort in restricted areas.

A handy one-page guide, "Summer Student Badge Policy for Access to Facilities and Information Systems" outlines the process for ensuring that summer students have the access needed to perform their duties. This access includes both physical access to NIH-managed facilities, and logical access to NIH computers and information systems.
For a complete copy of this guide as well as additional information about Summer Student policies, including processing summer students at remote locations, foreign summer students, and FDA summer students, visit: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/badge/Pages/students.aspx   

Website Offers Orientation Information
Before attending New Summer Employee Orientation, incoming students are urged to visit the Office of Human Resources 'New Summer Employee Orientation Information' website: http://hr.od.nih.gov/workingatnih/newemployee/summer/default.htm.

Visitors to the website will be prompted to visit each link and follow the directions prescribed in ALL seven topics posted there prior to their first day. A New Employee Orientation calendar is also provided on that site.


Q. If someone with an FDA PIV Card needs access to the NIH campus and/or certain buildings or rooms, how do they gain access to these facilities? 


A.  For persons using an FDA PIV Card who only need perimeter access, they can continue to use the FDA badge as a "flash pass." The guard will inspect the badge and allow the individual to proceed.   


For individuals who need an NIH Legacy badge to access the NIH campus and/or buildings or rooms, the DPSAC Personnel Security staff will verify valid fingerprints and/or that an investigation is completed. They will then notify the DPSAC Access Control team that an NIH Legacy badge can be issued. All customer service staff in Building 31, Room 1B03 are aware of this process.    



Q. I've been using my NIH Legacy Badge to get onto the NIH campus. Will I still be able to use my legacy badge to enter the NIH campus once the new card readers are installed along the perimeter entrances?  


A. Yes. NIH Legacy badges should work at all gate entrances. The card readers will be programmed to differentiate between Legacy and PIV Badges. With the exception of a few older legacy badges still in use at NIH, the NIH legacy badges are equipped with technology that will enable them to work with the new card readers. So there should be no issue with access to the campus. 

Q. I've used one of the pilot vehicle entrances to get onto campus. I was wondering whether a date has been set when all entrances will be using the new PIV Card readers.

To date, ORS has installed four of the new readers at perimeter entrances -- the two vehicle entrances at South Drive and Route 355 (Metro), the right lane vehicle entrance at South Drive and Old Georgetown Road, and the left-most pedestrian portal at the Metro entrance.   


ORS is monitoring these sites for potential issues. When the pilot study concludes toward the end of May, ORS will evaluate the results. Any changes to mitigate existing problems and improve the user experience with these new card readers will be implemented before the new readers are made operational campus-wide.

ORS anticipates that it will complete the installation of the new PIV Card readers toward the end of June. ORS will notify the NIH community once it is ready to activate the remaining PIV Card readers. Stay tuned.

Q. My badge works perfectly fine on the existing readers, but not on the test HSPD-12 reader in the south lobby of building 10. Could my antenna still be broken? Do I need a new badge? Also, my current badge expires on August 10, 2014 so I don't know if I should wait until around then to get a renewal or get a new one ASAP.  Guidance would be appreciated. 


A. Your badge contains two antennas, one of which has been used to operate the gates and portals equipped with the old card readers. If the PIV Card Reader at the pilot or test readers does not show a sustained green light when you place (and hold) your PIV Card on the reader, the second antenna that's used with the new readers is probably broken.


You will need to make an appointment through Access Control to obtain a replacement badge.


         DPSAC Access Control Office

         Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

         E-mail: [email protected] 

         Badging Center: Building 31, Room B1A26

         Badging Center: Building 10, Room 1C52  


Important: If you find that your PIV Card is broken and the card's expiration date is within six months, contact your AO for early badge renewal.      

Q. If my PIV Card is broken, and it expires within six months, what will I need to do when I ask my AO to put me in for an early renewal? Will I have to complete the fingerprints, picture and background investigation again?


A. Should you find that your PIV Card is broken and it expires within six months, you should ask your AO to put you in for early renewal. The AO will need to complete an early renewal task in NED.  


Following this action by your AO, you will receive notification to make an appointment at a Badge Issuance station to renew your PIV Card (HHS ID Badge). The locations of all Badge Issuance stations are posted at: 

Assuming your NED record was not changed (e.g., you didn't change your name, elevate your position classification and your background investigation was adjudicated and closed), you will not need to undergo a new background investigation. Nor will you need to be photographed or fingerprinted again.

Q. Is it only PERIMETER gates where the new PIV Card readers will be installed, or will internal building readers be switched over as well?


A. The readers are being installed primarily at the perimeter entrances. Some secure or restricted interior locations will be equipped with the new readers as well.   



Q. Other than using the digital certificates enclosed in the cards for physical access is there any other information being read from the card?   

A. No

Q. How does this the implementation of the new PIV Card readers affect Extended Visitor badges [NIH Legacy badges]?

 A. The PIV Card readers will be programed to differentiate between PIV Cards and NIH Legacy badges to allow them both to work.
A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.