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                                                                                                                    November, 2014                                                                                      

"Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. 
Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse."
                                                                     ~ Henry Van Dyke
In This Issue
YTNR's Forever T-Shirt
Donor Recognition
Happy Endings
Supermodel Athena Maria
Neeko's Joke
Thank You LifeLine4paws
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Julie Gedro ~ Gratitude


Greetings, YTNR Friends!

There is something about November that is refreshing. The temperature drops, the leaves have fallen, the moon is bright and thoughts turn to giving thanks for the wondrous gifts that we have. My gratitude list is long. Here are some highlights.

The picture is of a spring in Congress Park in Saratoga Springs, New York. I have been taking time in the mornings to do some prayer and meditation before starting my days.
I am grateful for the following:

�   Nicholas and Leiko

�   The memories and presence of Max, Buzz, Precious, Pete, Zack and Mr. T.

�   The YTNR Community

�   Stack Veterinary Hospital in Syracuse, 
New York

�   Empire State College; my colleagues, students, and former students

�   Social media, which helps keep us connected

�   The University of Georgia

�   My health and strength

�   Choices

�   Mobility

�   The availability of clean water to drink, cook and bathe

�   Books

�   Film

�   Music

�   Theatre

�   My eyesight

�   My quirky little house

�   The library

�   Healers of all kinds: body, mind and spirit

�   Cycling

�   Running

�   Meditation

I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you each month. I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.

Julie, Nicholas and Leiko


Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Forever T-Shirt

Our beautiful T-Shirt will help us raise the much needed funds for our sweet innocent rescues that need medical assistance.

With a donation of $35.00 you can help us save the abandoned/surrendered Yorkies and spread the word about our organization. Only USA shipping.

You can just click on the undefined to be directed to our PayPal account or send check to YTNR  1065 Lewis Road, Chapmansboro, TN 37035

When ordering, please Add Note to Seller about the size you wish to buy. We have: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large and XX-Large. Limited quantities in each size.  
We very much appreciate your support.

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed."
~ Maya Angelou


Special Thanks to this month's Donors 

 Thank You to the Many Wonderful Generous October Contributors



 General Fund   


Rosemarie Ellison
William Blair
Dr Tamera Britton  in memory of Licorice Green
Amalia Spaulding
Jennifer Griffith
Susan Santora in memory of Skye
Karl Cremieux


~ Lexi ~
Paul Sherman  
Diana Moss
Bette Gae Dart
Bonnie Medina
Diane Cuomo
Lisa Lehmann
Pieter Vermeulen
Hannelie Vermeulen  
Antoinette Lowery
Patti Kushnir

~ Sunshine ~
Pieter Vermeulen
Hannelie Vermeulen

Hannelie Vermeulen   





Yorkie Angel Donors 


Bette Gae Dart *

Hannelie Vermeulen *

Kathryn C Schuller *

Lindsay Hardin *

Pieter Vermeulen *

Karin & Alan Nakashima *

MaryElizabeth Dugmore *

Betty Jo Williams *

Bonnie Medina *

Brenda Jasper * 

Carla Puckett *  


* monthly donor 

We couldn't do it without you... 


The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Inc. is run solely on private donations and fund raising efforts made by people like you who love this Breed. 
We appreciate your support ♥


We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Happy Endings

In the pet store Jimmie Kushnir picked out his toy and carries it to
the counter for payment.
Jimmie buying his toy in store
Jimmie buying his toy in store Part 1

off to the car happy with his new toy
Jimmie carrying toy outside  Part 2
Jimmie carrying toy outside Part 2

Supermodel Athena Maria Aphrodite
The Goddess of Wisdom and Love.....

"So while it's true that Thanksgiving only comes but once a year, we should actually celebrate thanks each and every day. It's just a matter of learning to live with a spirit of gratitude." - Unknown


Neeko Red
Neeko's Joke ;o)


~ A minister was asked to dinner by one of his parishioners
who he knew as being an unkempt housekeeper.

When he sat down at the table, he noticed that the dishes
were the dirtiest that he had ever seen in his life.

"Were these dishes ever washed?" he asked his hostess,
running his fingers over the grit and grime.

She replied, "They're as clean as soap and water could
get them".

He felt a bit apprehensive, but blessed the food anyway
and started eating.

It was really delicious and he said so, despite the dirty dishes.

When dinner was over, the hostess took the dishes outside
and shouted, "Here Soap! Here Water!" 




Love to all, 

Neeko ♥                                                                                         BackToTop
Thank You LifeLine4Paws
Every time we remember to say "thank you",
 we experience nothing less than heaven on earth. 
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Chris Hogan, 
Executive Vice President 
of the Hogan Family Foundation Inc, is the
Program Director of Lifeline-4-Paws. She is a YTNR member 
 and has generously supported our rescue efforts, contributing 
tens of thousands of dollars to over 120 of our dogs since 2007.