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In This Issue...
Smart Disaster Planning Steps
A Simplified Home Office Deduction
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Suzanne LoBiondo, CPA

Christopher Cheeseman, CPA

Dear Clients and Friends, 


It's hard to believe that another summer is already upon us.  The years seem to go by so quickly so we hope you make time to enjoy the summer and spend time doing the things you love. 


June is a month of celebrations.  We wish all the dads out there a happy Father's Day, and our congratulations to those who have children or grandchildren graduating this month.




Warm wishes for the warmer months!



Suzanne LoBiondo and Christopher Cheeseman 


Smart Disaster Planning Steps


Too often natural disasters strike and serve as reminders that it's important for both individuals and businesses to protect themselves against the potential financial consequences of such events.  No one wants a repeat of 2012's Superstorm Sandy that hit the east coast. But if we do, are you ready?


A few smart steps we recommend include making electronic backups of important records, including your insurance policies, tax returns, bank and credit card account information, and vital records. It is critical that you store this backup in a separate location that will be easy to access if your area suffers damage. You should also take the time to take pictures or videos of your home or business and store them separately in case you need to make an insurance claim.


If you run a business, you must consider how you will get up and running again after a disaster. It's a good idea to develop contingency plans that will enable employees to work from home or elsewhere if your location is damaged or inaccessible. Both businesses and families should consider using phone trees or other methods to maintain contact in an emergency. Review your contact and contingency plans every year to be sure they are up to date.



  A Simplified Home Office Deduction

Do you work at home or have a home-based business? If so, you should be aware that the IRS has created a simpler option for calculating the deduction for the business use of your home. The new option makes recordkeeping easier because, instead of maintaining records of specific home office expenses, you can use a standard rate per square foot. The rate is $5 per square foot (up to a maximum of 300 sq. feet or $1,500) for qualifying business use space in place of taking a pro rata percentage of items such as mortgage interest, taxes and repairs.


Keep in mind there are good and bad aspects to this "simpler" method. The new method gives you back your full interest and tax deduction on schedule A, but you will lose your depreciation and loss carryover deductions. Of course, you must still use your home office regularly and exclusively for business. This may be a welcome relief for some taxpayers, but it might not be the best choice for others.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 516-791-1303 or info@clcpasllp.com
About C&L Tax and Accounting Services LLP
clC&L Tax and Accounting Services LLP is a boutique CPA firm that specializes in meeting the tax and accounting needs of individuals and small businesses. Our experienced tax and accounting professionals offer clients insightful and strategic tax planning and compliance services that maximize savings year after year.

C&L Tax and Accounting Services LLP's offers a wide range of tax and accounting planning, compliance and consulting services for both individuals and small businesses. We invite you to peruse our capabilities and contact us for a consultation.