Volunteers Needed!
Pisgah is now enrolling new families and looking forward to having them join our community. We need many mentor moms and dads to make sure our new families have successful transitions to Pisgah in the fall. For more information, please call the admission office at 678-336-3443 or email Tammy Mozingo by clicking here.

1. $272,963 in new gifts and pledge payments is needed to meet the $770,000 Annual Fund goal! This year's Annual Fund Donor Proof will come out in March. Pledges are payable until June 30, 2015, but your family will be included in the proof if we receive your gift today, March 2. Click here for the different ways to make your gift or pledge.

2. In order to receive an additional $500,000 grant, Pisgah needs to raise $83,358 toward debt reduction. Give toward this effort by making a commitment to Building for the Future.

3. The deadline to complete your approved GOAL application is March 31. If you have questions about completing the process, please contact Alli Sheets at 678-336-3371 or asheets@mount

For more information or to make a gift, contact Director of Advancement Melissa Santee at msantee@mount

Tiffany Searcy to Serve on Art Education Board

Student Leadership Johns Creek Teaches Student (William Custis) About Community

State Basketball Primer: a Historical Look at the First Round on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Blog

Isabel Donnolo's Trick Golf Shot on ESPN

Five Boys' Teams Qualify for State Tournament

Local Wrestlers Advance to Area Meets
Experience 4,000 years of history in ten days, from Dec. 26, 2015, to Jan. 6, 2016, with Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church Pastor Steve Wood and Pastor Mike Roper. See Galilee, visit the Mount of Beatitude, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Nazareth, Masada, Jerusalem, and more while deepening your faith and growing your relationship with Jesus.

Families are encouraged to participate, and spaces are limited.

The next monthly information session will be Sunday, April 12 at 11:30 a.m. in the Global Room on North Campus.

For more information or to make a reservation click here or contact Regina Maxfield at rmaxfield@mount
or 678-336-3124.
Today, March 2, is the deadline to get your family's name in the Donor Proof! This year's Donor Proof will go out the week after spring break. Every year, we send members of the Pisgah community this proof -- a first draft of the Annual Fund donor list that will be included in the official Annual Report -- to make sure names are spelled correctly, that individuals are not inadvertently omitted and to remind families to pay their Annual Fund commitments before June 30.

While pledges are payable until June 30, 2015, for your family to be included in the Donor Proof, the Advancement Office will need to receive your Annual Fund gift today, March 2. Click here to give now or copy and paste experiencepisgah.org/givenow into your browser.
Pisgah Book Fair Extended Through This Week
Pisgah's Book Fair has been extended! Due to days off last week for inclement weather, the Pisgah Book Fair will continue this week:

March 3, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
March 4, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
March 5, 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

If you can't make it to the Book Fair, you can also help support our school by shopping online - click here. If you have any questions, please contact Pisgah Librarian Susie Gard at SGard@mountpisgahschool.org.
Head of School John Marshall: Pisgah By The Numbers
Happy March! I hope spring will arrive soon. As we turn the calendar to begin a new month, the forecast promises warmer weather ahead. I hope you and your family enjoy a refreshing spring break filled with meaningful activities and relaxation. In particular, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding given our weather-related decisions in recent weeks. Deciding whether to postpone or cancel school due to inclement weather is never easy or made lightly, and I am grateful that our families are flexible as we strive to make the best decisions for our students. Please remember that safety is our top priority. Even if our school is open for business, we do not expect you to take safety risks to transport your child to campus. We trust your judgment. Tardies and absences are always excused if you believe there is a safety risk in getting to campus.

OK, enough about the weather. In this exciting admission season, I'm often asked, "What sets Pisgah apart?"

Several things come readily to mind: exceptionally motivated faculty and students, engaged parents and an unwavering commitment to pursuing excellence in academics and Christian values.

We often tell our story through numbers. We've just developed a fairly simple illustration that demonstrates the value of a Pisgah education. I invite you to help us to share this insightful information throughout our school community and beyond.

On behalf of our faculty and staff, thank you for partnering with us in the education of your children.
Click here to see Pisgah By The Numbers.
Kent Harrison Named Athletic Director
Kent Harrison has been appointed athletic director at Mount Pisgah Christian School. He will begin his new role on June 1, 2015. He brings to Pisgah a wealth of experience and passion for Christian education.

Harrison's appointment marks the culmination of a national search that began in January, during which the school received more than 300 applications. Click here to read more.
5th Grade Math Explores Flipped Classroom
Has your child ever had math homework that he or she does not understand and it is a stretch for you to remember what to do? Or has your child ever told you that your way is not the "correct" way to solve a math problem? These issues have become rare in the homes of my fifth grade math students as I am implementing what is called a "flipped classroom." This concept can be scary to both educators and families. Click here to read more and view a photo gallery of the flipped classroom.
Middle School Students Are Happy To Serve
Pisgah Middle School students were honored to serve at the YMCA of Alpharetta on Service Day! Dressed for success, students wore "Happy To Serve" T-shirts and hopped on the buses for a day of serving and learning. At the YMCA, students and teachers rotated through various service groups, where we aided those outside of our community and also learned how to better serve those within our school community. Click here to read more and view a gallery of our middle school students in action!
Commitment At The Upper School
Ask any student or teacher and they will easily say that February feels like THE longest month of the year, when in reality we know it is the shortest. February was a month where students prayed for snow days (which obviously worked!), dreamed of spring break and couldn't imagine how they would make it to March. When I looked around the Upper School last month, I saw students and faculty pushing through the long days, and I can only describe their effort with one word: commitment. Click here to read more.
Preschool Full Day Focused On Reading
Pisgah Preschool Full Day has marched right into the wonderful month of March. After spreading lots of love in February, we are now focused on reading. Recently, all preschool teachers attended two training sessions led by Maria Abercrombie, "Brain Development in Young Children" and "Get Ready to Read." Click here to read more and view a photo gallery of students celebrating Dr. Seuss on Silly Hat Day.
Celebrating Moms In Preschool Half Day
It has been more than a century since the tradition of children celebrating mothers on the second Sunday in May was officially dubbed Mother's Day by President Woodrow Wilson. Since then, on this special day, handcrafted cards adorned with doilies, heart-shaped boxes filled with tissue paper creations and candy and chocolates galore have been presented to our dear mamas in recognition of the many sacrifices they make on our behalf. Click here to read more and view a gallery of images from Mornings With Mom.
Kimberly Clark STEM Presentation
Third graders were treated to "Engineering Your Future," hosted by Kimberly Clark representatives Terri Harrison, mother of third grader Ashley Harrison, and her colleague, engineer Janna Bevins. They explained their roles in product development and engineering, as well as their career paths in the STEM field. Click here to read more.
Creative Thinking Leads To Human-Centered Design
This semester is the first time the Upper School has offered a design thinking course. Based on the Stanford University methodology of finding and solving design challenges that impact the human condition, design thinking is a 21st century approach that challenges students to become empathetic, self-aware innovators. Through group discussions and activities, the 10 students in the course have become exposed to new ways to approach design through ideation, research and prototyping. This course has required these students to collaborate with their peers to gain new perspectives on life. Click here to read more and view a photo gallery.
Pisgah Girls Golf, Not Your Ordinary Varsity Team
How do you start a successful varsity athletic program at any school?
(1) Survey families to discover interest in the sport.
(2) Designate funds in the budget. Secure a qualified coach with a passion for teaching kids.
(3) And start the program at the middle school or junior varsity level.

OR (1) You can find a Pisgah parent (like me) as she is... Click here to read more and view a photo gallery.
Lower School Chorus Sings At Primary Night 
Led by Mr. Bob Denham, our lower school chorus sang the national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," at the Feb. 6 Primary Night, which began before the junior varsity boys and varsity boys and girls basketball teams played St. Francis. Click here or the image below to view the video. A special thank you to parent Erik Alford for sharing the video.
Mount Pisgah Christian School | www.experiencepisgah.org
9820 Nesbit Ferry Road | Johns Creek, GA 30022