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Newsletter, Fall 2013: Volume 1, Issue 1
In This Issue
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Dear KJZZ Listeners, 
Jim Paluzzi
Jim Paluzzi

We all like to be thanked when we do good things.  The act of thanking someone almost always deepens the relationship between the giver and the receiver.  And, while some of us are happy with a simple "thank you," others appreciate the opportunity that a "thank you" provides to take the relationship to a higher level.

That's why I'm writing you.  If thanking you for your support is sufficient, well, please accept my deepest appreciation for your support of KJZZ.  Your contribution means so much to me, because it's really more than money ... it tells me that what we do matters.

On the other hand, if you would like to view your contribution as the next step in deepening our relationship, then I invite you to step forward.  If you haven't been to our studios at Rio Salado College, consider taking a tour of our facilities.  I think you will find a studio tour to be a fascinating experience.  Perhaps you might be interested in participating in Group 91.Five, our networking group of young professionals.  If you are the kind of person who likes to roll up your sleeves and get to work, consider joining our team of volunteers who answer the phones during our membership drives.

Every day, more and more of our listeners are becoming sustaining members, giving automatically each month, instead of once or twice a year.  Sustaining members are a special kind of member.  I have observed that many of our sustaining members are genuinely concerned about more than the programs we air; sustaining members care deeply about the community we serve.  So, perhaps you might want to consider sustaining us in ways that go beyond your financial support:  we always need volunteers to read on the air at Sun Sounds, our radio reading service for people with visual disabilities.  Or, you might find an exciting opportunity volunteering to mentor young people at Spot 127, KJZZ's youth media center.

Every time I meet a member for the first time, I get excited, knowing that the chances are quite good that we will soon transition from first meeting to friend.  However, it's not required.  Perhaps my thanks is enough for you.  On the other hand, if you would like to get to know us better, we sure would be happy to make it so.  Just say the word, and we'll work with you to take our relationship to the next level.  I look forward to the opportunity to get to know you better!

And, as always, it gives me great pleasure to say "thank you for your support!"

Best regards,

Jim Paluzzi
Vice President of the Division of Public Service

Programming Highlights
Have You Heard?
By Jon Hoban, Chief Content Officer

KJZZ proudly presents a handful of new programs.  We continue to strive to be the best public radio service in the country and serve with the news, information and entertainment that you deserve.  Our new program line-up includes two audio masterpieces: Radiolab and Snap Judgment.  Read more about these programs below. 


We have also added more news updates on the weekend as well as more metro Phoenix stories every weekday.   We want to keep you connected to our community and bring you the news from Phoenix, Arizona and the nation. 


You can find more information on the programs and see the complete schedule here.  

Snap Judgement
Radiolab is an experiential investigation that explores themes and ideas through a patchwork of people, sounds, and stories. Radiolab experiments with sound and style allowing science to fuse with culture, and information to sound like music. Read More.




On Sunday, it's Snap Judgment.  Snap Judgment tells intriguing stories about extraordinary and defining events in people's lives. The program's raw, intimate, and musical brand of storytelling dares listeners to see a sliver of the world through another's eye. Snap Judgment's fast-paced (sometimes dark, sometimes playful) narrative highlights people from across the globe who put everything on the line.  Read More.  


Inside Your Membership
Leadership Society                Leadership Society Member of the Month  
Jeremy Hobson
Jeremy Hobson
Here & Now Co-Host
Back To Radio Night   

Leadership Society members are invited to join KJZZ and K-BACH staff for Back To Radio Night, featuring Jeremy Hobson, Here & Now Co-Host on Thursday, October 10, 2013 at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts.  Enoy wine and hors d'oeuvres and connect with your favorite public radio personalities and fellow listeners.    


We will be sending invitations in the mail to Leadership Society members.  Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday, October 3, 2013 to Claire Kerrigan at 480-774-8444.

Sustaining Members                      Sustaining Member of the Month
It's Our Way Of Saying Thanks 
KJZZ is grateful for its Sustaining members.  To adequately say thank you, KJZZ automatically enters all Sustaining members into our contests during our on-air fund drives.  Past KJZZ contests have included trips to Paris, Italy, Hawaii, The Azore Islands, and more.  In addition, KJZZ periodically offers free tickets to movies, concerts and special events throughout the Valley.

If you are a member of KJZZ and want to learn more about how to become a Sustaining member, call the KJZZ membership line at 480-774-8400 or visit www.KJZZ.org.

Member News                                          Member of the Month
KJZZ Travels to Costa Rica Costa Rica Participants
KJZZ members and listeners traveled to Costa Rica, April 14 - 24, 2013 on an Ecological Study Tour hosted by KJZZ's General Manager Jim Paluzzi and News Director Peter O'Dowd. 

This was a remarkable journey through lush jungles, tropical gardens and vibrant could forests including a first-hand look at how journalists work. "We are pleased that KJZZ listeners had such a wonderful and memorable experience learning and exploring the natural wonders of Costa Rica," said Director of Development Linda Pastori.  To see more photos of Costa Rica click here.

KJZZ will be hosting more educational journeys in the future.  We are happy to announce that the next scheduled trip to Cuba, November 9 - 18, 2013 is sold out.  Keep an eye out for the next KJZZ adventure in 2014!
Legacy Society
Successful RoundtablesRoundtable
In 2013, the Legacy Society premiered a series of roundtable lectures on topics related to estate planning with great success.  The first roundtable, "Estate Planning for The Novice", welcomed 63 participants and the second roundtable, "All You Ever Wanted To Know About Insurance", welcomed 36 participants. 

The Legacy Society will be sponsoring additional roundtables with new areas of interest.  Everyone is welcome to attend. For information on upcoming roundtables click here or contact (480) 774-8444 or plannedgiving@rioradio.org.

Ms. Mary Jo Pitzl
KJZZ Leadership Society Member of the MonthMs. Mary Jo Pitzl

"KJZZ is important to me because, as a journalist myself, I appreciate the news programming the station does, both locally, nationally and internationally.  When I'm in my car, whether for work assignments or errands, KJZZ is a worthy road companion and keeps me updated when I can't read the newspaper or web. Although I think the weekend programming is getting too heavy on games, I love that you have kept Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me since one of my little ambitions is to be a contestant on that show!  I also like it when the station picks up a story I might have written for The Arizona Republic."


Volunteer Update
No Volunteers During Pledge Drives As Construction BeginsVolunteers
Each pledge drive the KJZZ conference room transforms into a volunteer center where members share their time to answer phones.

This same space will be the temporary home for our KJZZ reporters as construction begins this fall in the KJZZ newsroom.  We are designing the newsroom to create a more collaborative, productive and active space.  We're sure you'll be pleased with the final result.

Thank you to everyone who shares their time with us during pledge drives.  We'll be in touch when the renovations are complete.  If you would like to learn more about volunteering with KJZZ,
click here.

Group 91.Five: KJZZ's Young Professionals
Audience and panel
What I Wish I Knew About Starting A Business 
Group 91.Five in partnership with the Arizona Community Foundation launched its semi-annual symposium, What I Wish I Knew About Starting a Business. The inaugural event drew 200 attendees and featured some of the Valley's top entrepreneurs who provided insight and "lessons learned" on how to create a successful business.

Special thanks to KJZZ reporter, Nick Blumberg who moderated the event and to all of our community partners for their support. Event partners include: Small Business Administration, City of Phoenix, Arizona Community Foundation, Arizona Commerce Authority, the Arizona Small Business Development Center and Rio Salado College.

It's 80's Night at St. Mary's Foodbank  
Group 91.Five took a trip back in time for 80's Night at St. Mary's Food Bank. The group dressed up in 80's garb and helped pack 900 emergency food boxes which will provide 18,900 meals for Valley families. Special thanks to group members Kimberly Roland, David Martinez, Marcos Ruiz, Jose Medina, Hugo Polanco, Crystal Burnett & Bianca Roman for their support!  Find out how you can participate.

Vehicle Donations  


Vehicle Donations In Fiscal 2012/13
KJZZ receives more and more vehicle donations from our members each year.  In fiscal year 2012/13 KJZZ received 292 vehicles which provided financial support to the bottom line.  Thank you!  To donate your vehicle, call 1-855-565-5599 or complete the online form.     
Upcoming Events
October 9, 2013:  CANCELED - Please note this event will be rescheduled.
Legacy Society Roundtable 1 - "How the US Debt is Impacting Your Investments As Well As Charitable Giving", Rio Salado Conference Center

November 6, 2013: 
Legacy Society Roundtable 2 - "Are Your Valuables Really Valuable? A look at what is needed in the appraisal process for wills and estate planning", Rio Salado Conference Center

March 1, 2014:  Great Arizona Beer Festival, Tempe Beach Park

March 8, 2014:  12th Annual First Press Wine Dinner & Auction, Montelucia Resort & Spa

May 3-4, 2014:  KJZZ Travel and Adventure Expo, Phoenix Convention Center

Station News
Blaise Lantana
Jazz Season Begins!
By Blaise Lantana, Music Director   
The season begins with top talent concerts and lots of exciting new music to enjoy.  Natalie Cole sings at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts September 26 with highlights from the new Spanish album which you've been hearing on KJZZ.  Join me for the 9:00 p.m. special on Natalie Thursday, September 19 to get you in the mood. 

Singer Songwriter Gretchen Parlato has a show at the Tempe Center for the Arts on Saturday, September 28.  She will be chatting with us in studio on Friday, September 27 about how she started her career and how she writes a song.

Read more about upcoming events , check out the jazz calendar, or listen to jazz.
Spot 127: KJZZ's Youth Media Center
New Episode:  Served 
By Greg Pereira, Executive Director Spot 127 
Over the summer, students from SPOT 127 created a food show called Served that takes viewers on a behind the scenes tour of the Valley's best food spots. Designed for the web, Served will be a monthly show that highlights the diversity and creativity of Arizona's food scene, while providing at-home tips for viewers.  Read More.
"Honey Moon Sweets"
SPOT 127 -  SERVED Episode
"Sun Orchards"

SPOT 127, KJZZ's Youth Media Center uses journalism and digital media to empower at-risk high school students to stay in school and develop the technical and life skills necessary to succeed in education and in life. For more information about SPOT 127, please visit www.spot127.org

Friends of Public Radio Arizona
Louis Stanley
Update From The Board
By Louis Stanley, Associate General Manager / Executive Director FPRAZ
Mark Dioguardi, Chair of Friends of Public Radio Arizona (FPRAZ), and the twenty-member board are excited to continue building and strengthening the collaborative partnership between our communities and Maricopa County Community College District's (MCCCD's) public radio stations, KJZZ 91.5 and K-BACH 89.5.

On deck for this fiscal year are a number of initiatives designed to engage our audiences for both stations, including audience research, digital marketing, and the renovation of the existing KJZZ newsroom. The Board approved a 2013-14 budget including expenditures to transform the KJZZ newsroom into a state-of-the-art collaborative news space.  FPRAZ was please to accept the lead gift for this nearly half-million dollar project from long-time listener and member, Deeann J. Griebel, and board members continue to work with staff to identify additional support. 
Read More.
Sun Sounds Logo
Volunteer Orientation
By Andrea Pasquale, Manager Programming/Volunteers

Almost every month Sun Sounds holds a one-hour volunteer orientation session for prospective volunteers.  It is at these sessions that prospective volunteers learn about Sun Sounds and the Department of Public Service and may sign up to take a reading test. All are welcome to attend.  If you're interested in attending an upcoming volunteer orientation, please fill out the volunteer application form

KJZZ 91.5 FM
2323 West 14th Street | Tempe, Arizona 85281
Phone: 480.774.8400 | Fax: 480.774.8475
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